import { showNotification } from 'actions/notifications'; import { broadCastTxFailed, BroadcastTxRequestedAction, broadcastTxSucceded, setBalance, setTokenBalances, setWallet, UnlockKeystoreAction, UnlockMnemonicAction, UnlockPrivateKeyAction } from 'actions/wallet'; import { changeNodeIntent } from 'actions/config'; import TransactionSucceeded from 'components/ExtendedNotifications/TransactionSucceeded'; import { INode } from 'libs/nodes/INode'; import { Wei } from 'libs/units'; import { IWallet, MnemonicWallet, getPrivKeyWallet, getKeystoreWallet, Web3Wallet } from 'libs/wallet'; import { NODES, initWeb3Node } from 'config/data'; import React from 'react'; import { SagaIterator } from 'redux-saga'; import { apply, call, cps, fork, put, select, takeEvery } from 'redux-saga/effects'; import { getNetworkConfig, getNodeLib } from 'selectors/config'; import { getTokens, getWalletInst } from 'selectors/wallet'; import translate from 'translations'; function* updateAccountBalance(): SagaIterator { try { const wallet: null | IWallet = yield select(getWalletInst); if (!wallet) { return; } const node: INode = yield select(getNodeLib); const address = yield apply(wallet, wallet.getAddressString); // network request const balance: Wei = yield apply(node, node.getBalance, [address]); yield put(setBalance(balance)); } catch (error) { yield put({ type: 'updateAccountBalance_error', error }); } } function* updateTokenBalances(): SagaIterator { try { const node: INode = yield select(getNodeLib); const wallet: null | IWallet = yield select(getWalletInst); const tokens = yield select(getTokens); if (!wallet || !node) { return; } // FIXME handle errors const address = yield apply(wallet, wallet.getAddressString); // network request const tokenBalances = yield apply(node, node.getTokenBalances, [ address, tokens ]); yield put( setTokenBalances( tokens.reduce((acc, t, i) => { acc[t.symbol] = tokenBalances[i]; return acc; }, {}) ) ); } catch (error) { console.log(error); yield put({ type: 'UPDATE_TOKEN_BALANCE_FAILED', error }); } } function* updateBalances(): SagaIterator { yield fork(updateAccountBalance); yield fork(updateTokenBalances); } export function* unlockPrivateKey( action: UnlockPrivateKeyAction ): SagaIterator { let wallet: IWallet | null = null; const { key, password } = action.payload; try { wallet = getPrivKeyWallet(key, password); } catch (e) { yield put(showNotification('danger', translate('INVALID_PKEY'))); return; } yield put(setWallet(wallet)); } export function* unlockKeystore(action: UnlockKeystoreAction): SagaIterator { const { file, password } = action.payload; let wallet: null | IWallet = null; try { wallet = getKeystoreWallet(file, password); } catch (e) { yield put(showNotification('danger', translate('ERROR_6'))); return; } // TODO: provide a more descriptive error than the two 'ERROR_6' (invalid pass) messages above yield put(setWallet(wallet)); } function* unlockMnemonic(action: UnlockMnemonicAction): SagaIterator { let wallet; const { phrase, pass, path, address } = action.payload; try { wallet = MnemonicWallet(phrase, pass, path, address); } catch (err) { // TODO: use better error than 'ERROR_14' (wallet not found) yield put(showNotification('danger', translate('ERROR_14'))); return; } yield put(setWallet(wallet)); } // inspired by v3: // function* unlockWeb3(): SagaIterator { const failMsg1 = 'Could not connect to MetaMask / Mist.'; const failMsg2 = 'No accounts found in MetaMask / Mist.'; const { web3 } = window as any; if (!web3 || !web3.eth) { yield put(showNotification('danger', translate(failMsg1))); return; } try { yield call(initWeb3Node); const network =; const accounts = yield cps(web3.eth.getAccounts); if (!accounts.length) { yield put(showNotification('danger', translate(failMsg2))); return; } const address = accounts[0]; yield put(changeNodeIntent('web3')); yield put(setWallet(new Web3Wallet(web3, address, network))); } catch (err) { console.error(err); yield put(showNotification('danger', translate(err.message))); } } function* broadcastTx(action: BroadcastTxRequestedAction): SagaIterator { const signedTx = action.payload.signedTx; try { const node: INode = yield select(getNodeLib); const network = yield select(getNetworkConfig); const txHash = yield apply(node, node.sendRawTx, [signedTx]); yield put( showNotification( 'success', , 0 ) ); yield put(broadcastTxSucceded(txHash, signedTx)); } catch (error) { yield put(showNotification('danger', error.message)); yield put(broadCastTxFailed(signedTx, error.message)); } } export default function* walletSaga(): SagaIterator { // useful for development yield call(updateBalances); yield [ takeEvery('WALLET_UNLOCK_PRIVATE_KEY', unlockPrivateKey), takeEvery('WALLET_UNLOCK_KEYSTORE', unlockKeystore), takeEvery('WALLET_UNLOCK_MNEMONIC', unlockMnemonic), takeEvery('WALLET_UNLOCK_WEB3', unlockWeb3), takeEvery('WALLET_SET', updateBalances), takeEvery('CUSTOM_TOKEN_ADD', updateTokenBalances), takeEvery('WALLET_BROADCAST_TX_REQUESTED', broadcastTx) ]; }