import { EtherscanNode, InfuraNode, RPCNode, Web3Node } from 'libs/nodes';
import { networkIdToName } from 'libs/values';
export const languages = require('./languages.json');
// Displays in the header
export const VERSION = '4.0.0 (Alpha 0.0.4)';
export const N_FACTOR = 1024;

// Displays at the top of the site, make message empty string to remove.
// Type can be primary, warning, danger, success, or info.
// HTML is allowed inside of the message.
export const ANNOUNCEMENT_TYPE = 'warning';
  This is an Alpha build of MyEtherWallet v4. Please only use for testing,
  or use v3 at <a href=''></a>.
  If you're interested in recieving updates about the MyEtherWallet V4 Alpha, you can subscribe via <a href="">mailchimp</a> :)

const etherScan = '';
const blockChainInfo = '';
const ethPlorer = '';

export const ETHTxExplorer = (txHash: string): string =>
export const BTCTxExplorer = (txHash: string): string =>
export const ETHAddressExplorer = (address: string): string =>
export const ETHTokenExplorer = (address: string): string =>

export const donationAddressMap = {
  BTC: '1MEWT2SGbqtz6mPCgFcnea8XmWV5Z4Wc6',
  ETH: '0x7cB57B5A97eAbe94205C07890BE4c1aD31E486A8',
  REP: '0x7cB57B5A97eAbe94205C07890BE4c1aD31E486A8'

export const gasPriceDefaults = {
  gasPriceMinGwei: 1,
  gasPriceMaxGwei: 60

export const bityReferralURL = '';
export const ledgerReferralURL =
export const trezorReferralURL = '';
export const bitboxReferralURL = '';

export interface BlockExplorerConfig {
  name: string;
  tx(txHash: string): string;
  address(address: string): string;

export interface Token {
  address: string;
  symbol: string;
  decimal: number;
  error?: string | null;

export interface NetworkContract {
  name: string;
  address: string;
  abi: string;

export interface NetworkConfig {
  name: string;
  unit: string;
  color?: string;
  blockExplorer?: BlockExplorerConfig;
  tokenExplorer?: {
    name: string;
    address(address: string): string;
  chainId: number;
  tokens: Token[];
  contracts: NetworkContract[] | null;

export interface CustomNetworkConfig {
  name: string;
  unit: string;
  chainId: number;

export interface NodeConfig {
  network: string;
  lib: RPCNode | Web3Node;
  service: string;
  estimateGas?: boolean;
  hidden?: boolean;

export interface CustomNodeConfig {
  name: string;
  url: string;
  port: number;
  network: string;
  auth?: {
    username: string;
    password: string;

// Must be a website that follows the ethplorer convention of /tx/[hash] and
// address/[address] to generate the correct functions.
function makeExplorer(url): BlockExplorerConfig {
  return {
    name: url,
    tx: hash => `${url}/tx/${hash}`,
    address: address => `${url}/address/${address}`

export const NETWORKS: { [key: string]: NetworkConfig } = {
  ETH: {
    name: 'ETH',
    unit: 'ETH',
    chainId: 1,
    color: '#0e97c0',
    blockExplorer: makeExplorer(''),
    tokenExplorer: {
      name: ethPlorer,
      address: ETHTokenExplorer
    tokens: require('./tokens/eth.json'),
    contracts: require('./contracts/eth.json')
  ETC: {
    name: 'ETC',
    unit: 'ETC',
    chainId: 61,
    color: '#669073',
    blockExplorer: makeExplorer(''),
    tokens: require('./tokens/etc.json'),
    contracts: require('./contracts/etc.json')
  Ropsten: {
    name: 'Ropsten',
    unit: 'ETH',
    chainId: 3,
    color: '#adc101',
    blockExplorer: makeExplorer(''),
    tokens: require('./tokens/ropsten.json'),
    contracts: require('./contracts/ropsten.json')
  Kovan: {
    name: 'Kovan',
    unit: 'ETH',
    chainId: 42,
    color: '#adc101',
    blockExplorer: makeExplorer(''),
    tokens: require('./tokens/ropsten.json'),
    contracts: require('./contracts/ropsten.json')
  Rinkeby: {
    name: 'Rinkeby',
    unit: 'ETH',
    chainId: 4,
    color: '#adc101',
    blockExplorer: makeExplorer(''),
    tokens: require('./tokens/rinkeby.json'),
    contracts: require('./contracts/rinkeby.json')
  RSK: {
    name: 'RSK',
    unit: 'RSK',
    chainId: 31,
    color: '#ff794f',
    blockExplorer: makeExplorer(''),
    tokens: require('./tokens/rsk.json'),
    contracts: require('./contracts/rsk.json')
  EXP: {
    name: 'EXP',
    unit: 'EXP',
    chainId: 2,
    color: '#673ab7',
    blockExplorer: makeExplorer(''),
    tokens: require('./tokens/exp.json'),
    contracts: require('./contracts/exp.json')
  UBQ: {
    name: 'UBQ',
    unit: 'UBQ',
    chainId: 8,
    color: '#b37aff',
    blockExplorer: makeExplorer(''),
    tokens: require('./tokens/ubq.json'),
    contracts: require('./contracts/ubq.json')

export const NODES: { [key: string]: NodeConfig } = {
  eth_mew: {
    network: 'ETH',
    lib: new RPCNode(''),
    service: 'MyEtherWallet',
    estimateGas: true
  eth_ethscan: {
    network: 'ETH',
    service: '',
    lib: new EtherscanNode(''),
    estimateGas: false
  eth_infura: {
    network: 'ETH',
    service: '',
    lib: new InfuraNode(''),
    estimateGas: false
  etc_epool: {
    network: 'ETC',
    service: '',
    lib: new RPCNode(''),
    estimateGas: false
  rop_mew: {
    network: 'Ropsten',
    service: 'MyEtherWallet',
    lib: new RPCNode(''),
    estimateGas: false
  rop_infura: {
    network: 'Ropsten',
    service: '',
    lib: new InfuraNode(''),
    estimateGas: false
  kov_ethscan: {
    network: 'Kovan',
    service: '',
    lib: new EtherscanNode(''),
    estimateGas: false
  rin_ethscan: {
    network: 'Rinkeby',
    service: '',
    lib: new EtherscanNode(''),
    estimateGas: false
  rin_infura: {
    network: 'Rinkeby',
    service: '',
    lib: new InfuraNode(''),
    estimateGas: false
  rsk: {
    network: 'RSK',
    service: '',
    lib: new RPCNode(''),
    estimateGas: true
  exp: {
    network: 'EXP',
    service: '',
    lib: new RPCNode(''),
    estimateGas: true
  ubq: {
    network: 'UBQ',
    service: '',
    lib: new RPCNode(''),
    estimateGas: true

export function initWeb3Node(): Promise<void> {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const { web3 } = window as any;

    if (!web3) {
      return reject(
        new Error(
          'Web3 not found. Please check that MetaMask is installed, or that MyEtherWallet is open in Mist.'

    if ( === 'loading') {
      return reject(
        new Error(
          'MetaMask / Mist is still loading. Please refresh the page and try again.'

    web3.version.getNetwork((err, networkId) => {
      if (err) {
        return reject(err);

      try {
        NODES.web3 = {
          network: networkIdToName(networkId),
          service: 'MetaMask / Mist',
          lib: new Web3Node(web3),
          estimateGas: false,
          hidden: true
      } catch (err) {