import React from 'react'; import { fromTokenBase, getDecimal, UnitKey, Wei, TokenValue } from 'libs/units'; import { formatNumber as format } from 'utils/formatters'; interface Props { /** * @description base value of the token / ether, incase of waiting for API calls, we can return '???' * @type {TokenValue | Wei} * @memberof Props */ value?: TokenValue | Wei; /** * @description Symbol to display to the right of the value, such as 'ETH' * @type {string} * @memberof Props */ symbol?: string; /** * @description display the long balance, if false, trims it to 3 decimal places, if a number is specified then that number is the number of digits to be displayed. * @type {boolean} * @memberof Props */ displayShortBalance?: boolean | number; } interface EthProps extends Props { unit: UnitKey; } interface TokenProps extends Props { decimal: number; } const isEthereumUnit = (param: EthProps | TokenProps): param is EthProps => !!(param as EthProps).unit; const UnitDisplay: React.SFC = params => { const { value, symbol, displayShortBalance } = params; if (!value) { return ???; } const convertedValue = isEthereumUnit(params) ? fromTokenBase(value, getDecimal(params.unit)) : fromTokenBase(value, params.decimal); let formattedValue; if (displayShortBalance) { const digits = typeof displayShortBalance === 'number' && displayShortBalance; formattedValue = digits ? format(convertedValue, digits) : format(convertedValue); } else { formattedValue = convertedValue; } return ( {formattedValue} {symbol ? ` ${symbol}` : ''} ); }; export default UnitDisplay;