// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`handleNodeChangeIntent* should race getCurrentBlock and delay 1`] = ` Object { "@@redux-saga/IO": true, "RACE": Object { "lb": Object { "@@redux-saga/IO": true, "CALL": Object { "args": Array [], "context": null, "fn": [Function], }, }, "to": Object { "@@redux-saga/IO": true, "CALL": Object { "args": Array [ 5000, ], "context": null, "fn": [Function], }, }, }, } `; exports[`handleNodeChangeIntent* should select getCustomNodeConfig and match race snapshot 1`] = ` Object { "@@redux-saga/IO": true, "RACE": Object { "lb": Object { "@@redux-saga/IO": true, "CALL": Object { "args": Array [], "context": null, "fn": [Function], }, }, "to": Object { "@@redux-saga/IO": true, "CALL": Object { "args": Array [ 5000, ], "context": null, "fn": [Function], }, }, }, } `; exports[`pollOfflineStatus* should put showNotification and put toggleOfflineConfig if !pingSucceeded && !isOffline 1`] = ` Object { "@@redux-saga/IO": true, "PUT": Object { "action": Object { "payload": Object { "duration": Infinity, "id": 0.001, "level": "danger", "msg": "You’ve lost your connection to the network, check your internet connection or try changing networks from the dropdown at the top right of the page.", }, "type": "SHOW_NOTIFICATION", }, "channel": null, }, } `; exports[`pollOfflineStatus* should race pingSucceeded and timeout 1`] = ` Object { "@@redux-saga/IO": true, "RACE": Object { "pingSucceeded": Object { "@@redux-saga/IO": true, "CALL": Object { "args": Array [], "context": null, "fn": [Function], }, }, "timeout": Object { "@@redux-saga/IO": true, "CALL": Object { "args": Array [ 5000, ], "context": null, "fn": [Function], }, }, }, } `;