import { delay } from 'redux-saga'; import { cloneableGenerator, createMockTask } from 'redux-saga/utils'; import { take, race, fork, call, cancel, apply, cancelled, put, select } from 'redux-saga/effects'; import { getAllRates, getOrderStatus, postOrder } from 'api/bity'; import shapeshift from 'api/shapeshift'; import configuredStore from 'features/store'; import { transactionTypes } from 'features/transaction'; import { walletTypes } from 'features/wallet'; import { notificationsActions } from 'features/notifications'; import * as types from './types'; import * as actions from './actions'; import * as reducer from './reducer'; import * as selectors from './selectors'; import * as sagas from './sagas'; configuredStore.getState(); //#region Lite Send describe('swap: Sagas (Lite Send)', () => { describe('Testing handle configure lite send', () => { const generators = { original: cloneableGenerator(sagas.handleConfigureLiteSend)() }; const { original } = generators; it('forks a configureLiteSend saga', () => { const expectedYield = fork(sagas.configureLiteSendSaga); expect(; }); it('races between three conditions, either the transaction state is reset, the user navigated away from the page, or bitty/shapeshift polling as finished', () => { const mockedTask = createMockTask(); const expectedYield = race({ transactionReset: take(transactionTypes.TransactionActions.RESET_REQUESTED), userNavigatedAway: take(walletTypes.WalletActions.RESET), bityPollingFinished: take(types.SwapActions.STOP_POLL_BITY_ORDER_STATUS), shapeshiftPollingFinished: take(types.SwapActions.STOP_POLL_SHAPESHIFT_ORDER_STATUS) }); expect(; }); }); }); //#endregion Lite Send //#region Orders describe('swap: Sagas (Orders)', () => { const ONE_SECOND = 1000; const TEN_SECONDS = ONE_SECOND * 10; const ELEVEN_SECONDS = ONE_SECOND * 11; const orderInput: types.BityOrderInput = { amount: 'amount', currency: 'currency', reference: 'reference', status: 'status' }; const orderOutput: types.BityOrderOutput = { amount: 'amount', currency: 'currency', reference: 'reference', status: 'status' }; describe('pollBityOrderStatus*', () => { const data = {} as any; data.gen = cloneableGenerator(sagas.pollBityOrderStatus)(); const fakeSwap: types.SwapState = { ...reducer.INITIAL_STATE, orderId: '1' }; const orderResponse: types.BityOrderResponse = { input: orderInput, output: orderOutput, status: 'status' }; const cancelledSwap = 'CANC'; const successStatus = { error: null, data: orderResponse }; const errorStatus = { error: true, msg: 'error message' }; let random: () => number; beforeAll(() => { random = Math.random; Math.random = () => 0.001; }); afterAll(() => { Math.random = random; }); it('should select selectors.getSwap', () => { expect(; }); it('should put bityOrderStatusRequestedSwap', () => { expect(; }); it('should call getOrderStatus with swap.orderId', () => { expect(, fakeSwap.orderId)); }); it('should put showNotfication on error', () => { data.clone = data.gen.clone(); expect( put( notificationsActions.showNotification( 'danger', `Bity Error: ${errorStatus.msg}`, TEN_SECONDS ) ) ); }); it('should put orderStatusSucceededSwap', () => { expect( put(actions.bityOrderStatusSucceededSwap( ); }); it('should call delay for 5 seconds', () => { expect(, ONE_SECOND * 5)); }); it('should select selectors.getSwap', () => { expect(; }); it('should break loop if swap is cancelled', () => { data.clone2 = data.gen.clone(); expect(; expect(; }); it('should restart loop', () => { expect(; }); }); describe('pollShapeshiftOrderStatus*', () => { const data = {} as any; data.gen = cloneableGenerator(sagas.pollShapeshiftOrderStatus)(); const fakeSwap: types.SwapState = { ...reducer.INITIAL_STATE, orderId: '1' }; const cancelledSwap = 'CANC'; const successStatus = { status: 'complete', transaction: '0x' }; const errorStatus = { error: 'Shapeshift error', status: 'failed' }; let random: () => number; beforeAll(() => { random = Math.random; Math.random = () => 0.001; }); afterAll(() => { Math.random = random; }); it('should select selectors.getSwap', () => { expect(; }); it('should put shapeshiftOrderStatusRequestedSwap', () => { expect(; }); it('should apply shapeshift.checkStatus with swap.paymentAddress', () => { expect( apply(shapeshift, shapeshift.checkStatus, [fakeSwap.paymentAddress]) ); }); it('should put showNotfication on error', () => { data.clone = data.gen.clone(); expect( put( notificationsActions.showNotification( 'danger', `Shapeshift Error: ${errorStatus.error}`, Infinity ) ) ); }); it('should put shapeshiftOrderStatusSucceededSwap', () => { expect( put(actions.shapeshiftOrderStatusSucceededSwap(successStatus)) ); }); it('should call delay for 5 seconds', () => { expect(, ONE_SECOND * 5)); }); it('should select selectors.getSwap', () => { expect(; }); it('should break loop if swap is cancelled', () => { data.clone2 = data.gen.clone(); expect(; expect(; }); it('should restart loop', () => { expect(; }); }); describe('pollBityOrderStatusSaga*', () => { const data = {} as any; data.gen = cloneableGenerator(sagas.pollBityOrderStatusSaga)(); const mockedTask = createMockTask(); it('should take SWAP_START_POLL_BITY_ORDER_STATUS', () => { expect(; }); it('should be done if order status is false', () => { data.clone = data.gen.clone(); expect(; }); it('should fork pollBityOrderStatus', () => { expect(; }); it('should take SWAP_STOP_POLL_BITY_ORDER_STATUS', () => { expect( take(types.SwapActions.STOP_POLL_BITY_ORDER_STATUS) ); }); it('should cancel pollBityOrderStatusTask', () => { expect(; }); }); describe('pollShapeshiftOrderStatusSaga*', () => { const data = {} as any; data.gen = cloneableGenerator(sagas.pollShapeshiftOrderStatusSaga)(); const mockedTask = createMockTask(); it('should take SWAP_START_POLL_SHAPESHIFT_ORDER_STATUS', () => { expect( take(types.SwapActions.START_POLL_SHAPESHIFT_ORDER_STATUS) ); }); it('should be done if order status is false', () => { data.clone = data.gen.clone(); expect(; }); it('should fork pollShapeshiftOrderStatus', () => { expect(; }); it('should take SWAP_STOP_POLL_SHAPESHIFT_ORDER_STATUS', () => { expect( take(types.SwapActions.STOP_POLL_SHAPESHIFT_ORDER_STATUS) ); }); it('should cancel pollShapeshiftOrderStatusTask', () => { expect(; }); }); describe('postBityOrderCreate*', () => { const amount = 100; const destinationAddress = '0x0'; const pair = 'BTC_ETH'; const action = actions.bityOrderCreateRequestedSwap(amount, destinationAddress, pair); const orderResp: types.BityOrderPostResponse = { payment_address: '0x0', status: 'status', input: orderInput, output: orderOutput, timestamp_created: 'timestamp_created', validFor: 10, id: '0' }; const successOrder = { error: false, data: orderResp }; const errorOrder = { error: true, msg: 'error msg' }; const connectionErrMsg = 'Connection Error. Please check the developer console for more details and/or contact support'; const data = {} as any; data.gen = cloneableGenerator(sagas.postBityOrderCreate)(action); let random: () => number; beforeAll(() => { random = Math.random; Math.random = () => 0.001; }); afterAll(() => { Math.random = random; }); it('should put stopLoadBityRatesSwap', () => { expect(; }); it('should call postOrder', () => { data.clone1 = data.gen.clone(); expect( call(postOrder, amount, destinationAddress, action.payload.mode, pair) ); }); it('should put bityOrderCreateSucceededSwap', () => { data.clone2 = data.gen.clone(); expect( put(actions.bityOrderCreateSucceededSwap( ); }); it('should put changeStepSwap', () => { expect(; }); it('should put startOrderTimerSwap', () => { expect(; }); it('should put startPollBityOrderStatus', () => { expect(; }); // failure modes it('should handle a connection exeception', () => { expect(data.clone1.throw().value).toEqual( put(notificationsActions.showNotification('danger', connectionErrMsg, TEN_SECONDS)) ); expect(; expect(; }); it('should handle an errored order', () => { expect( put( notificationsActions.showNotification( 'danger', `Bity Error: ${errorOrder.msg}`, TEN_SECONDS ) ) ); expect(; }); }); describe('postShapeshiftOrderCreate*', () => { const amount = 100; const withdrawalAddress = '0x0'; const originKind = 'BAT'; const destKind = 'ETH'; const action = actions.shapeshiftOrderCreateRequestedSwap( withdrawalAddress, originKind, destKind, amount ); const orderResp: types.ShapeshiftOrderResponse = { deposit: '0x0', depositAmount: '0', expiration: 100, maxLimit: 1, minerFee: '0.1', orderId: '1', pair: 'BTC_ETH', quotedRate: '1', withdrawal: '0x0', withdrawalAmount: '2' }; const successOrder = { success: orderResp }; const errorOrder = { error: 'message' }; const connectionErrMsg = 'Connection Error. Please check the developer console for more details and/or contact support'; const data = {} as any; data.gen = cloneableGenerator(sagas.postShapeshiftOrderCreate)(action); let random: () => number; beforeAll(() => { random = Math.random; Math.random = () => 0.001; }); afterAll(() => { Math.random = random; }); it('should put stopLoadShapeshiftRatesSwap', () => { expect(; }); it('should call shapeshift.sendAmount', () => { data.clone1 = data.gen.clone(); expect( apply(shapeshift, shapeshift.sendAmount, [ action.payload.withdrawal, action.payload.originKind, action.payload.destinationKind, action.payload.destinationAmount ]) ); }); it('should put shapeshiftOrderCreateSucceededSwap', () => { data.clone2 = data.gen.clone(); expect( put(actions.shapeshiftOrderCreateSucceededSwap(successOrder.success)) ); }); it('should put changeStepSwap', () => { expect(; }); it('should put startOrderTimerSwap', () => { expect(; }); it('should put startPollShapeshiftOrderStatus', () => { expect(; }); // failure modes it('should handle a connection exeception', () => { expect(data.clone1.throw().value).toEqual( put(notificationsActions.showNotification('danger', connectionErrMsg, TEN_SECONDS)) ); expect(; expect(; }); it('should handle an errored order', () => { expect( put( notificationsActions.showNotification( 'danger', `Shapeshift Error: ${errorOrder.error}`, TEN_SECONDS ) ) ); expect(; }); }); describe('bityOrderTimeRemaining*', () => { const orderTime = new Date().toISOString(); const orderTimeExpired = new Date().getTime() - ELEVEN_SECONDS; const swapValidFor = 10; //seconds const swapOrder = { ...reducer.INITIAL_STATE, orderTimestampCreatedISOString: orderTime, validFor: swapValidFor }; const swapOrderExpired = { ...reducer.INITIAL_STATE, orderTimestampCreatedISOString: new Date(orderTimeExpired).toISOString(), validFor: swapValidFor }; let random: () => number; const data = {} as any; data.gen = cloneableGenerator(sagas.bityOrderTimeRemaining)(); beforeAll(() => { random = Math.random; Math.random = () => 0.001; }); afterAll(() => { Math.random = random; }); it('should call delay of one second', () => { expect(, ONE_SECOND)); }); it('should select selectors.getSwap', () => { expect(; }); it('should handle if isValidUntil.isAfter(now)', () => { data.clone2 = data.gen.clone(); const result =; expect(result).toHaveProperty('PUT'); expect(result.PUT.action.type).toEqual('SWAP_ORDER_TIME'); expect(result.PUT.action.payload).toBeGreaterThan(0); }); it('should handle an OPEN order state', () => { const openOrder = { ...swapOrderExpired, bityOrderStatus: 'OPEN' }; data.OPEN = data.gen.clone(); expect(; expect(; expect({ type: types.SwapActions.STOP_LOAD_BITY_RATES })); expect( put(notificationsActions.showNotification('danger', sagas.ORDER_TIMEOUT_MESSAGE, Infinity)) ); }); it('should handle a CANC order state', () => { const cancOrder = { ...swapOrderExpired, bityOrderStatus: 'CANC' }; data.CANC = data.gen.clone(); expect(; expect({ type: types.SwapActions.STOP_LOAD_BITY_RATES })); expect( put(notificationsActions.showNotification('danger', sagas.ORDER_TIMEOUT_MESSAGE, Infinity)) ); }); it('should handle a RCVE order state', () => { const rcveOrder = { ...swapOrderExpired, bityOrderStatus: 'RCVE' }; data.RCVE = data.gen.clone(); expect( put(notificationsActions.showNotification('warning', sagas.ORDER_TIMEOUT_MESSAGE, Infinity)) ); }); it('should handle a FILL order state', () => { const fillOrder = { ...swapOrderExpired, bityOrderStatus: 'FILL' }; data.FILL = data.gen.clone(); expect(; expect({ type: types.SwapActions.STOP_LOAD_BITY_RATES })); }); }); describe('shapeshiftOrderTimeRemaining*', () => { const orderTime = new Date().toISOString(); const orderTimeExpired = new Date().getTime() - ELEVEN_SECONDS; const swapValidFor = 10; //seconds const swapOrder = { ...reducer.INITIAL_STATE, orderTimestampCreatedISOString: orderTime, validFor: swapValidFor }; const swapOrderExpired = { ...reducer.INITIAL_STATE, orderTimestampCreatedISOString: new Date(orderTimeExpired).toISOString(), validFor: swapValidFor }; let random: () => number; const data = {} as any; data.gen = cloneableGenerator(sagas.shapeshiftOrderTimeRemaining)(); beforeAll(() => { random = Math.random; Math.random = () => 0.001; }); afterAll(() => { Math.random = random; }); it('should call delay of one second', () => { expect(, ONE_SECOND)); }); it('should select selectors.getSwap', () => { expect(; }); it('should handle if isValidUntil.isAfter(now)', () => { data.clone2 = data.gen.clone(); const result =; expect(result).toHaveProperty('PUT'); expect(result.PUT.action.type).toEqual('SWAP_ORDER_TIME'); expect(result.PUT.action.payload).toBeGreaterThan(0); }); it('should handle an no_deposits order state', () => { const openOrder = { ...swapOrderExpired, shapeshiftOrderStatus: 'no_deposits' }; data.OPEN = data.gen.clone(); expect(; expect(; expect( put({ type: types.SwapActions.STOP_LOAD_SHAPESHIFT_RATES }) ); expect( put(notificationsActions.showNotification('danger', sagas.ORDER_TIMEOUT_MESSAGE, Infinity)) ); }); it('should handle a failed order state', () => { const cancOrder = { ...swapOrderExpired, shapeshiftOrderStatus: 'failed' }; data.CANC = data.gen.clone(); expect(; expect( put({ type: types.SwapActions.STOP_LOAD_SHAPESHIFT_RATES }) ); expect( put(notificationsActions.showNotification('danger', sagas.ORDER_TIMEOUT_MESSAGE, Infinity)) ); }); it('should handle a received order state', () => { const rcveOrder = { ...swapOrderExpired, shapeshiftOrderStatus: 'received' }; data.RCVE = data.gen.clone(); expect( put( notificationsActions.showNotification('warning', sagas.ORDER_RECEIVED_MESSAGE, Infinity) ) ); }); it('should handle a complete order state', () => { const fillOrder = { ...swapOrderExpired, shapeshiftOrderStatus: 'complete' }; data.COMPLETE = data.gen.clone(); expect( put(actions.stopPollShapeshiftOrderStatus()) ); expect( put({ type: types.SwapActions.STOP_LOAD_SHAPESHIFT_RATES }) ); expect(; }); }); }); //#endregion Orders //#region Rates describe('swap: Sagas (Rates)', () => { describe('loadBityRates*', () => { const gen1 = sagas.loadBityRates(); const apiResponse = { BTCETH: { id: 'BTCETH', options: [{ id: 'BTC' }, { id: 'ETH' }], rate: 23.27855114 }, ETHBTC: { id: 'ETHBTC', options: [{ id: 'ETH' }, { id: 'BTC' }], rate: 0.042958 } }; const err = { message: 'error' }; let random: () => number; beforeAll(() => { random = Math.random; Math.random = () => 0.001; }); afterAll(() => { Math.random = random; }); it('should call getAllRates', () => { expect(; }); it('should put loadBityRatesSucceededSwap', () => { expect( put(actions.loadBityRatesSucceededSwap(apiResponse)) ); }); it(`should delay for ${sagas.POLLING_CYCLE}ms`, () => { expect(, sagas.POLLING_CYCLE)); }); it('should handle an exception', () => { const errGen = sagas.loadBityRates();; expect((errGen as any).throw(err).value).toEqual( select(selectors.getHasNotifiedRatesFailure) ); expect( put(notificationsActions.showNotification('danger', err.message)) ); expect(; expect(, sagas.POLLING_CYCLE)); }); it('should not notify on subsequent exceptions', () => { const noNotifyErrGen = sagas.loadBityRates();; expect((noNotifyErrGen as any).throw(err).value).toEqual( select(selectors.getHasNotifiedRatesFailure) ); expect(; expect(, sagas.POLLING_CYCLE)); }); }); describe('loadShapeshiftRates*', () => { const gen1 = sagas.loadShapeshiftRates(); const apiResponse = { ['1SSTANT']: { id: '1STANT', options: [ { id: '1ST', status: 'available', image: '', name: 'FirstBlood' }, { id: 'ANT', status: 'available', image: '', name: 'Aragon' } ], rate: '0.24707537', limit: 5908.29166225, min: 7.86382979 } }; const err = 'error'; let random: () => number; beforeAll(() => { random = Math.random; Math.random = () => 0.001; }); afterAll(() => { Math.random = random; }); it('should race shapeshift.getAllRates', () => { expect( race({ tokens: call(shapeshift.getAllRates), timeout: call(delay, sagas.SHAPESHIFT_TIMEOUT) }) ); }); it('should put loadShapeshiftRatesSucceededSwap', () => { expect({ tokens: apiResponse }).value).toEqual( put(actions.loadShapeshiftRatesSucceededSwap(apiResponse as any)) ); }); it(`should delay for ${sagas.POLLING_CYCLE}ms`, () => { expect(, sagas.POLLING_CYCLE)); }); it('should handle an exception', () => { const errGen = sagas.loadShapeshiftRates();; expect((errGen as any).throw(err).value).toEqual( select(selectors.getHasNotifiedRatesFailure) ); expect( put( notificationsActions.showNotification( 'danger', 'Failed to load swap rates from ShapeShift, please try again later' ) ) ); expect(; }); it('should not notify on subsequent exceptions', () => { const noNotifyErrGen = sagas.loadShapeshiftRates();; expect((noNotifyErrGen as any).throw(err).value).toEqual( select(selectors.getHasNotifiedRatesFailure) ); expect(; }); }); describe('handleBityRates*', () => { const gen = sagas.handleBityRates(); const mockTask = createMockTask(); it('should fork loadBityRates', () => { expect(; }); it('should take SWAP_STOP_LOAD_BITY_RATES', () => { expect(; }); it('should cancel loadBityRatesTask', () => { expect(; }); it('should be done', () => { expect(; }); }); describe('handleShapeshiftRates*', () => { const gen = sagas.handleShapeshiftRates(); const mockTask = createMockTask(); it('should fork loadShapeshiftRates', () => { expect(; }); it('should take SWAP_STOP_LOAD_BITY_RATES', () => { expect(; }); it('should cancel loadShapeShiftRatesTask', () => { expect(; }); it('should be done', () => { expect(; }); }); }); //#endregion Rates