import { fetchEstimates, setDefaultEstimates } from 'sagas/gas'; import { call, put, select } from 'redux-saga/effects'; import { cloneableGenerator } from 'redux-saga/utils'; import { fetchGasEstimates, GasEstimates } from 'api/gas'; import { setGasEstimates } from 'actions/gas'; import { getEstimates } from 'selectors/gas'; import { getOffline, getNetworkConfig } from 'selectors/config'; import { gasPriceDefaults, gasEstimateCacheTime } from 'config'; import { staticNetworks } from 'reducers/config/networks/staticNetworks'; const networkState = staticNetworks(undefined, {} as any); const network = networkState.ETH; const nonEstimateNetwork = networkState.ETC; describe('fetchEstimates*', () => { const gen = cloneableGenerator(fetchEstimates)(); const offline = false; const oldEstimates: GasEstimates = { safeLow: 1, standard: 1, fast: 4, fastest: 20, time: - gasEstimateCacheTime - 1000, chainId: network.chainId, isDefault: false }; const newTimeEstimates: GasEstimates = { safeLow: 2, standard: 2, fast: 8, fastest: 80, time:, chainId: network.chainId, isDefault: false }; const newChainIdEstimates: GasEstimates = { ...oldEstimates, chainId: network.chainId + 1 }; it('Should select getNetworkConfig', () => { expect(; }); it('Should use network default gas price settings if network shouldn’t estimate', () => { const noEstimateGen = gen.clone(); expect( call(setDefaultEstimates, nonEstimateNetwork) ); expect(; }); it('Should select getOffline', () => { expect(; }); it('Should use network default gas price settings if offline', () => { const offlineGen = gen.clone(); expect(, network)); expect(; }); it('Should select getEstimates', () => { expect(; }); it('Should use cached estimates if they’re recent', () => { const cachedGen = gen.clone(); const cacheEstimate = { ...oldEstimates, time: - gasEstimateCacheTime + 1000 }; expect(; expect(; }); it('Should fetch new estimates', () => { expect(; }); it('Should use default estimates if request fails', () => { const failedReqGen = gen.clone(); // Not sure why, but typescript seems to think throw might be missing. if (failedReqGen.throw) { expect(failedReqGen.throw('test').value).toEqual(call(setDefaultEstimates, network)); expect(; } else { throw new Error('SagaIterator didn’t have throw'); } }); it('Should use new estimates if chainId changed, even if time is similar', () => { const newChainGen = gen.clone(); expect( put(setGasEstimates(newChainIdEstimates)) ); expect(; }); it('Should use fetched estimates', () => { expect(; expect(; }); }); describe('setDefaultEstimates*', () => { const time =; it('Should put setGasEstimates with config defaults', () => { const gen = setDefaultEstimates(network);; expect( put( setGasEstimates({ safeLow: network.gasPriceSettings.min, standard: network.gasPriceSettings.initial, fast: network.gasPriceSettings.initial, fastest: network.gasPriceSettings.max, chainId: network.chainId, isDefault: true, time }) ) ); }); it('Should use config defaults if network has no defaults', () => { const customNetwork = { isCustom: true as true, id: '123', name: 'Custom', unit: 'CST', chainId: 123, dPathFormats: null }; const gen = setDefaultEstimates(customNetwork);; expect( put( setGasEstimates({ safeLow: gasPriceDefaults.min, standard: gasPriceDefaults.initial, fast: gasPriceDefaults.initial, fastest: gasPriceDefaults.max, chainId: customNetwork.chainId, isDefault: true, time }) ) ); }); });