import { WhitelistedCoins, bityConfig } from 'config'; import { checkHttpStatus, parseJSON, filter } from './utils'; import bitcoinIcon from 'assets/images/bitcoin.png'; import repIcon from 'assets/images/augur.png'; import etherIcon from 'assets/images/ether.png'; const isCryptoPair = (from: string, to: string, arr: WhitelistedCoins[]) => { return filter(from, arr) && filter(to, arr); }; const btcOptions = { id: 'BTC', status: 'available', image: bitcoinIcon, name: 'Bitcoin' }; const ethOptions = { id: 'ETH', status: 'available', image: etherIcon, name: 'Ether' }; const repOptions = { id: 'REP', status: 'available', image: repIcon, name: 'Augur' }; export function getAllRates() { const mappedRates = {}; return _getAllRates().then(bityRates => { bityRates.objects.forEach(each => { const pairName = each.pair; const from = { id: pairName.substring(0, 3) }; const to = { id: pairName.substring(3, 6) }; // Check if rate exists= && check if the pair only crypto to crypto, not crypto to fiat, or any other combination if (parseFloat(each.rate_we_sell) && isCryptoPair(,, ['BTC', 'ETH', 'REP'])) { let fromOptions; let toOptions; switch ( { case 'BTC': fromOptions = btcOptions; break; case 'ETH': fromOptions = ethOptions; break; case 'REP': fromOptions = repOptions; } switch ( { case 'BTC': toOptions = btcOptions; break; case 'ETH': toOptions = ethOptions; break; case 'REP': toOptions = repOptions; } mappedRates[pairName] = { id: pairName, options: [fromOptions, toOptions], rate: parseFloat(each.rate_we_sell) }; } }); return mappedRates; }); } export function postOrder(amount: number, destAddress: string, mode: number, pair: string) { return fetch(`${bityConfig.serverURL}/order`, { method: 'post', body: JSON.stringify({ amount, destAddress, mode, pair }), headers: new Headers(bityConfig.postConfig.headers) }) .then(checkHttpStatus) .then(parseJSON); } export function getOrderStatus(orderId: string) { return fetch(`${bityConfig.serverURL}/status`, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ orderid: orderId }), headers: new Headers(bityConfig.postConfig.headers) }) .then(checkHttpStatus) .then(parseJSON); } function _getAllRates() { return fetch(`${bityConfig.bityURL}/v1/rate2/`) .then(checkHttpStatus) .then(parseJSON); }