import { delay, SagaIterator } from 'redux-saga'; import { call, cancel, fork, put, take, takeLatest, takeEvery, select } from 'redux-saga/effects'; import { NODES } from 'config/data'; import { getNodeConfig } from 'selectors/config'; import { AppState } from 'reducers'; import { TypeKeys } from 'actions/config/constants'; import { toggleOfflineConfig, TToggleOfflineConfig, changeNode } from 'actions/config'; import { State as ConfigState } from 'reducers/config'; export const getConfig = (state: AppState): ConfigState => state.config; export function* pollOfflineStatus(): SagaIterator { while (true) { const offline = !navigator.onLine; const config = yield select(getConfig); const offlineState = config.offline; if (offline !== offlineState) { yield put(toggleOfflineConfig()); } yield call(delay, 250); } } // Fork our recurring API call, watch for the need to cancel. function* handlePollOfflineStatus(): SagaIterator { const pollOfflineStatusTask = yield fork(pollOfflineStatus); yield take('CONFIG_STOP_POLL_OFFLINE_STATE'); yield cancel(pollOfflineStatusTask); } // @HACK For now we reload the app when doing a language swap to force non-connected // data to reload. Also the use of timeout to avoid using additional actions for now. function* reload(): SagaIterator { setTimeout(() => location.reload(), 250); } function* handleNodeChangeIntent(action): SagaIterator { const nodeConfig = yield select(getNodeConfig); const currentNetwork =; const actionNetwork = NODES[action.payload].network; yield put(changeNode(action.payload)); if (currentNetwork !== actionNetwork) { yield call(reload); } } export default function* configSaga(): SagaIterator { yield takeLatest( TypeKeys.CONFIG_POLL_OFFLINE_STATUS, handlePollOfflineStatus ); yield takeEvery(TypeKeys.CONFIG_NODE_CHANGE_INTENT, handleNodeChangeIntent); yield takeEvery(TypeKeys.CONFIG_LANGUAGE_CHANGE, reload); }