import { setGasEstimates, TypeKeys } from 'actions/gas'; import { SagaIterator } from 'redux-saga'; import { call, put, select, takeLatest } from 'redux-saga/effects'; import { AppState } from 'reducers'; import { fetchGasEstimates, GasEstimates } from 'api/gas'; import { gasPriceDefaults, gasEstimateCacheTime } from 'config'; import { getEstimates } from 'selectors/gas'; import { getOffline, getNetworkConfig } from 'selectors/config'; import { NetworkConfig } from 'types/network'; export function* setDefaultEstimates(network: NetworkConfig): SagaIterator { // Must yield time for testability const time = yield call(; const gasSettings = network.isCustom ? gasPriceDefaults : network.gasPriceSettings; yield put( setGasEstimates({ safeLow: gasSettings.min, standard: gasSettings.initial, fast: gasSettings.initial, fastest: gasSettings.max, isDefault: true, chainId: network.chainId, time }) ); } export function* fetchEstimates(): SagaIterator { // Don't try on non-estimating network const network: NetworkConfig = yield select(getNetworkConfig); if (network.isCustom || !network.shouldEstimateGasPrice) { yield call(setDefaultEstimates, network); return; } // Don't try while offline const isOffline: boolean = yield select(getOffline); if (isOffline) { yield call(setDefaultEstimates, network); return; } // Cache estimates for a bit const oldEstimates: AppState['gas']['estimates'] = yield select(getEstimates); if ( oldEstimates && oldEstimates.chainId === network.chainId && oldEstimates.time + gasEstimateCacheTime > ) { yield put(setGasEstimates(oldEstimates)); return; } // Try to fetch new estimates try { const estimates: GasEstimates = yield call(fetchGasEstimates); yield put(setGasEstimates(estimates)); } catch (err) { console.warn('Failed to fetch gas estimates:', err); yield call(setDefaultEstimates, network); } } export default function* gas(): SagaIterator { yield takeLatest(TypeKeys.GAS_FETCH_ESTIMATES, fetchEstimates); }