import EthTx, { TxObj } from 'ethereumjs-tx'; import { addHexPrefix, toBuffer } from 'ethereumjs-util'; import TransportU2F from '@ledgerhq/hw-transport-u2f'; import LedgerEth from '@ledgerhq/hw-app-eth'; import { translateRaw } from 'translations'; import { getTransactionFields } from 'libs/transaction'; import { HardwareWallet, ChainCodeResponse } from './hardware'; // Ledger throws a few types of errors interface U2FError { metaData: { type: string; code: number; }; } type LedgerError = U2FError | Error | string; export class LedgerWallet extends HardwareWallet { public static async getChainCode(dpath: string): Promise { return makeApp() .then(app => app.getAddress(dpath, false, true)) .then(res => { return { publicKey: res.publicKey, chainCode: res.chainCode }; }) .catch((err: LedgerError) => { throw new Error(ledgerErrToMessage(err)); }); } constructor(address: string, dPath: string, index: number) { super(address, dPath, index); } public async signRawTransaction(t: EthTx): Promise { const txFields = getTransactionFields(t); t.v = Buffer.from([t._chainId]); t.r = toBuffer(0); t.s = toBuffer(0); try { const ethApp = await makeApp(); const result = await ethApp.signTransaction(this.getPath(), t.serialize().toString('hex')); const txToSerialize: TxObj = { ...txFields, v: addHexPrefix(result.v), r: addHexPrefix(result.r), s: addHexPrefix(result.s) }; return new EthTx(txToSerialize).serialize(); } catch (err) { throw Error(err + '. Check to make sure contract data is on'); } } public async signMessage(msg: string): Promise { if (!msg) { throw Error('No message to sign'); } try { const msgHex = Buffer.from(msg).toString('hex'); const ethApp = await makeApp(); const signed = await ethApp.signPersonalMessage(this.getPath(), msgHex); const combined = addHexPrefix(signed.r + signed.s + signed.v.toString(16)); return combined; } catch (err) { throw new Error(ledgerErrToMessage(err)); } } public async displayAddress() { const path = `${this.dPath}/${this.index}`; try { const ethApp = await makeApp(); await ethApp.getAddress(path, true, false); return true; } catch (err) { console.error('Failed to display Ledger address:', err); return false; } } public getWalletType(): string { return translateRaw('X_LEDGER'); } } async function makeApp() { const transport = await TransportU2F.create(); return new LedgerEth(transport); } const isU2FError = (err: LedgerError): err is U2FError => !!err && !!(err as U2FError).metaData; const isStringError = (err: LedgerError): err is string => typeof err === 'string'; function ledgerErrToMessage(err: LedgerError) { // if (isU2FError(err)) { // Timeout if (err.metaData.code === 5) { return translateRaw('LEDGER_TIMEOUT'); } return err.metaData.type; } if (isStringError(err)) { // Wrong app logged into if (err.includes('6804')) { return translateRaw('LEDGER_WRONG_APP'); } // Ledger locked if (err.includes('6801')) { return translateRaw('LEDGER_LOCKED'); } return err; } // Other return err.toString(); }