import { AppState } from 'reducers'; import { CustomNodeConfig, StaticNodeConfig, StaticNodeId, NodeConfig } from 'types/node'; const getConfig = (state: AppState) => state.config; import { shepherdProvider, INode, isAutoNodeConfig } from 'libs/nodes'; import { getNetworkConfig } from './networks'; export const getNodes = (state: AppState) => getConfig(state).nodes; export function isNodeCustom(state: AppState, nodeId: string): CustomNodeConfig | undefined { return getCustomNodeConfigs(state)[nodeId]; } export const getCustomNodeFromId = ( state: AppState, nodeId: string ): CustomNodeConfig | undefined => getCustomNodeConfigs(state)[nodeId]; export const getStaticNodeFromId = (state: AppState, nodeId: StaticNodeId) => getStaticNodeConfigs(state)[nodeId]; export const isStaticNodeId = (state: AppState, nodeId: string): nodeId is StaticNodeId => Object.keys(getStaticNodeConfigs(state)).includes(nodeId); const getStaticNodeConfigs = (state: AppState) => getNodes(state).staticNodes; export const getStaticNodeConfig = (state: AppState) => { const { staticNodes, selectedNode: { nodeId } } = getNodes(state); const defaultNetwork = isStaticNodeId(state, nodeId) ? staticNodes[nodeId] : undefined; return defaultNetwork; }; export const getWeb3Node = (state: AppState): StaticNodeConfig | null => { const isWeb3Node = (nodeId: string) => nodeId === 'web3'; const currNode = getStaticNodeConfig(state); const currNodeId = getNodeId(state); if (currNode && currNodeId && isWeb3Node(currNodeId)) { return currNode; } return null; }; export const getCustomNodeConfig = (state: AppState): CustomNodeConfig | undefined => { const { customNodes, selectedNode: { nodeId } } = getNodes(state); const customNode = customNodes[nodeId]; return customNode; }; export function getCustomNodeConfigs(state: AppState) { return getNodes(state).customNodes; } export function getStaticNodes(state: AppState) { return getNodes(state).staticNodes; } export function getSelectedNode(state: AppState) { return getNodes(state).selectedNode; } export function getPreviouslySelectedNode(state: AppState) { return getSelectedNode(state).prevNode; } export function isNodeChanging(state: AppState): boolean { return getSelectedNode(state).pending; } export function getNodeId(state: AppState): string { return getSelectedNode(state).nodeId; } export function getIsWeb3Node(state: AppState): boolean { return getNodeId(state) === 'web3'; } export function getNodeConfig(state: AppState): StaticNodeConfig | CustomNodeConfig { const config = getStaticNodeConfig(state) || getCustomNodeConfig(state); if (!config) { const nodeId = getNodeId(state); throw Error(`No node config found for ${nodeId} in either static or custom nodes`); } return config; } export function getNodeLib(_: AppState): INode { return shepherdProvider; } export function getAllNodes(state: AppState): { [key: string]: NodeConfig } { return { ...getStaticNodes(state), ...getCustomNodeConfigs(state) }; } export interface INodeLabel { network: string; info: string; } export function getSelectedNodeLabel(state: AppState): INodeLabel { const allNodes = getAllNodes(state); const node = getNodeConfig(state); const network = getNetworkConfig(state); let info; if (node.isCustom) { // Custom nodes have names info =; } else if (node.isAuto) { // Auto nodes should show the count of all nodes it uses. If only one, // show the service name of the node. const networkNodes = Object.values(allNodes).filter( n => !isAutoNodeConfig(n) && === ); if (networkNodes.length > 1) { info = 'AUTO'; } else { info = networkNodes[0].service; } } else { info = node.service; } return { network:, info }; }