# MyEtherWallet V4+ (ALPHA - VISIT [V3](https://github.com/kvhnuke/etherwallet) for the production site) [![Greenkeeper badge](https://badges.greenkeeper.io/MyEtherWallet/MyEtherWallet.svg)](https://greenkeeper.io/) #### Run: ```bash npm run dev # run app in dev mode ``` #### Build: ```bash npm run build # build app ``` It generates app in `dist` folder. #### Test: ```bash npm run test # run tests with Jest ``` #### Dev (HTTPS): 1. Create your own SSL Certificate (Heroku has a [nice guide here](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/ssl-certificate-self)) 2. Move the `.key` and `.crt` files into `webpack_config/server.*` 3. Run the following command: ```bash npm run dev:https ``` #### Derivation Check: ##### The derivation checker utility assumes that you have: 1. Docker installed/available 2. [dternyak/eth-priv-to-addr](https://hub.docker.com/r/dternyak/eth-priv-to-addr/) pulled from DockerHub ##### Docker setup instructions: 1. Install docker (on macOS, [Docker for Mac](https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/) is suggested) 2. `docker pull dternyak/eth-priv-to-addr` ##### Run Derivation Checker ```bash npm run derivation-checker ``` ## Folder structure: ``` │ ├── common │ ├── actions - application actions │ ├── api - Services and XHR utils │ ├── components - components according to "Redux philosophy" │ ├── config - frontend config depending on REACT_WEBPACK_ENV │ ├── containers - containers according to "Redux philosophy" │ ├── reducers - application reducers │ ├── routing - application routing │ ├── index.tsx - entry │ ├── index.html ├── static ├── webpack_config - Webpack configuration ├── jest_config - Jest configuration ``` ## Style Guides and Philosophies The following are guides for developers to follow for writing compliant code. ### Redux and Actions Each reducer has one file in `reducers/[namespace].ts` that contains the reducer and initial state, one file in `actions/[namespace].ts` that contains the action creators and their return types, and optionally one file in `sagas/[namespace].ts` that handles action side effects using [`redux-saga`](https://github.com/redux-saga/redux-saga). The files should be laid out as follows: #### Reducer * State should be explicitly defined and exported * Initial state should match state typing, define every key ```ts import { NamespaceAction } from "actions/[namespace]"; import { TypeKeys } from 'actions/[namespace]/constants'; export interface State { /* definition for state object */ }; export const INITIAL_STATE: State = { /* Initial state shape */ }; export function [namespace]( state: State = INITIAL_STATE, action: NamespaceAction ): State { switch (action.type) { case TypeKeys.NAMESPACE_NAME_OF_ACTION: return { ...state, // Alterations to state }; default: return state; } } ``` #### Actions * Define each action creator in `actionCreator.ts` * Define each action object type in `actionTypes.ts` * Export a union of all of the action types for use by the reducer * Define each action type as a string enum in `constants.ts` * Export `actionCreators` and `actionTypes` from module file `index.ts` ``` ├── common ├── actions - application actions ├── [namespace] - action namespace ├── actionCreators.ts - action creators ├── actionTypes.ts - action interfaces / types ├── constants.ts - string enum ├── index.ts - exports all action creators and action object types ``` ##### constants.ts ```ts export enum TypeKeys { NAMESPACE_NAME_OF_ACTION = 'NAMESPACE_NAME_OF_ACTION' } ``` ##### actionTypes.ts ```ts /*** Name of action ***/ export interface NameOfActionAction { type: TypeKeys.NAMESPACE_NAME_OF_ACTION, /* Rest of the action object shape */ }; /*** Action Union ***/ export type NamespaceAction = | ActionOneAction | ActionTwoAction | ActionThreeAction; ``` ##### actionCreators.ts ```ts import * as interfaces from './actionTypes'; import { TypeKeys } from './constants'; export interface TNameOfAction = typeof nameOfAction; export function nameOfAction(): interfaces.NameOfActionAction { return { type: TypeKeys.NAMESPACE_NAME_OF_ACTION, payload: {} }; }; ``` ##### index.ts ```ts export * from './actionCreators'; export * from './actionTypes'; ``` ### Typing Redux-Connected Components Components that receive props directly from redux as a result of the `connect` function should use AppState for typing, rather than manually defining types. This makes refactoring reducers easier by catching mismatches or changes of types in components, and reduces the chance for inconsistency. It's also less code overall. ``` // Do this import { AppState } from 'reducers'; interface Props { wallet: AppState['wallet']['inst']; rates: AppState['rates']['rates']; // ... } // Not this import { IWallet } from 'libs/wallet'; import { Rates } from 'libs/rates'; interface Props { wallet: IWallet; rates: Rates; // ... } ``` However, if you have a sub-component that takes in props from a connected component, it's OK to manually specify the type. Especially if you go from being type-or-null to guaranteeing the prop will be passed (because of a conditional render.) ### Higher Order Components #### Typing Injected Props Props made available through higher order components can be tricky to type. Normally, if a component requires a prop, you add it to the component's interface and it just works. However, working with injected props from [higher order components](https://medium.com/@DanHomola/react-higher-order-components-in-typescript-made-simple-6f9b55691af1), you will be forced to supply all required props whenever you compose the component. ```ts interface MyComponentProps { name: string; countryCode?: string; routerLocation: { pathname: string }; } ... class OtherComponent extends React.Component<{}, {}> { render() { return ( ); } ``` Instead of tacking the injected props on the MyComponentProps interface, put them in another interface called `InjectedProps`: ```ts interface MyComponentProps { name: string; countryCode?: string; } interface InjectedProps { routerLocation: { pathname: string }; } ``` Now add a [getter](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions/get) to cast `this.props` as the original props - `MyComponentProps` and the injected props - `InjectedProps`: ```ts class MyComponent extends React.Component { get injected() { return this.props as MyComponentProps & InjectedProps; } render() { const { name, countryCode, routerLocation } = this.props; ... } } ``` ## Event Handlers Event handlers such as `onChange` and `onClick`, should be properly typed. For example, if you have an event listener on an input element inside a form: ```ts public onValueChange = (e: React.FormEvent) => { if (this.props.onChange) { this.props.onChange( e.currentTarget.value, this.props.unit ); } }; ``` Where you type the event as a `React.FormEvent` of type `HTMLElement`. ## Class names Dynamic class names should use the `classnames` module to simplify how they are created instead of using string template literals with expressions inside. ### Styling Legacy styles are housed under `common/assets/styles` and written with LESS. However, going forward, each styled component should create a a `.scss` file of the same name in the same folder, and import it like so: ```ts import React from "react"; import "./MyComponent.scss"; export default class MyComponent extends React.component<{}, {}> { render() { return (
); } } ``` These style modules adhere to [SuitCSS naming convention](https://github.com/suitcss/suit/blob/master/doc/naming-conventions.md): ```scss .MyComponent { /* Styles */ &-child { /* Styles */ &.is-hidden { display: none; } } } ``` All elements inside of a component should extend its parent class namespace, or create a new namespace (Potentially breaking that out into its own component.) Variables and mixins can be imported from the files in `common/styles`: ```scss @import "sass/colors"; code { color: $code-color; } ``` #### Converting Styles When working on a module that has styling in Less, try to do the following: * Screenshot the component in question * Create a new SCSS file in the same directory * Remove styling from LESS file, convert it to the SCSS file (Mostly s/@/$) * Convert class names to SuitCSS naming convention * Convert any utility classes from `etherewallet-utilities.less` into mixins * Convert as many element selectors to class name selectors as possible * Convert as many `
` tags or ` `s to margins * Ensure that there has been little to no deviation from screenshot #### Adding Icon-fonts 1. Download chosen icon-font 1. Declare css font-family: ``` @font-face { font-family: 'social-media'; src: url('../assets/fonts/social-media.eot'); src: url('../assets/fonts/social-media.eot') format('embedded-opentype'), url('../assets/fonts/social-media.woff2') format('woff2'), url('../assets/fonts/social-media.woff') format('woff'), url('../assets/fonts/social-media.ttf') format('truetype'), url('../assets/fonts/social-media.svg') format('svg'); font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; } ``` 1. Create classes for each icon using their unicode character ``` .sm-logo-facebook:before { content: '\ea02'; } ``` * [How to get unicode icon values?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27247145/get-the-unicode-icon-value-from-a-custom-font) 1. Write some markup: ``` Hello World ``` ## Thanks & Support Cross browser testing and debugging provided by the very lovely team at BrowserStack.