import configuredStore from 'features/store'; import { isValidBTCAddress, isValidETHAddress, isValidPath, isValidPrivKey, isLabelWithoutENS, isValidAddressLabel, isValidAddress } from 'libs/validators'; import { translateRaw } from 'translations'; import { DPaths } from 'config/dpaths'; import { valid, invalid } from '../utils/testStrings'; configuredStore.getState(); const VALID_BTC_ADDRESS = '1MEWT2SGbqtz6mPCgFcnea8XmWV5Z4Wc6'; const VALID_ETH_ADDRESS = '0x7cB57B5A97eAbe94205C07890BE4c1aD31E486A8'; const VALID_RSK_TESTNET_ADDRESS = '0x5aAeb6053F3e94c9b9A09F33669435E7EF1BEaEd'; const VALID_ETH_PRIVATE_KEY = '3f4fd89ea4970cc77bfd2d07a95786575ea62e183857afe6301578e1a3c5c782'; const INVALID_ETH_PRIVATE_KEY = '3f4fd89ea4970cc77bfd2d07a95786575ea62e183857afe6301578e1a3c5ZZZZ'; const VALID_ETH_PRIVATE_BUFFER = Buffer.from(VALID_ETH_PRIVATE_KEY, 'hex'); const VALID_ETH_PRIVATE_0X = '0x3f4fd89ea4970cc77bfd2d07a95786575ea62e183857afe6301578e1a3c5c782'; const RSK_TESTNET_CHAIN_ID = 31; const RSK_MAINNET_CHAIN_ID = 30; const ETH_CHAIN_ID = 1; describe('Validator', () => { it('should validate correct BTC address as true', () => { expect(isValidBTCAddress(VALID_BTC_ADDRESS)).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should validate incorrect BTC address as false', () => { expect(isValidBTCAddress('nonsense' + VALID_BTC_ADDRESS + 'nonsense')).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should validate correct ETH address as true', () => { expect(isValidETHAddress(VALID_ETH_ADDRESS)).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should validate incorrect ETH address as false', () => { expect(isValidETHAddress('nonsense' + VALID_ETH_ADDRESS + 'nonsense')).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should validate correct ETH address in RSK network as false', () => { expect(isValidAddress(VALID_ETH_ADDRESS, RSK_TESTNET_CHAIN_ID)).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should validate correct RSK address in ETH network as false', () => { expect(isValidAddress(VALID_RSK_TESTNET_ADDRESS, ETH_CHAIN_ID)).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should validate correct RSK address in RSK testnet network as true', () => { expect(isValidAddress(VALID_RSK_TESTNET_ADDRESS, RSK_TESTNET_CHAIN_ID)).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should validate correct RSK address in RSK mainnet network as false', () => { expect(isValidAddress(VALID_RSK_TESTNET_ADDRESS, RSK_MAINNET_CHAIN_ID)).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should validate an incorrect DPath as false', () => { expect(isValidPath('m/44/60/0/0')).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should validate private key as true', () => { expect(isValidPrivKey(VALID_ETH_PRIVATE_KEY)).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should validate invalid private key as false', () => { expect(isValidPrivKey(INVALID_ETH_PRIVATE_KEY)).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should validate 0x private keys as true', () => { expect(isValidPrivKey(VALID_ETH_PRIVATE_0X)).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should validate private key buffer type as true', () => { expect(isValidPrivKey(VALID_ETH_PRIVATE_BUFFER)).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe('Validator', () => { it('should validate correct DPaths as true', () => { valid.forEach(path => { expect(isValidPath(path)).toBeTruthy(); }); }); it('should validate incorrect DPaths as false', () => { invalid.forEach(path => { expect(isValidPath(path)).toBeFalsy(); }); }); it('should validate hardcoded DPaths as true', () => { DPaths.forEach(DPath => { expect(isValidPath(DPath.value)).toBeTruthy(); }); }); }); describe('isLabelWithoutENS', () => { it('should return false if the label contains an ENS TLD', () => { expect(isLabelWithoutENS('Foo.eth')).toEqual(false); expect(isLabelWithoutENS('Foo.test')).toEqual(false); expect(isLabelWithoutENS('Foo.reverse')).toEqual(false); }); it('should return true if a label does not contain an ENS TLD', () => { expect(isLabelWithoutENS('Foo')).toEqual(true); }); }); describe('isValidAddressLabel', () => { const validAddress = '0x081f37708032d0a7b3622591a8959b213fb47d6f'; const otherValidAddress = '0x86fa049857e0209aa7d9e616f7eb3b3b78ecfdb0'; const addresses = { [validAddress]: 'Foo' }; const labels = { Foo: validAddress }; describe('Happy path', () => { it('should return valid', () => { expect(isValidAddressLabel(validAddress, 'Foo', {}, {}, 1).isValid).toEqual(true); }); }); describe('Invalid cases', () => { it('should return invalid when the provided address is invalid', () => { const { isValid, addressError } = isValidAddressLabel('derp', 'Foo', {}, {}, 1); expect(isValid).toEqual(false); expect(addressError).toEqual(translateRaw('INVALID_ADDRESS')); }); it('should return invalid if the address already exists', () => { const { isValid, addressError } = isValidAddressLabel( validAddress, 'Foo', addresses, labels, 1 ); expect(isValid).toEqual(false); expect(addressError).toEqual(translateRaw('ADDRESS_ALREADY_EXISTS')); }); it('should return invalid if the label is not of correct length', () => { const { isValid, labelError } = isValidAddressLabel(validAddress, 'X', {}, {}, 1); expect(isValid).toEqual(false); expect(labelError).toEqual(translateRaw('INVALID_LABEL_LENGTH')); }); it('should return invalid if the label contains an ENS TLD', () => { const { isValid, labelError } = isValidAddressLabel(validAddress, 'Foo.eth', {}, {}, 1); expect(isValid).toEqual(false); expect(labelError).toEqual(translateRaw('LABEL_CANNOT_CONTAIN_ENS_SUFFIX')); }); it('should return invalid if the label already exists', () => { const { isValid, labelError } = isValidAddressLabel( otherValidAddress, 'Foo', addresses, labels, 1 ); expect(isValid).toEqual(false); expect(labelError).toEqual(translateRaw('LABEL_ALREADY_EXISTS')); }); }); });