import qs from 'query-string'; import has from 'lodash/has'; import EthTx from 'ethereumjs-tx'; import semver from 'semver'; import { BlockExplorerConfig } from 'types/network'; interface IObjectValue { [key: string]: any; } export function objectContainsObjectKeys( checkingObject: IObjectValue, containingObject: IObjectValue ) { const checkingObjectKeys = Object.keys(checkingObject); const containsAll = => has(containingObject, key)); return containsAll.every(isTrue => isTrue); } export function getKeyByValue(object: IObjectValue, value: any) { return Object.keys(object).find(key => object[key] === value); } export function getParam(query: { [key: string]: string }, key: string) { const keys = Object.keys(query); const index = keys.findIndex(k => k.toLowerCase() === key.toLowerCase()); if (index === -1) { return null; } return query[keys[index]]; } export function getParamFromURL(url: string, param: string): string | undefined { return qs.parse(qs.extract(url))[param]; } export function isPositiveInteger(n: number) { return Number.isInteger(n) && n > 0; } export const getValues = (...args: any[]) => args.reduce((acc, currArg) => [...acc, ...Object.values(currArg)], []); export function transactionToRLP(tx: EthTx): string { const { v, r, s } = tx; // Poor man's serialize without signature. tx.v = Buffer.from([tx._chainId]); tx.r = Buffer.from([0]); tx.s = Buffer.from([0]); const rlp = '0x' + tx.serialize().toString('hex'); // Restore previous values tx.v = v; tx.r = r; tx.s = s; return rlp; } export function signTransactionWithSignature(tx: EthTx, signature: string): Buffer { const sigBuf = Buffer.from(signature.substr(2), 'hex'); // Mimicking the way tx.sign() works let v = sigBuf[64] + 27; if (tx._chainId > 0) { v += tx._chainId * 2 + 8; } tx.r = sigBuf.slice(0, 32); tx.s = sigBuf.slice(32, 64); tx.v = Buffer.from([v]); return tx.serialize(); } interface ExplorerConfig { name: string; origin: string; txPath?: string; addressPath?: string; blockPath?: string; } export function makeExplorer(expConfig: ExplorerConfig): BlockExplorerConfig { const config: ExplorerConfig = { // Defaults txPath: 'tx', addressPath: 'address', blockPath: 'block', ...expConfig }; return { name:, origin: config.origin, txUrl: hash => `${config.origin}/${config.txPath}/${hash}`, addressUrl: address => `${config.origin}/${config.addressPath}/${address}`, blockUrl: blockNum => `${config.origin}/${config.blockPath}/${blockNum}` }; } export function isNewerVersion(oldVersion: string, newVersion: string) { // 1.0.0 -> 1.0.1 if (, newVersion)) { return true; } // 1.0.0-RC.0 -> 1.0.0-RC.1 // TODO: Remove this code once done with release candidates const oldv = semver.coerce(oldVersion); const newv = semver.coerce(newVersion); if (oldv && newv && semver.eq(oldv, newv)) { const oldRc = parseInt(oldVersion.split('-RC.')[1], 10); const newRc = parseInt(newVersion.split('-RC.')[1], 10); if (newRc > oldRc) { return true; } } return false; }