import { makeCustomNodeId, getCustomNodeConfigFromId, getNodeConfigFromId, makeNodeConfigFromCustomConfig } from 'utils/node'; const custNode = { name: 'Test Config', url: '', port: 443, network: 'ETH' }; const custNodeId = ''; describe('makeCustomNodeId', () => { it('should construct an ID from url:port', () => { expect(makeCustomNodeId(custNode) === custNodeId).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe('getCustomNodeConfigFromId', () => { it('should fetch the correct config, given its ID', () => { expect(getCustomNodeConfigFromId(custNodeId, [custNode])).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe('getNodeConfigFromId', () => { it('should fetch the correct config, given its ID', () => { expect(getNodeConfigFromId(custNodeId, [custNode])).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe('makeNodeConfigFromCustomConfig', () => { it('Should create a node config from a custom config', () => { expect(makeNodeConfigFromCustomConfig(custNode)).toBeTruthy(); }); });