import { signaturePending, getSignedTx, getWeb3Tx, getSignState, getSerializedTransaction } from 'selectors/transaction/sign'; import { getInitialState } from '../helpers'; describe('sign tests', () => { const state = getInitialState(); (state.transaction.sign = { indexingHash: 'testIndexingHash', pending: false, local: { signedTransaction: new Buffer([4, 5, 6, 7]) }, web3: { transaction: null } }), it('should return whether the current signature is pending', () => { expect(signaturePending(state)).toEqual({ isHardwareWallet: false, isSignaturePending: false }); }); it('should should get the stored sign state', () => { expect(getSignState(state)).toEqual(state.transaction.sign); }); it('should get the signed local transaction state', () => { expect(getSignedTx(state)).toEqual(state.transaction.sign.local.signedTransaction); }); it('should get the signed web3 transaction state', () => { expect(getWeb3Tx(state)).toEqual(state.transaction.sign.web3.transaction); }); it('should get the serialized transaction state', () => { expect(getSerializedTransaction(state)).toEqual(new Buffer([4, 5, 6, 7])); }); });