import React from 'react'; import './SupportFooter.scss'; import { SwapInput } from 'actions/swap'; import { NormalizedBityRates, NormalizedShapeshiftRates } from 'reducers/swap/types'; import { TextArea } from 'components/ui'; import translate from 'translations'; interface Props { origin: SwapInput; destination: SwapInput; destinationAddress: string | null; paymentAddress: string | null; reference: string | null; provider: string; shapeshiftRates: NormalizedShapeshiftRates; bityRates: NormalizedBityRates; } class SupportFooter extends React.PureComponent { public state = { open: false }; public render() { const { open } = this.state; const { origin, destination, destinationAddress, paymentAddress, reference, provider, shapeshiftRates, bityRates } = this.props; const pair = origin && destination ? origin.label + destination.label : 'BTCETH'; const rates = provider === 'shapeshift' ? shapeshiftRates.byId : bityRates.byId; const emailTo = provider === 'shapeshift' ? '' : ','; const mailSubject = encodeURI('Issue regarding my Swap via MyCrypto'); const serviceProvider = provider.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + provider.slice(1); let mailBody; let fallbackBody; if (pair && rates && rates[pair]) { mailBody = encodeURI(`Please include the below if this issue is regarding your order. Provider: ${serviceProvider} REF ID#: ${reference || ''} Amount to send: ${origin.amount || ''} ${origin.label} Amount to receive: ${destination.amount || ''} ${destination.label} Payment Address: ${paymentAddress || ''} Receiving Address: ${destinationAddress || ''} Rate: ${rates[pair].rate} ${origin.label}/${destination.label} `); fallbackBody = `To: ${emailTo} Subject: Issue regarding my Swap via MyCrypto Message: Provider: ${serviceProvider} REF ID#: ${reference || ''} Amount to send: ${origin.amount || ''} ${origin.label} Amount to receive: ${destination.amount || ''} ${destination.label} Payment Address: ${paymentAddress || ''} Receiving Address: ${destinationAddress || ''} Rate: ${rates[pair].rate} ${origin.label}/${destination.label}`; } return (


{open ? (