import { FetchCCRatesSucceeded, FetchCCRatesFailed, RatesAction, CCResponse } from 'actions/rates'; import { TypeKeys } from 'actions/rates/constants'; import { Optional } from 'utils/types'; // SYMBOL -> PRICE TO BUY 1 ETH export interface State { rates?: Optional; ratesError?: string | null; } export const INITIAL_STATE: State = {}; function fetchCCRatesSucceeded( state: State, action: FetchCCRatesSucceeded ): State { return { ...state, rates: action.payload }; } function fetchCCRatesFailed(state: State, action: FetchCCRatesFailed): State { // TODO: Make library for error messages return { ...state, ratesError: 'Sorry. We were unable to fetch equivalent rates.' }; } export function rates( state: State = INITIAL_STATE, action: RatesAction ): State { switch (action.type) { case TypeKeys.RATES_FETCH_CC_SUCCEEDED: return fetchCCRatesSucceeded(state, action); case TypeKeys.RATES_FETCH_CC_FAILED: return fetchCCRatesFailed(state, action); default: return state; } }