import { configuredStore } from 'store'; import { cloneableGenerator, SagaIteratorClone } from 'redux-saga/utils'; import { handleNodeChangeForce, handleChangeNetworkRequested, handleRemoveCustomNode } from 'sagas/config/node'; import { put, select } from 'redux-saga/effects'; import { isStaticNodeId, getStaticNodeFromId, getNodeId, getAllNodes } from 'selectors/config'; import { TypeKeys, changeNodeSucceeded, changeNodeRequested, changeNodeForce, ChangeNetworkRequestedAction, RemoveCustomNodeAction } from 'actions/config'; import { makeAutoNodeName } from 'libs/nodes'; import { INITIAL_STATE as selectedNodeInitialState } from 'reducers/config/nodes/selectedNode'; import { CustomNodeConfig } from 'types/node'; // init module configuredStore.getState(); describe('handleNodeChangeForce*', () => { const payload: any = 'nodeId'; const action: any = { payload }; const gen = cloneableGenerator(handleNodeChangeForce)(action); const nodeConfig: any = { network: 'network' }; it('should select isStaticNodeId', () => { expect(, payload)); }); it('should return if not static node', () => { const clone = gen.clone(); expect(; }); it('should select getStaticNodeFromId', () => { expect(, payload)); }); it('should force the node change', () => { expect( put( changeNodeSucceeded({ networkId:, nodeId: payload }) ) ); }); it('should put a change node intent', () => { expect(; }); it('should be done', () => { expect(; }); }); describe('handleChangeNetworkRequested*', () => { const action: ChangeNetworkRequestedAction = { payload: 'ETH', type: TypeKeys.CONFIG_CHANGE_NETWORK_REQUESTED }; const nextNodeName = makeAutoNodeName(action.payload); const customNode: CustomNodeConfig = { id: 'id', url: 'url', name: 'Custom Node', service: 'your custom node', network: action.payload, isCustom: true }; const gen = cloneableGenerator(handleChangeNetworkRequested); const staticCase = gen(action); let customCase: SagaIteratorClone; let failureCase: SagaIteratorClone; it('should select isStaticNodeId', () => { expect(, nextNodeName)); }); it('should put changeNodeRequested for auto node if static network', () => { customCase = staticCase.clone(); expect(; expect(; }); it('should select getAllNodes if non-static network', () => { expect(; }); it('should put changeNodeRequested on the first custom node if found', () => { failureCase = customCase.clone(); expect([customNode]).value).toEqual(put(changeNodeRequested(; }); it('should put showNotification if not a valid network', () => { const value =[]).value as any; expect(value.PUT.action.type).toBe('SHOW_NOTIFICATION'); }); }); describe('handleRemoveCustomNode*', () => { const customNodeUrl = ''; const action: RemoveCustomNodeAction = { type: TypeKeys.CONFIG_REMOVE_CUSTOM_NODE, payload: customNodeUrl }; const sameCase = cloneableGenerator(handleRemoveCustomNode)(action); let diffCase: SagaIteratorClone; it('Should select getNodeId', () => { expect(; }); it('Should put changeNodeForce to default network if current node id === removed node id', () => { diffCase = sameCase.clone(); expect( put(changeNodeForce(selectedNodeInitialState.nodeId)) ); }); it('Should do nothing if current node id !== removed node id', () => { expect('Different').done).toBeTruthy(); }); });