import React from 'react'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import { Token } from 'config'; import { isPositiveIntegerOrZero, isValidETHAddress } from 'libs/validators'; import translate from 'translations'; import NewTabLink from 'components/ui/NewTabLink'; import './AddCustomTokenForm.scss'; interface Props { allTokens: Token[]; onSave(params: Token): void; toggleForm(): void; } interface IGenerateSymbolLookup { [tokenSymbol: string]: boolean; } interface State { tokenSymbolLookup: IGenerateSymbolLookup; address: string; symbol: string; decimal: string; } export default class AddCustomTokenForm extends React.PureComponent { public state: State = { tokenSymbolLookup: {}, address: '', symbol: '', decimal: '' }; constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.state = { ...this.state, tokenSymbolLookup: this.generateSymbolLookup(props.allTokens) }; } public render() { const { address, symbol, decimal } = this.state; const inputClasses = 'AddCustom-field-input form-control input-sm'; const errors = this.getErrors(); const fields = [ { name: 'symbol', value: symbol, label: translate('TOKEN_Symbol') }, { name: 'address', value: address, label: translate('TOKEN_Addr') }, { name: 'decimal', value: decimal, label: translate('TOKEN_Dec') } ]; return (
{ => { return ( ); })}
{translate('Need help? Learn how to add custom tokens.')}
); } public getErrors() { const { address, symbol, decimal } = this.state; const errors: { [key: string]: boolean | string } = {}; // Formatting errors if (decimal && !isPositiveIntegerOrZero(parseInt(decimal, 10))) { errors.decimal = true; } if (address && !isValidETHAddress(address)) { errors.address = true; } // Message errors if (symbol && this.state.tokenSymbolLookup[symbol]) { errors.symbol = 'A token with this symbol already exists'; } return errors; } public isValid() { const { address, symbol, decimal } = this.state; return !Object.keys(this.getErrors()).length && address && symbol && decimal; } public onFieldChange = (e: React.FormEvent) => { // TODO: typescript bug: const name: any =; const value = e.currentTarget.value; this.setState({ [name]: value }); }; public onSave = (ev: React.FormEvent) => { ev.preventDefault(); if (!this.isValid()) { return; } const { address, symbol, decimal } = this.state; this.props.onSave({ address, symbol, decimal: parseInt(decimal, 10) }); }; private generateSymbolLookup(tokens: Token[]) { return tokens.reduce( (prev, tk) => { prev[tk.symbol] = true; return prev; }, {} as IGenerateSymbolLookup ); } }