import * as actions from './actions'; describe('onboardStatus actions', () => { it('should create an action to start onboard session', () => { const expectedAction = { type: 'ONBOARD_STATUS_START_SESSION' }; expect(actions.startOnboardSession()).toEqual(expectedAction); }); it('should create an action to resume slide', () => { const expectedAction = { type: 'ONBOARD_STATUS_RESUME_SLIDE', slideNumber: 3 }; expect(actions.resumeSlide(3)).toEqual(expectedAction); }); it('should create an action to decrement slide', () => { const expectedAction = { type: 'ONBOARD_STATUS_DECREMENT_SLIDE' }; expect(actions.decrementSlide()).toEqual(expectedAction); }); it('should create an action to increment slide', () => { const expectedAction = { type: 'ONBOARD_STATUS_INCREMENT_SLIDE' }; expect(actions.incrementSlide()).toEqual(expectedAction); }); });