import { configuredStore } from 'store'; import { cloneableGenerator, createMockTask } from 'redux-saga/utils'; import { take, race, fork } from 'redux-saga/effects'; import { TypeKeys as TransactionTK } from 'actions/transaction'; import { TypeKeys as WalletTK } from 'actions/wallet'; import { TypeKeys as SwapTK } from 'actions/swap/constants'; import { configureLiteSendSaga, handleConfigureLiteSend } from 'sagas/swap/liteSend'; // init module configuredStore.getState(); describe('Testing handle configure lite send', () => { const generators = { original: cloneableGenerator(handleConfigureLiteSend)() }; const { original } = generators; it('forks a configureLiteSend saga', () => { const expectedYield = fork(configureLiteSendSaga); expect(; }); it('races between three conditions, either the transaction state is reset, the user navigated away from the page, or bitty/shapeshift polling as finished', () => { const mockedTask = createMockTask(); const expectedYield = race({ transactionReset: take(TransactionTK.RESET_REQUESTED), userNavigatedAway: take(WalletTK.WALLET_RESET), bityPollingFinished: take(SwapTK.SWAP_STOP_POLL_BITY_ORDER_STATUS), shapeshiftPollingFinished: take(SwapTK.SWAP_STOP_POLL_SHAPESHIFT_ORDER_STATUS) }); expect(; }); });