import { configuredStore } from 'store'; import { delay } from 'redux-saga'; import { call, cancel, fork, put, take, select } from 'redux-saga/effects'; import { cloneableGenerator, createMockTask } from 'redux-saga/utils'; import { toggleOfflineConfig, changeNode, changeNodeIntent, setLatestBlock } from 'actions/config'; import { pollOfflineStatus, handlePollOfflineStatus, handleNodeChangeIntent, handleTogglePollOfflineStatus, reload, unsetWeb3Node, unsetWeb3NodeOnWalletEvent, equivalentNodeOrDefault } from 'sagas/config'; import { NODES, NodeConfig, NETWORKS } from 'config/data'; import { getNode, getNodeConfig, getOffline, getForceOffline, getCustomNodeConfigs, getCustomNetworkConfigs } from 'selectors/config'; import { INITIAL_STATE as configInitialState } from 'reducers/config'; import { getWalletInst } from 'selectors/wallet'; import { Web3Wallet } from 'libs/wallet'; import { RPCNode } from 'libs/nodes'; import { showNotification } from 'actions/notifications'; import { translateRaw } from 'translations'; // init module configuredStore.getState(); describe('pollOfflineStatus*', () => { const nav = navigator as any; const doc = document as any; const data = {} as any; data.gen = cloneableGenerator(pollOfflineStatus)(); const node = { lib: { ping: jest.fn() } }; const isOffline = true; const isForcedOffline = true; const raceSuccess = { pingSucceeded: true }; const raceFailure = { pingSucceeded: false }; let originalHidden; let originalOnLine; let originalRandom; beforeAll(() => { // backup global config originalHidden = document.hidden; originalOnLine = navigator.onLine; originalRandom = Math.random; // mock config Object.defineProperty(document, 'hidden', { value: false, writable: true }); Object.defineProperty(navigator, 'onLine', { value: true, writable: true }); Math.random = () => 0.001; }); afterAll(() => { // restore global config Object.defineProperty(document, 'hidden', { value: originalHidden, writable: false }); Object.defineProperty(navigator, 'onLine', { value: originalOnLine, writable: false }); Math.random = originalRandom; }); it('should select getNodeConfig', () => { expect(; }); it('should select getOffline', () => { expect(; }); it('should select getForceOffline', () => { data.isOfflineClone = data.gen.clone(); expect(; }); it('should be done if isForcedOffline', () => { data.clone1 = data.gen.clone(); expect(; }); it('should call delay if document is hidden', () => { data.clone2 = data.gen.clone(); doc.hidden = true; expect(!isForcedOffline).value).toEqual(call(delay, 1000)); }); it('should race pingSucceeded and timeout', () => { doc.hidden = false; expect(!isForcedOffline).value).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should put showNotification and put toggleOfflineConfig if pingSucceeded && isOffline', () => { expect( put(showNotification('success', 'Your connection to the network has been restored!', 3000)) ); expect(; }); it('should put showNotification and put toggleOfflineConfig if !pingSucceeded && !isOffline', () => { nav.onLine = !isOffline;!isOffline);!isForcedOffline); data.clone3 = data.isOfflineClone.clone(); expect(; expect(; }); it('should call delay when neither case is true', () => { expect(, 5000)); }); }); describe('handlePollOfflineStatus*', () => { const gen = handlePollOfflineStatus(); const mockTask = createMockTask(); it('should fork pollOffineStatus', () => { const expectedForkYield = fork(pollOfflineStatus); expect(; }); it('should take CONFIG_STOP_POLL_OFFLINE_STATE', () => { expect('CONFIG_STOP_POLL_OFFLINE_STATE')); }); it('should cancel pollOfflineStatus', () => { expect(; }); }); describe('handleTogglePollOfflineStatus*', () => { const data = {} as any; data.gen = cloneableGenerator(handleTogglePollOfflineStatus)(); const isForcedOffline = true; it('should select getForceOffline', () => { expect(; }); it('should fork handlePollOfflineStatus when isForcedOffline', () => { data.clone = data.gen.clone(); expect(; }); it('should call handlePollOfflineStatus when !isForcedOffline', () => { expect(!isForcedOffline).value).toEqual(call(handlePollOfflineStatus)); }); it('should be done', () => { expect(; expect(; }); }); describe('handleNodeChangeIntent*', () => { let originalRandom; // normal operation variables const defaultNode = configInitialState.nodeSelection; const defaultNodeConfig = NODES[defaultNode]; const customNetworkConfigs = []; const defaultNodeNetwork = NETWORKS[]; const newNode = Object.keys(NODES).reduce( (acc, cur) => (NODES[acc].network === ? cur : acc) ); const newNodeConfig = NODES[newNode]; const newNodeNetwork = NETWORKS[]; const changeNodeIntentAction = changeNodeIntent(newNode); const truthyWallet = true; const latestBlock = '0xa'; const raceSuccess = { lb: latestBlock }; const raceFailure = { to: true }; const data = {} as any; data.gen = cloneableGenerator(handleNodeChangeIntent)(changeNodeIntentAction); function shouldBailOut(gen, nextVal, errMsg) { expect('danger', errMsg, 5000))); expect( put(changeNode(defaultNode, defaultNodeConfig, defaultNodeNetwork)) ); expect(; } beforeAll(() => { originalRandom = Math.random; Math.random = () => 0.001; }); afterAll(() => { Math.random = originalRandom; }); it('should select getNode', () => { expect(; }); it('should select nodeConfig', () => { expect(; }); it('should select getCustomNetworkConfigs', () => { expect(; }); it('should race getCurrentBlock and delay', () => { expect(; }); it('should show error and revert to previous node if check times out', () => { data.clone1 = data.gen.clone(); shouldBailOut(data.clone1, raceFailure, translateRaw('ERROR_32')); }); it('should put setLatestBlock', () => { expect(; }); it('should put changeNode', () => { expect( put(changeNode(changeNodeIntentAction.payload, newNodeConfig, newNodeNetwork)) ); }); it('should select getWalletInst', () => { expect(; }); it('should call reload if wallet exists and network is new', () => { data.clone2 = data.gen.clone(); expect(; expect(; }); it('should be done', () => { expect(; }); // custom node variables const customNodeConfigs = [ { name: 'name', url: 'url', port: 443, network: 'network' } ]; const customNodeIdFound = 'url:443'; const customNodeIdNotFound = 'notFound'; const customNodeAction = changeNodeIntent(customNodeIdFound); const customNodeNotFoundAction = changeNodeIntent(customNodeIdNotFound); data.customNode = handleNodeChangeIntent(customNodeAction); data.customNodeNotFound = handleNodeChangeIntent(customNodeNotFoundAction); // test custom node it('should select getCustomNodeConfig and match race snapshot', () => {;;; expect(; expect(; }); // test custom node not found it('should handle unknown / missing custom node', () => {;;; expect( select(getCustomNodeConfigs) ); shouldBailOut( data.customNodeNotFound, customNodeConfigs, `Attempted to switch to unknown node '${customNodeNotFoundAction.payload}'` ); }); }); describe('unsetWeb3Node*', () => { const node = 'web3'; const mockNodeConfig = { network: 'ETH' } as any; const newNode = equivalentNodeOrDefault(mockNodeConfig); const gen = unsetWeb3Node(); it('should select getNode', () => { expect(; }); it('should select getNodeConfig', () => { expect(; }); it('should put changeNodeIntent', () => { expect(; }); it('should be done', () => { expect(; }); it('should return early if node type is not web3', () => { const gen1 = unsetWeb3Node();;'notWeb3'); expect(; }); }); describe('unsetWeb3NodeOnWalletEvent*', () => { const fakeAction = {}; const mockNode = 'web3'; const mockNodeConfig: Partial = { network: 'ETH' }; const gen = unsetWeb3NodeOnWalletEvent(fakeAction); it('should select getNode', () => { expect(; }); it('should select getNodeConfig', () => { expect(; }); it('should put changeNodeIntent', () => { expect( put(changeNodeIntent(equivalentNodeOrDefault(mockNodeConfig as any))) ); }); it('should be done', () => { expect(; }); it('should return early if node type is not web3', () => { const gen1 = unsetWeb3NodeOnWalletEvent({ payload: false });; //getNode'notWeb3'); //getNodeConfig expect(; }); it('should return early if wallet type is web3', () => { const mockAddress = '0x0'; const mockNetwork = 'ETH'; const mockWeb3Wallet = new Web3Wallet(mockAddress, mockNetwork); const gen2 = unsetWeb3NodeOnWalletEvent({ payload: mockWeb3Wallet });; //getNode'web3'); //getNodeConfig expect(; }); }); describe('equivalentNodeOrDefault', () => { const originalNodeList = Object.keys(NODES); const appDefaultNode = configInitialState.nodeSelection; const mockNodeConfig = { network: 'ETH', service: 'fakeService', lib: new RPCNode('fakeEndpoint'), estimateGas: false }; afterEach(() => { Object.keys(NODES).forEach(node => { if (originalNodeList.indexOf(node) === -1) { delete NODES[node]; } }); }); it('should return node with equivalent network', () => { const node = equivalentNodeOrDefault({ ...mockNodeConfig, network: 'Kovan' }); expect(NODES[node].network).toEqual('Kovan'); }); it('should return app default if no eqivalent is found', () => { const node = equivalentNodeOrDefault({ ...mockNodeConfig, network: 'noEqivalentExists' }); expect(node).toEqual(appDefaultNode); }); it('should ignore web3 from node list', () => { NODES.web3 = { ...mockNodeConfig, network: 'uniqueToWeb3' }; const node = equivalentNodeOrDefault({ ...mockNodeConfig, network: 'uniqueToWeb3' }); expect(node).toEqual(appDefaultNode); }); });