import { TypeKeys, setAddressLabel, clearAddressLabel, setAddressLabelEntry, changeAddressLabelEntry, saveAddressLabelEntry, clearAddressLabelEntry, removeAddressLabelEntry } from '../../common/actions/addressBook'; describe('addressBook: Actions', () => { describe('setAddressLabel', () => { it('should generate the correct action', () => { const payload = { address: '0x0', label: 'Foo' }; expect(setAddressLabel(payload)).toEqual({ type: TypeKeys.SET_ADDRESS_LABEL, payload }); }); }); describe('clearAddressLabel', () => { it('should generate the correct action', () => { const payload = '0'; expect(clearAddressLabel(payload)).toEqual({ type: TypeKeys.CLEAR_ADDRESS_LABEL, payload }); }); }); describe('setAddressLabelEntry', () => { it('should generate the correct action', () => { const payload = { id: '0', address: '0x0', addressError: 'Derp', label: 'Foo', labelError: 'Derp' }; expect(setAddressLabelEntry(payload)).toEqual({ type: TypeKeys.SET_ADDRESS_LABEL_ENTRY, payload }); }); }); describe('changeAddressLabelEntry', () => { it('should generate the correct action', () => { const payload = { id: '0', address: '0x0', addressError: 'Derp', label: 'Foo', labelError: 'Derp' }; expect(changeAddressLabelEntry(payload)).toEqual({ type: TypeKeys.CHANGE_ADDRESS_LABEL_ENTRY, payload }); }); }); describe('saveAddressLabelEntry', () => { it('should generate the correct action', () => { const payload = '0'; expect(saveAddressLabelEntry(payload)).toEqual({ type: TypeKeys.SAVE_ADDRESS_LABEL_ENTRY, payload }); }); }); describe('clearAddressLabelEntry', () => { it('should generate the correct action', () => { const payload = '0'; expect(clearAddressLabelEntry(payload)).toEqual({ type: TypeKeys.CLEAR_ADDRESS_LABEL_ENTRY, payload }); }); }); describe('removeAddressLabelEntry', () => { it('should generate the correct action', () => { const payload = '0'; expect(removeAddressLabelEntry(payload)).toEqual({ type: TypeKeys.REMOVE_ADDRESS_LABEL_ENTRY, payload }); }); }); });