// @flow import { delay } from 'redux-saga'; import { call, cancel, fork, put, take, takeLatest } from 'redux-saga/effects'; import { getAllRates } from 'api/bity'; import { loadBityRatesSucceededSwap } from 'actions/swap'; import { showNotification } from 'actions/notifications'; import type { Yield, Return, Next } from 'sagas/types'; export function* loadBityRates(_action?: any): Generator { while (true) { try { const data = yield call(getAllRates); yield put(loadBityRatesSucceededSwap(data)); } catch (error) { yield put(yield showNotification('danger', error.message)); } yield call(delay, 5000); } } // Fork our recurring API call, watch for the need to cancel. function* handleBityRates(): Generator { const loadBityRatesTask = yield fork(loadBityRates); yield take('SWAP_STOP_LOAD_BITY_RATES'); yield cancel(loadBityRatesTask); } // Watch for latest SWAP_LOAD_BITY_RATES_REQUESTED action. export function* getBityRatesSaga(): Generator { yield takeLatest('SWAP_LOAD_BITY_RATES_REQUESTED', handleBityRates); }