import { showNotification } from 'actions/notifications'; import { delay } from 'redux-saga'; import { postOrder, getOrderStatus } from 'api/bity'; import { call, put, fork, take, cancel, select, cancelled, takeEvery, Effect } from 'redux-saga/effects'; import { orderTimeSwap, bityOrderCreateSucceededSwap, stopLoadBityRatesSwap, changeStepSwap, orderStatusRequestedSwap, orderStatusSucceededSwap, startOrderTimerSwap, startPollBityOrderStatus, stopPollBityOrderStatus } from 'actions/swap'; import moment from 'moment'; export const getSwap = state => state.swap; const ONE_SECOND = 1000; const TEN_SECONDS = ONE_SECOND * 10; const BITY_TIMEOUT_MESSAGE = ` Time has run out. If you have already sent, please wait 1 hour. If your order has not be processed after 1 hour, please press the orange 'Issue with your Swap?' button. `; export function* pollBityOrderStatus(): Generator { try { let swap = yield select(getSwap); while (true) { yield put(orderStatusRequestedSwap()); const orderStatus = yield call(getOrderStatus, swap.orderId); if (orderStatus.error) { yield put( showNotification( 'danger', `Bity Error: ${orderStatus.msg}`, TEN_SECONDS ) ); } else { yield put(orderStatusSucceededSwap(; yield call(delay, ONE_SECOND * 5); swap = yield select(getSwap); if (swap === 'CANC') { break; } } } } finally { if (yield cancelled()) { // TODO - implement request cancel if needed // yield put(actions.requestFailure('Request cancelled!')) } } } export function* pollBityOrderStatusSaga(): Generator { while (yield take('SWAP_START_POLL_BITY_ORDER_STATUS')) { // starts the task in the background const pollBityOrderStatusTask = yield fork(pollBityOrderStatus); // wait for the user to get to point where refresh is no longer needed yield take('SWAP_STOP_POLL_BITY_ORDER_STATUS'); // cancel the background task // this will cause the forked loadBityRates task to jump into its finally block yield cancel(pollBityOrderStatusTask); } } function* postBityOrderCreate(action) { const payload = action.payload; try { yield put(stopLoadBityRatesSwap()); const order = yield call( postOrder, payload.amount, payload.destAddress, payload.mode, payload.pair ); if (order.error) { // TODO - handle better / like existing site? yield put( showNotification('danger', `Bity Error: ${order.msg}`, TEN_SECONDS) ); yield put({ type: 'SWAP_ORDER_CREATE_FAILED' }); } else { yield put(bityOrderCreateSucceededSwap(; yield put(changeStepSwap(3)); // start countdown yield put(startOrderTimerSwap()); // start bity order status polling yield put(startPollBityOrderStatus()); } } catch (e) { const message = 'Connection Error. Please check the developer console for more details and/or contact support'; yield put(showNotification('danger', message, TEN_SECONDS)); yield put({ type: 'SWAP_ORDER_CREATE_FAILED' }); } } export function* postBityOrderSaga(): Generator { yield takeEvery('SWAP_ORDER_CREATE_REQUESTED', postBityOrderCreate); } export function* bityTimeRemaining() { while (yield take('SWAP_ORDER_START_TIMER')) { let hasShownNotification = false; while (true) { yield call(delay, ONE_SECOND); const swap = yield select(getSwap); // if (swap.bityOrder.status === 'OPEN') { const createdTimeStampMoment = moment( swap.orderTimestampCreatedISOString ); let validUntil = moment(createdTimeStampMoment).add(swap.validFor, 's'); let now = moment(); if (validUntil.isAfter(now)) { let duration = moment.duration(validUntil.diff(now)); let seconds = duration.asSeconds(); yield put(orderTimeSwap(parseInt(seconds))); // TODO (!Important) - check orderStatus here and stop polling / show notifications based on status } else { switch (swap.orderStatus) { case 'OPEN': yield put(orderTimeSwap(0)); yield put(stopPollBityOrderStatus()); yield put({ type: 'SWAP_STOP_LOAD_BITY_RATES' }); if (!hasShownNotification) { hasShownNotification = true; yield put( showNotification('danger', BITY_TIMEOUT_MESSAGE, 'infinity') ); } break; case 'CANC': yield put(orderTimeSwap(0)); yield put(stopPollBityOrderStatus()); yield put({ type: 'SWAP_STOP_LOAD_BITY_RATES' }); if (!hasShownNotification) { hasShownNotification = true; yield put( showNotification('danger', BITY_TIMEOUT_MESSAGE, 'infinity') ); } break; case 'RCVE': yield put(orderTimeSwap(0)); if (!hasShownNotification) { hasShownNotification = true; yield put( showNotification('warning', BITY_TIMEOUT_MESSAGE, 'infinity') ); } break; case 'FILL': yield put(orderTimeSwap(0)); yield put(stopPollBityOrderStatus()); yield put({ type: 'SWAP_STOP_LOAD_BITY_RATES' }); break; } } } } }