import { EtherscanNode, InfuraNode, RPCNode, Web3Node } from 'libs/nodes'; import { networkIdToName } from 'libs/values'; export const languages = require('./languages.json'); // Displays in the header export const VERSION = '4.0.0 (Alpha 0.0.5)'; export const N_FACTOR = 1024; // Displays at the top of the site, make message empty string to remove. // Type can be primary, warning, danger, success, or info. // HTML is allowed inside of the message. export const ANNOUNCEMENT_TYPE = 'warning'; export const ANNOUNCEMENT_MESSAGE = ` This is an Alpha build of MyEtherWallet v4. Please only use for testing, or use v3 at
If you're interested in recieving updates about the MyEtherWallet V4 Alpha, you can subscribe via mailchimp :) `; const etherScan = ''; const blockChainInfo = ''; const ethPlorer = ''; export const ETHTxExplorer = (txHash: string): string => `${etherScan}/tx/${txHash}`; export const BTCTxExplorer = (txHash: string): string => `${blockChainInfo}/tx/${txHash}`; export const ETHAddressExplorer = (address: string): string => `${etherScan}/address/${address}`; export const ETHTokenExplorer = (address: string): string => `${ethPlorer}/address/${address}`; export const donationAddressMap = { BTC: '1MEWT2SGbqtz6mPCgFcnea8XmWV5Z4Wc6', ETH: '0x7cB57B5A97eAbe94205C07890BE4c1aD31E486A8', REP: '0x7cB57B5A97eAbe94205C07890BE4c1aD31E486A8' }; export const gasPriceDefaults = { gasPriceMinGwei: 1, gasPriceMaxGwei: 60 }; export const bityReferralURL = ''; export const ledgerReferralURL = ''; export const trezorReferralURL = ''; export const bitboxReferralURL = ''; export interface BlockExplorerConfig { name: string; tx(txHash: string): string; address(address: string): string; } export interface Token { address: string; symbol: string; decimal: number; error?: string | null; } export interface NetworkContract { name: string; address: string; abi: string; } export interface NetworkConfig { name: string; unit: string; color?: string; blockExplorer?: BlockExplorerConfig; tokenExplorer?: { name: string; address(address: string): string; }; chainId: number; tokens: Token[]; contracts: NetworkContract[] | null; } export interface CustomNetworkConfig { name: string; unit: string; chainId: number; } export interface NodeConfig { network: string; lib: RPCNode | Web3Node; service: string; estimateGas?: boolean; hidden?: boolean; } export interface CustomNodeConfig { name: string; url: string; port: number; network: string; auth?: { username: string; password: string; }; } // Must be a website that follows the ethplorer convention of /tx/[hash] and // address/[address] to generate the correct functions. function makeExplorer(url): BlockExplorerConfig { return { name: url, tx: hash => `${url}/tx/${hash}`, address: address => `${url}/address/${address}` }; } export const NETWORKS: { [key: string]: NetworkConfig } = { ETH: { name: 'ETH', unit: 'ETH', chainId: 1, color: '#0e97c0', blockExplorer: makeExplorer(''), tokenExplorer: { name: ethPlorer, address: ETHTokenExplorer }, tokens: require('./tokens/eth.json'), contracts: require('./contracts/eth.json') }, ETC: { name: 'ETC', unit: 'ETC', chainId: 61, color: '#669073', blockExplorer: makeExplorer(''), tokens: require('./tokens/etc.json'), contracts: require('./contracts/etc.json') }, Ropsten: { name: 'Ropsten', unit: 'ETH', chainId: 3, color: '#adc101', blockExplorer: makeExplorer(''), tokens: require('./tokens/ropsten.json'), contracts: require('./contracts/ropsten.json') }, Kovan: { name: 'Kovan', unit: 'ETH', chainId: 42, color: '#adc101', blockExplorer: makeExplorer(''), tokens: require('./tokens/ropsten.json'), contracts: require('./contracts/ropsten.json') }, Rinkeby: { name: 'Rinkeby', unit: 'ETH', chainId: 4, color: '#adc101', blockExplorer: makeExplorer(''), tokens: require('./tokens/rinkeby.json'), contracts: require('./contracts/rinkeby.json') }, RSK: { name: 'RSK', unit: 'RSK', chainId: 31, color: '#ff794f', blockExplorer: makeExplorer(''), tokens: require('./tokens/rsk.json'), contracts: require('./contracts/rsk.json') }, EXP: { name: 'EXP', unit: 'EXP', chainId: 2, color: '#673ab7', blockExplorer: makeExplorer(''), tokens: require('./tokens/exp.json'), contracts: require('./contracts/exp.json') }, UBQ: { name: 'UBQ', unit: 'UBQ', chainId: 8, color: '#b37aff', blockExplorer: makeExplorer(''), tokens: require('./tokens/ubq.json'), contracts: require('./contracts/ubq.json') } }; export const NODES: { [key: string]: NodeConfig } = { eth_mew: { network: 'ETH', lib: new RPCNode(''), service: 'MyEtherWallet', estimateGas: true }, eth_ethscan: { network: 'ETH', service: '', lib: new EtherscanNode(''), estimateGas: false }, eth_infura: { network: 'ETH', service: '', lib: new InfuraNode(''), estimateGas: false }, etc_epool: { network: 'ETC', service: '', lib: new RPCNode(''), estimateGas: false }, rop_mew: { network: 'Ropsten', service: 'MyEtherWallet', lib: new RPCNode(''), estimateGas: false }, rop_infura: { network: 'Ropsten', service: '', lib: new InfuraNode(''), estimateGas: false }, kov_ethscan: { network: 'Kovan', service: '', lib: new EtherscanNode(''), estimateGas: false }, rin_ethscan: { network: 'Rinkeby', service: '', lib: new EtherscanNode(''), estimateGas: false }, rin_infura: { network: 'Rinkeby', service: '', lib: new InfuraNode(''), estimateGas: false }, rsk: { network: 'RSK', service: '', lib: new RPCNode(''), estimateGas: true }, exp: { network: 'EXP', service: '', lib: new RPCNode(''), estimateGas: true }, ubq: { network: 'UBQ', service: '', lib: new RPCNode(''), estimateGas: true } }; export async function initWeb3Node(): Promise { const { web3 } = window as any; if (!web3 || !web3.currentProvider || !web3.currentProvider.sendAsync) { throw new Error( 'Web3 not found. Please check that MetaMask is installed, or that MyEtherWallet is open in Mist.' ); } const lib = new Web3Node(); const networkId = await lib.getNetVersion(); const accounts = await lib.getAccounts(); if (!accounts.length) { throw new Error('No accounts found in MetaMask / Mist.'); } if (networkId === 'loading') { throw new Error( 'MetaMask / Mist is still loading. Please refresh the page and try again.' ); } NODES.web3 = { network: networkIdToName(networkId), service: 'MetaMask / Mist', lib, estimateGas: false, hidden: true }; }