export const ETH_DEFAULT: DPath = { label: 'Default (ETH)', value: "m/44'/60'/0'/0" }; export const ETH_TREZOR: DPath = { label: 'TREZOR (ETH)', value: "m/44'/60'/0'/0" }; export const ETH_LEDGER: DPath = { label: 'Ledger (ETH)', value: "m/44'/60'/0'" }; export const ETC_LEDGER: DPath = { label: 'Ledger (ETC)', value: "m/44'/60'/160720'/0'" }; export const ETC_TREZOR: DPath = { label: 'TREZOR (ETC)', value: "m/44'/61'/0'/0" }; export const ETH_TESTNET: DPath = { label: 'Testnet (ETH)', value: "m/44'/1'/0'/0" }; export const EXP_DEFAULT: DPath = { label: 'Default (EXP)', value: "m/44'/40'/0'/0" }; export const UBQ_DEFAULT: DPath = { label: 'Default (UBQ)', value: "m/44'/108'/0'/0" }; export const POA_DEFAULT: DPath = { label: 'Default (POA)', value: "m/44'/60'/0'/0" }; export const TOMO_DEFAULT: DPath = { label: 'Default (TOMO)', value: "m/44'/1'/0'/0" }; export const ELLA_DEFAULT: DPath = { label: 'Default (ELLA)', value: "m/44'/163'/0'/0" }; export const MUSIC_DEFAULT: DPath = { label: 'Default (MUSIC)', value: "m/44'/60'/0'/0" }; export const ETSC_DEFAULT: DPath = { label: 'Default (ETSC)', value: "m/44'/1128'/0'/0" }; export const EGEM_DEFAULT: DPath = { label: 'Default (EGEM)', value: "m/44'/1987'/0'/0" }; export const CLO_DEFAULT: DPath = { label: 'Default (CLO)', value: "m/44'/820'/0'/0" }; export const ETH_SINGULAR: DPath = { label: 'SingularDTV', value: "m/0'/0'/0'" }; export const RSK_TESTNET: DPath = { label: 'Testnet (RSK)', value: "m/44'/37310'/0'/0" }; export const GO_DEFAULT: DPath = { label: 'Default (GO)', value: "m/44'/6060'/0'/0" }; export const EOSC_DEFAULT: DPath = { label: 'Default (EOSC)', value: "m/44'/2018'/0'/0" }; export const ESN_DEFAULT: DPath = { label: 'Default (ESN)', value: "m/44'/31102'/0'/0" }; export const DPaths: DPath[] = [ ETH_DEFAULT, ETH_TREZOR, ETH_LEDGER, ETC_LEDGER, ETC_TREZOR, ETH_TESTNET, EXP_DEFAULT, UBQ_DEFAULT, POA_DEFAULT, TOMO_DEFAULT, ELLA_DEFAULT, MUSIC_DEFAULT, ETSC_DEFAULT, EGEM_DEFAULT, CLO_DEFAULT, RSK_TESTNET, GO_DEFAULT, EOSC_DEFAULT, ESN_DEFAULT ]; // PATHS TO BE INCLUDED REGARDLESS OF WALLET FORMAT export const EXTRA_PATHS = [ETH_SINGULAR]; // Full length deterministic wallet paths from BIP44 // https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0044.mediawiki // normal path length is 4, ledger is the exception at 3 // m / purpose' / coin_type' / account' / change / address_index // | | | | | // | constant | index | index | 0 or 1 | // |__________|____________|__________|________| // whitespace strings are evaluated the same way as nospace strings, except they allow optional spaces between each portion of the string // ie. "m / 44' / 0' / 0'" is valid, "m / 4 4' / 0' / 0'" is invalid export const dPathRegex = /m\/44'\/[0-9]+\'\/[0-9]+(\'+$|\'+(\/[0-1]+$))/; // export const whitespaceDPathRegex = /m\s*\/\s*44'\s*\/\s*[0-9]+\'\s*\/\s*[0-9]+(\'+$|\'+\s*(\/\s*[0-1]+$))/;