import erc20 from 'libs/erc20'; import BN from 'bn.js'; import EthTx from 'ethereumjs-tx'; import { bufferToHex } from 'ethereumjs-util'; import { Address, Wei, TokenValue, Nonce, getDecimalFromEtherUnit } from 'libs/units'; import { EAC_SCHEDULING_CONFIG, EAC_ADDRESSES, calcEACEndowment, getSchedulerAddress, getScheduleData, getValidateRequestParamsData } from 'libs/scheduling'; import { makeTransaction, getTransactionFields, IHexStrTransaction } from 'libs/transaction'; import { stripHexPrefixAndLower } from 'libs/formatters'; import { SecureWalletName, WalletName, getAddressMessage, AddressMessage } from 'config'; import { Token } from 'types/network'; import { ICurrentTo, ICurrentValue, IGetTransaction } from './types'; import { AppState } from './reducers'; import { addressBookSelectors } from './addressBook'; import { walletTypes, walletSelectors } from './wallet'; import { ratesSelectors } from './rates'; import { customTokensSelectors } from './customTokens'; import { scheduleSelectors, scheduleHelpers } from './schedule'; import { transactionsSelectors } from './transactions'; import { SavedTransaction } from 'types/transactions'; import * as configMetaSelectors from './config/meta/selectors'; import * as configSelectors from './config/selectors'; import * as transactionSelectors from './transaction/selectors'; import * as transactionFieldsSelectors from './transaction/fields/selectors'; import * as transactionMetaSelectors from './transaction/meta/selectors'; import * as transactionSignTypes from './transaction/sign/types'; import * as transactionSignSelectors from './transaction/sign/selectors'; import { reduceToValues, isFullTx } from './helpers'; export const isAnyOfflineWithWeb3 = (state: AppState): boolean => { const { isWeb3Wallet } = walletSelectors.getWalletType(state); const offline = configMetaSelectors.getOffline(state); return offline && isWeb3Wallet; }; // TODO: Convert to reselect selector (Issue #884) export function getDisabledWallets(state: AppState): any { const network = configSelectors.getNetworkConfig(state); const isOffline = configMetaSelectors.getOffline(state); const disabledWallets: any = { wallets: [], reasons: {} }; const addReason = (wallets: WalletName[], reason: string) => { if (!wallets.length) { return; } disabledWallets.wallets = disabledWallets.wallets.concat(wallets); wallets.forEach(wallet => { disabledWallets.reasons[wallet] = reason; }); }; // Some wallets don't support some networks addReason( configSelectors.unSupportedWalletFormatsOnNetwork(state), `This wallet doesn’t support the ${} network` ); // Some wallets are unavailable offline if (isOffline) { addReason( [SecureWalletName.WEB3, SecureWalletName.TREZOR], 'This wallet cannot be accessed offline' ); } // Some wallets are disabled on certain platforms if (process.env.BUILD_ELECTRON) { addReason([SecureWalletName.WEB3], 'This wallet is not supported in the MyCrypto app'); } // Dedupe and sort for consistency disabledWallets.wallets = disabledWallets.wallets .filter((name: string, idx: number) => disabledWallets.wallets.indexOf(name) === idx) .sort(); return disabledWallets; } export function getTokens(state: AppState): walletTypes.MergedToken[] { const network = configSelectors.getStaticNetworkConfig(state); const tokens: Token[] = network ? network.tokens : []; return tokens.concat( Token) => { const mergedToken = { ...token, custom: true }; return mergedToken; }) ) as walletTypes.MergedToken[]; } export function getWalletConfigTokens(state: AppState): walletTypes.MergedToken[] { const tokens = getTokens(state); const config = walletSelectors.getWalletConfig(state); if (!config || !config.tokens) { return []; } return config.tokens .map(symbol => tokens.find(t => t.symbol === symbol)) .filter(token => token) as walletTypes.MergedToken[]; } export const getToken = (state: AppState, unit: string): walletTypes.MergedToken | undefined => { const tokens = getTokens(state); const token = tokens.find(t => t.symbol === unit); return token; }; export function getTokenBalances( state: AppState, nonZeroOnly: boolean = false ): walletTypes.TokenBalance[] { const tokens = getTokens(state); if (!tokens) { return []; } const ret = => ({ symbol: t.symbol, balance: state.wallet.tokens[t.symbol] ? state.wallet.tokens[t.symbol].balance : TokenValue('0'), error: state.wallet.tokens[t.symbol] ? state.wallet.tokens[t.symbol].error : null, custom: t.custom, decimal: t.decimal })); return nonZeroOnly ? ret.filter(t => !t.balance.isZero()) : ret; } export const getTokenWithBalance = (state: AppState, unit: string): walletTypes.TokenBalance => { const tokens = getTokenBalances(state, false); const currentToken = tokens.filter(t => t.symbol === unit); //TODO: getting the first index is kinda hacky return currentToken[0]; }; export const getTokenBalance = (state: AppState, unit: string): TokenValue | null => { const token = getTokenWithBalance(state, unit); if (!token) { return token; } return token.balance; }; export function getShownTokenBalances( state: AppState, nonZeroOnly: boolean = false ): walletTypes.TokenBalance[] { const tokenBalances = getTokenBalances(state, nonZeroOnly); const walletConfig = walletSelectors.getWalletConfig(state); let walletTokens: string[] = []; if (walletConfig) { if (walletConfig.tokens) { walletTokens = walletConfig.tokens; } } return tokenBalances.filter(t => walletTokens.includes(t.symbol)); } const getUSDConversionRate = (state: AppState, unit: string) => { const { isTestnet } = configSelectors.getNetworkConfig(state); const { rates } = ratesSelectors.getRates(state); if (isTestnet) { return null; } const conversionRate = rates[unit]; if (!conversionRate) { return null; } return conversionRate.USD; }; export const getValueInUSD = (state: AppState, value: TokenValue | Wei) => { const unit = getUnit(state); const conversionRate = getUSDConversionRate(state, unit); if (!conversionRate) { return null; } const sendValueUSD = value.muln(conversionRate); return sendValueUSD; }; export const getTransactionFeeInUSD = (state: AppState, fee: Wei) => { const { unit } = configSelectors.getNetworkConfig(state); const conversionRate = getUSDConversionRate(state, unit); if (!conversionRate) { return null; } const feeValueUSD = fee.muln(conversionRate); return feeValueUSD; }; export interface AllUSDValues { valueUSD: BN | null; feeUSD: BN | null; totalUSD: BN | null; } export const getAllUSDValuesFromSerializedTx = (state: AppState): AllUSDValues => { const fields = getParamsFromSerializedTx(state); if (!fields) { return { feeUSD: null, valueUSD: null, totalUSD: null }; } const { currentValue, fee } = fields; const valueUSD = getValueInUSD(state, currentValue); const feeUSD = getTransactionFeeInUSD(state, fee); return { feeUSD, valueUSD, totalUSD: feeUSD && valueUSD ? valueUSD.add(feeUSD) : null }; }; export function getRecentNetworkTransactions(state: AppState): SavedTransaction[] { const txs = transactionsSelectors.getRecentTransactions(state); const network = configSelectors.getNetworkConfig(state); return txs.filter(tx => tx.chainId === network.chainId); } export function getRecentWalletTransactions(state: AppState): SavedTransaction[] { const networkTxs = getRecentNetworkTransactions(state); const wallet = walletSelectors.getWalletInst(state); if (wallet) { const addr = wallet.getAddressString().toLowerCase(); return networkTxs.filter(tx => tx.from.toLowerCase() === addr); } else { return []; } } export const getSchedulingTransaction = (state: AppState): IGetTransaction => { const { isFullTransaction } = getTransaction(state); const currentTo = getCurrentTo(state); const currentValue = getCurrentValue(state); const nonce = transactionFieldsSelectors.getNonce(state); const gasPrice = transactionFieldsSelectors.getGasPrice(state); const timeBounty = scheduleSelectors.getTimeBounty(state); const scheduleGasPrice = scheduleSelectors.getScheduleGasPrice(state); const scheduleGasLimit = scheduleSelectors.getScheduleGasLimit(state); const scheduleType = scheduleSelectors.getScheduleType(state); const endowment = calcEACEndowment( scheduleGasLimit.value, currentValue.value, scheduleGasPrice.value, timeBounty.value ); let transactionData = null; const transactionFullAndValid = isFullTransaction && isSchedulingTransactionValid(state); if (transactionFullAndValid) { const deposit = scheduleSelectors.getScheduleDeposit(state); const scheduleTimestamp = scheduleSelectors.getScheduleTimestamp(state); const windowSize = scheduleSelectors.getWindowSize(state); const callData = transactionFieldsSelectors.getData(state); const scheduleTimezone = scheduleSelectors.getScheduleTimezone(state); const windowStart = scheduleSelectors.getWindowStart(state); transactionData = getScheduleData( currentTo.raw, callData.raw, scheduleGasLimit.value, currentValue.value, scheduleHelpers.windowSizeBlockToMin(windowSize.value, scheduleType.value), scheduleHelpers.calculateWindowStart( scheduleType.value, scheduleTimestamp, scheduleTimezone.value, windowStart.value ), scheduleGasPrice.value, timeBounty.value, deposit.value ); } const transactionOptions = { to: getSchedulerAddress(scheduleType.value), data: transactionData, gasLimit: EAC_SCHEDULING_CONFIG.SCHEDULING_GAS_LIMIT, gasPrice: gasPrice.value, nonce: Nonce('0'), value: endowment }; if (nonce) { transactionOptions.nonce = Nonce(nonce.raw); } const schedulingTransaction: EthTx = makeTransaction(transactionOptions); return { transaction: schedulingTransaction, isFullTransaction: transactionFullAndValid }; }; const isSchedulingTransactionValid = (state: AppState): boolean => { const schedulingState = scheduleSelectors.getScheduleState(state); const windowSizeValid = scheduleSelectors.isWindowSizeValid(state); const windowStartValid = scheduleHelpers.isWindowStartValid( schedulingState, configMetaSelectors.getLatestBlock(state) ); const scheduleTimestampValid = scheduleHelpers.isScheduleTimestampValid(schedulingState); const scheduleGasPriceValid = scheduleSelectors.isValidScheduleGasPrice(state); const scheduleGasLimitValid = scheduleSelectors.isValidScheduleGasLimit(state); const depositValid = scheduleSelectors.isValidScheduleDeposit(state); const timeBountyValid = scheduleSelectors.isValidCurrentTimeBounty(state); // return true if all fields are valid return ( // either windowStart or scheduleTimestamp is used for scheduling (windowStartValid || scheduleTimestampValid) && windowSizeValid && scheduleGasPriceValid && scheduleGasLimitValid && depositValid && timeBountyValid ); }; export interface IGetValidateScheduleParamsCallPayload { to: string; data: string; } export const getValidateScheduleParamsCallPayload = ( state: AppState ): IGetValidateScheduleParamsCallPayload | undefined => { const wallet = walletSelectors.getWalletInst(state); const currentTo = getCurrentTo(state); const currentValue = getCurrentValue(state); const timeBounty = scheduleSelectors.getTimeBounty(state); const scheduleGasPrice = scheduleSelectors.getScheduleGasPrice(state); const scheduleGasLimit = scheduleSelectors.getScheduleGasLimit(state); const scheduleType = scheduleSelectors.getScheduleType(state); const deposit = scheduleSelectors.getScheduleDeposit(state); const scheduleTimestamp = scheduleSelectors.getScheduleTimestamp(state); const windowSize = scheduleSelectors.getWindowSize(state); const scheduleTimezone = scheduleSelectors.getScheduleTimezone(state); const windowStart = scheduleSelectors.getWindowStart(state); /* * Checks if any of these values are null or invalid * due to an user input. */ if ( !currentValue.value || !currentTo.value || !scheduleGasPrice.value || !wallet || !windowSize.value || // we need either windowStart or scheduleTimestamp for scheduling !(windowStart.value || scheduleTimestamp.value) ) { return; } const callGasLimit = scheduleGasLimit.value || EAC_SCHEDULING_CONFIG.SCHEDULE_GAS_LIMIT_FALLBACK; const endowment = calcEACEndowment( callGasLimit, currentValue.value, scheduleGasPrice.value, timeBounty.value ); const fromAddress = wallet.getAddressString(); const data = getValidateRequestParamsData( bufferToHex(currentTo.value), callGasLimit, currentValue.value, scheduleHelpers.windowSizeBlockToMin(windowSize.value, scheduleType.value), scheduleHelpers.calculateWindowStart( scheduleType.value, scheduleTimestamp, scheduleTimezone.value, windowStart.value ), scheduleGasPrice.value, timeBounty.value, deposit.value || Wei('0'), scheduleType.value === 'time', endowment, fromAddress ); return { to: EAC_ADDRESSES.KOVAN.requestFactory, data }; }; export const isValidCurrentWindowStart = (state: AppState) => { const currentWindowStart = scheduleSelectors.getWindowStart(state); if (!currentWindowStart.value) { return false; } return currentWindowStart.value > parseInt(configMetaSelectors.getLatestBlock(state), 10); }; export const isEtherTransaction = (state: AppState) => { const unit = getUnit(state); const etherUnit = configSelectors.isNetworkUnit(state, unit); return etherUnit; }; export const getValidGasCost = (state: AppState) => { const gasCost = transactionSelectors.getGasCost(state); const etherBalance = walletSelectors.getEtherBalance(state); const isOffline = configMetaSelectors.getOffline(state); if (isOffline || !etherBalance) { return true; } return gasCost.lte(etherBalance); }; export const getDecimalFromUnit = (state: AppState, unit: string) => { if (configSelectors.isNetworkUnit(state, unit)) { return getDecimalFromEtherUnit('ether'); } else { const token = getToken(state, unit); if (!token) { throw Error(`Token ${unit} not found`); } return token.decimal; } }; export const getCurrentTo = (state: AppState): ICurrentTo => isEtherTransaction(state) ? transactionFieldsSelectors.getTo(state) : transactionMetaSelectors.getTokenTo(state); export const getCurrentValue = (state: AppState): ICurrentValue => isEtherTransaction(state) ? transactionFieldsSelectors.getValue(state) : transactionMetaSelectors.getTokenValue(state); export const isValidCurrentTo = (state: AppState) => { const currentTo = getCurrentTo(state); const dataExists = transactionSelectors.getDataExists(state); if (isEtherTransaction(state)) { // if data exists the address can be 0x return !!currentTo.value || dataExists; } else { return !!currentTo.value; } }; export const isCurrentToLabelEntry = (state: AppState): boolean => { const currentTo = getCurrentTo(state); return !currentTo.raw.startsWith('0x'); }; export function getCurrentToAddressMessage(state: AppState): AddressMessage | undefined { const to = getCurrentTo(state); return getAddressMessage(to.raw); } export const getUnit = (state: AppState) => { const serializedTransaction = getSerializedTransaction(state); const contractInteraction = transactionMetaSelectors.isContractInteraction(state); // attempt to get the to address from the transaction if (serializedTransaction && !contractInteraction) { const transactionInstance = new EthTx(serializedTransaction); const { to } = transactionInstance; if (to) { // see if any tokens match let networkTokens: null | Token[] = null; const customTokens = customTokensSelectors.getCustomTokens(state); const networkConfig = configSelectors.getNetworkConfig(state); if (!networkConfig.isCustom) { networkTokens = networkConfig.tokens; } const mergedTokens = networkTokens ? [...networkTokens, ...customTokens] : customTokens; const toChecksumAddress = configSelectors.getChecksumAddressFn(state); const stringTo = toChecksumAddress(stripHexPrefixAndLower(to.toString('hex'))); const result = mergedTokens.find(t => t.address === stringTo); if (result) { return result.symbol; } } } return transactionMetaSelectors.getMetaState(state).unit; }; export const signaturePending = (state: AppState) => { const { isHardwareWallet } = walletSelectors.getWalletType(state); const { pending } = state.transaction.sign; return { isHardwareWallet, isSignaturePending: pending }; }; export const getSerializedTransaction = (state: AppState) => walletSelectors.getWalletType(state).isWeb3Wallet ? transactionSignSelectors.getWeb3Tx(state) : transactionSignSelectors.getSignedTx(state); export const getParamsFromSerializedTx = ( state: AppState ): transactionSignTypes.SerializedTxParams => { const tx = getSerializedTransaction(state); const isEther = isEtherTransaction(state); const decimal = transactionMetaSelectors.getDecimal(state); if (!tx) { throw Error('Serialized transaction not found'); } const fields = getTransactionFields(makeTransaction(tx)); const { value, data, gasLimit, gasPrice, to } = fields; const currentValue = isEther ? Wei(value) : TokenValue(erc20.transfer.decodeInput(data)._value); const currentTo = isEther ? Address(to) : Address(erc20.transfer.decodeInput(data)._to); const unit = getUnit(state); const fee = Wei(gasLimit).mul(Wei(gasPrice)); const total = fee.add(Wei(value)); return { ...fields, currentValue, currentTo, fee, total, unit, decimal, isToken: !isEther }; }; export const getTransaction = (state: AppState): IGetTransaction => { const currentTo = getCurrentTo(state); const currentValue = getCurrentValue(state); const transactionFields = transactionFieldsSelectors.getFields(state); const unit = getUnit(state); const reducedValues = reduceToValues(transactionFields); const transaction: EthTx = makeTransaction(reducedValues); const dataExists = transactionSelectors.getDataExists(state); const validGasCost = getValidGasCost(state); const isFullTransaction = isFullTx( state, transactionFields, currentTo, currentValue, dataExists, validGasCost, unit ); return { transaction, isFullTransaction }; }; export const nonStandardTransaction = (state: AppState): boolean => { const etherTransaction = isEtherTransaction(state); const { isFullTransaction } = getTransaction(state); const dataExists = transactionSelectors.getDataExists(state); return isFullTransaction && dataExists && etherTransaction; }; export const serializedAndTransactionFieldsMatch = (state: AppState, isLocallySigned: boolean) => { const serialzedTransaction = getSerializedTransaction(state); const { transaction, isFullTransaction } = getTransaction(state); if (!isFullTransaction || !serialzedTransaction) { return false; } const t1 = getTransactionFields(transaction); // inject chainId into t1 as it wont have it from the fields const networkConfig = configSelectors.getNetworkConfig(state); if (!networkConfig) { return false; } const { chainId } = networkConfig; t1.chainId = chainId; const t2 = getTransactionFields(makeTransaction(serialzedTransaction)); const checkValidity = (tx: IHexStrTransaction) => Object.keys(tx).reduce( (match, currField: keyof IHexStrTransaction) => match && t1[currField] === t2[currField], true ); //reduce both ways to make sure both are exact same const transactionsMatch = checkValidity(t1) && checkValidity(t2); // if its signed then verify the signature too return transactionsMatch && isLocallySigned ? makeTransaction(serialzedTransaction).verifySignature() : true; }; export const getFrom = (state: AppState) => { const serializedTransaction = getSerializedTransaction(state); // attempt to get the from address from the transaction if (serializedTransaction) { const transactionInstance = new EthTx(serializedTransaction); try { const from = transactionInstance.from; if (from) { const toChecksumAddress = configSelectors.getChecksumAddressFn(state); return toChecksumAddress(from.toString('hex')); } } catch (e) { console.warn(e); } } return transactionMetaSelectors.getMetaState(state).from; }; export const getCurrentBalance = (state: AppState): Wei | TokenValue | null => { const etherTransaction = isEtherTransaction(state); if (etherTransaction) { return walletSelectors.getEtherBalance(state); } else { const unit = getUnit(state); return getTokenBalance(state, unit); } }; export function getSelectedTokenContractAddress(state: AppState): string { const allTokens = configSelectors.getAllTokens(state); const currentUnit = getUnit(state); if (configSelectors.isNetworkUnit(state, currentUnit)) { return ''; } return allTokens.reduce((tokenAddr, tokenInfo) => { if (tokenAddr && tokenAddr.length) { return tokenAddr; } if (tokenInfo.symbol === currentUnit) { return tokenInfo.address; } return tokenAddr; }, ''); } export function getCurrentToLabel(state: AppState) { const addresses = addressBookSelectors.getAddressLabels(state); const currentTo = getCurrentTo(state); return addresses[currentTo.raw.toLowerCase()] || null; }