import { getFrom, getDecimal, getTokenValue, getTokenTo, getUnit, getPreviousUnit, getDecimalFromUnit } from 'selectors/transaction/meta'; import { getInitialState } from '../helpers'; describe('meta tests', () => { const state = getInitialState(); (state.transaction.meta = { unit: 'ETH', previousUnit: 'ETH', decimal: 18, tokenValue: { raw: '', value: null }, tokenTo: { raw: '', value: null }, from: 'fromAddress' }), (state.customTokens = [ { address: '0x89205a3a3b2a69de6dbf7f01ed13b2108b2c43e7', symbol: 'UNI', decimal: 0 } ]); it('should get the stored sender address', () => { expect(getFrom(state)).toEqual(state.transaction.meta.from); }); it('should get the stored decimal', () => { expect(getDecimal(state)).toEqual(state.transaction.meta.decimal); }); it('should get the token value', () => { expect(getTokenValue(state)).toEqual(state.transaction.meta.tokenValue); }); it('should get the token receiver address', () => { expect(getTokenTo(state)).toEqual(state.transaction.meta.tokenTo); }); it('should get the stored unit', () => { expect(getUnit(state)).toEqual(state.transaction.meta.unit); }); it('should get the stored previous unit', () => { expect(getPreviousUnit(state)).toEqual(state.transaction.meta.previousUnit); }); it('should get the decimal for ether', () => { expect(getDecimalFromUnit(state, getUnit(state))).toEqual(18); }); it('should get the decimal for a token', () => { expect(getDecimalFromUnit(state, 'UNI')).toEqual(0); }); it('should throw error if the token is not found', () => { expect(() => getDecimalFromUnit(state, 'ABC')).toThrowError(`Token ABC not found`); }); });