import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { AppState } from 'reducers'; import { getCurrentTo, ICurrentTo } from 'selectors/transaction'; import { getAllTokens } from 'selectors/config'; import { getWalletInst } from 'selectors/wallet'; import { getAddressMessage } from 'config'; import { Address } from 'components/ui'; import { Token } from 'types/network'; interface ReduxProps { currentTo: ICurrentTo; tokens: Token[]; wallet: AppState['wallet']['inst']; } type Props = ReduxProps; interface State { walletAddress: string | null; } class CurrentCustomMessageClass extends PureComponent { public state: State = { walletAddress: null }; public async componentDidMount() { this.setAddressState(this.props); } public UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps: Props) { if (this.props.wallet !== nextProps.wallet) { this.setAddressState(nextProps); } } public render() { const message = this.getMessage(); if (message) { return (
); } else { return null; } } private setAddressState(props: Props) { if (props.wallet) { const walletAddress = props.wallet.getAddressString(); this.setState({ walletAddress }); } else { this.setState({ walletAddress: '' }); } } private getMessage() { const { currentTo, tokens } = this.props; const { walletAddress } = this.state; // Make sure all comparisons are lower-cased. const address = currentTo.raw.toLowerCase(); let message; let severity; // First check against our hard-coded messages const msg = getAddressMessage(address); if (msg) { message = (

A message regarding{' '}



); severity = msg.severity || 'info'; } // Otherwise check if any of our tokens match the address if (!message) { const token = tokens.find(tk => tk.address.toLowerCase() === address); if (token) { message = ` You’re currently sending to the ${token.symbol} contract. If you wanted to send ${token.symbol} to an address, change the To Address to where you want it to go, make sure you have a positive ${token.symbol} balance in your wallet, and select it from the dropdown next to the Amount field. `; severity = 'warning'; } } // Finally check if they're sending to themselves (lol) if (walletAddress === address) { message = 'You’re sending to yourself. Are you sure you want to do that?'; severity = 'warning'; } if (message) { return { message, severity }; } } } export const CurrentCustomMessage = connect((state: AppState): ReduxProps => ({ currentTo: getCurrentTo(state), tokens: getAllTokens(state), wallet: getWalletInst(state) }))(CurrentCustomMessageClass);