import { setWallet, unlockKeystore, UnlockKeystoreAction, unlockMnemonic, UnlockMnemonicAction, unlockPrivateKey, UnlockPrivateKeyAction, unlockWeb3 } from 'actions/wallet'; import isEmpty from 'lodash/isEmpty'; import map from 'lodash/map'; import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { Dispatch } from 'redux'; import translate from 'translations'; import KeystoreDecrypt from './Keystore'; import LedgerNanoSDecrypt from './LedgerNano'; import MnemonicDecrypt from './Mnemonic'; import PrivateKeyDecrypt, { PrivateKeyValue } from './PrivateKey'; import TrezorDecrypt from './Trezor'; import ViewOnlyDecrypt from './ViewOnly'; import { AppState } from 'reducers'; import Web3Decrypt from './Web3'; import Help from 'components/ui/Help'; const WALLETS = { web3: { lid: 'x_MetaMask', component: Web3Decrypt, initialParams: {}, unlock: unlockWeb3, helpLink: '' }, 'ledger-nano-s': { lid: 'x_Ledger', component: LedgerNanoSDecrypt, initialParams: {}, unlock: setWallet, helpLink: '' }, trezor: { lid: 'x_Trezor', component: TrezorDecrypt, initialParams: {}, unlock: setWallet, helpLink: '' }, 'keystore-file': { lid: 'x_Keystore2', component: KeystoreDecrypt, initialParams: { file: '', password: '' }, unlock: unlockKeystore, helpLink: '' }, 'mnemonic-phrase': { lid: 'x_Mnemonic', component: MnemonicDecrypt, initialParams: {}, unlock: unlockMnemonic, helpLink: '' }, 'private-key': { lid: 'x_PrivKey2', component: PrivateKeyDecrypt, initialParams: { key: '', password: '' }, unlock: unlockPrivateKey, helpLink: '' }, 'view-only': { lid: 'View with Address Only', component: ViewOnlyDecrypt, initialParams: {}, unlock: setWallet, helpLink: '' } }; type UnlockParams = {} | PrivateKeyValue; interface Props { // FIXME dispatch: Dispatch< UnlockKeystoreAction | UnlockMnemonicAction | UnlockPrivateKeyAction >; offline: boolean; allowReadOnly?: boolean; } interface State { selectedWalletKey: string; value: UnlockParams; } export class WalletDecrypt extends Component { public state: State = { selectedWalletKey: 'keystore-file', value: WALLETS['keystore-file'].initialParams }; public getDecryptionComponent() { const { selectedWalletKey, value } = this.state; const selectedWallet = WALLETS[selectedWalletKey]; if (!selectedWallet) { return null; } return ( ); } public isOnlineRequiredWalletAndOffline(selectedWalletKey) { const onlineRequiredWallets = ['trezor', 'ledger-nano-s']; return ( this.props.offline && onlineRequiredWallets.includes(selectedWalletKey) ); } public buildWalletOptions() { return map(WALLETS, (wallet, key) => { const { helpLink } = wallet; const isSelected = this.state.selectedWalletKey === key; const isDisabled = this.isOnlineRequiredWalletAndOffline(key) || (!this.props.allowReadOnly && wallet.component === ViewOnlyDecrypt); return ( ); }); } public handleDecryptionChoiceChange = ( event: React.SyntheticEvent ) => { const wallet = WALLETS[( as HTMLInputElement).value]; if (!wallet) { return; } this.setState({ selectedWalletKey: ( as HTMLInputElement).value, value: wallet.initialParams }); }; public render() { const decryptionComponent = this.getDecryptionComponent(); return (


{decryptionComponent} {!!(this.state.value as PrivateKeyValue).valid && (


); } public onChange = (value: UnlockParams) => { this.setState({ value }); }; public onUnlock = (payload: any) => { // some components (TrezorDecrypt) don't take an onChange prop, and thus this.state.value will remain unpopulated. // in this case, we can expect the payload to contain the unlocked wallet info. const unlockValue = this.state.value && !isEmpty(this.state.value) ? this.state.value : payload; this.props.dispatch( WALLETS[this.state.selectedWalletKey].unlock(unlockValue) ); }; } function mapStateToProps(state: AppState) { return { offline: state.config.offline }; } export default connect(mapStateToProps)(WalletDecrypt);