import { State } from 'reducers/transaction/meta/typings'; import { getDecimalFromEtherUnit } from 'libs/units'; import { TypeKeys as TK, MetaAction, SetUnitMetaAction, SwapTokenToEtherAction, SwapEtherToTokenAction, SwapTokenToTokenAction, SwapAction, ResetTransactionSuccessfulAction, NetworkAction, TransactionMetaAction } from 'actions/transaction'; import { Reducer } from 'redux'; const INITIAL_STATE: State = { unit: '', previousUnit: '', decimal: getDecimalFromEtherUnit('ether'), tokenValue: { raw: '', value: null }, tokenTo: { raw: '', value: null }, from: null, isContractInteraction: false }; //TODO: generic-ize updateField to reuse const updateField = (key: keyof State): Reducer => ( state: State, action: TransactionMetaAction ) => { if (typeof action.payload === 'object') { // we do this to update just 'raw' or 'value' param of tokenValue return { ...state, [key]: { ...(state[key] as object), ...action.payload } }; } else { return { ...state, [key]: action.payload }; } }; const tokenToEther = (state: State, { payload }: SwapTokenToEtherAction): State => { const { tokenValue, tokenTo } = INITIAL_STATE; return { ...state, tokenTo, tokenValue, decimal: payload.decimal }; }; const etherToToken = ( state: State, { payload: { data: _, to: __, } }: SwapEtherToTokenAction ): State => ({ ...state, }); const tokenToToken = ( state: State, { payload: { data: _, to: __, } }: SwapTokenToTokenAction ): State => ({ ...state, }); const reset = (state: State): State => ({ ...INITIAL_STATE, isContractInteraction: state.isContractInteraction, unit: state.unit }); const unitMeta = (state: State, { payload }: SetUnitMetaAction): State => ({ ...state, previousUnit: state.unit, unit: payload }); export const meta = ( state: State = INITIAL_STATE, action: MetaAction | SwapAction | ResetTransactionSuccessfulAction | NetworkAction ): State => { switch (action.type) { case TK.UNIT_META_SET: return unitMeta(state, action); case TK.TOKEN_VALUE_META_SET: return updateField('tokenValue')(state, action); case TK.TOKEN_TO_META_SET: return updateField('tokenTo')(state, action); case TK.GET_FROM_SUCCEEDED: return updateField('from')(state, action); case TK.TOKEN_TO_ETHER_SWAP: return tokenToEther(state, action); case TK.ETHER_TO_TOKEN_SWAP: return etherToToken(state, action); case TK.TOKEN_TO_TOKEN_SWAP: return tokenToToken(state, action); case TK.IS_VIEW_AND_SEND: { const nextState: State = { ...state, isContractInteraction: false }; return nextState; } case TK.IS_CONTRACT_INTERACTION: { const nextState: State = { ...state, isContractInteraction: true }; return nextState; } case TK.RESET_SUCCESSFUL: return reset(state); default: return state; } };