import { SagaIterator } from 'redux-saga'; import { put, select, apply, call, take, takeEvery } from 'redux-saga/effects'; import EthTx from 'ethereumjs-tx'; import { INode } from 'libs/nodes'; import { hexEncodeData } from 'libs/nodes/rpc/utils'; import { getTransactionFields } from 'libs/transaction'; import { NetworkConfig } from 'types/network'; import { TransactionData, TransactionReceipt, SavedTransaction } from 'types/transactions'; import { AppState } from 'features/reducers'; import * as configNodesSelectors from 'features/config/nodes/selectors'; import * as configSelectors from 'features/config/selectors'; import { getChecksumAddressFn } from 'features/config'; import { walletSelectors } from 'features/wallet'; import { transactionBroadcastTypes } from 'features/transaction'; import * as types from './types'; import * as actions from './actions'; export function* fetchTxData(action: types.FetchTransactionDataAction): SagaIterator { const txhash = action.payload; let data: TransactionData | null = null; let receipt: TransactionReceipt | null = null; let error: string | null = null; const node: INode = yield select(configNodesSelectors.getNodeLib); // Fetch data and receipt separately, not in parallel. Receipt should only be // fetched if the tx is mined, and throws if it's not, but that's not really // an "error", since we'd still want to show the unmined tx data. try { data = yield apply(node, node.getTransactionByHash, [txhash]); } catch (err) { console.warn('Failed to fetch transaction data', err); error = err.message; } if (data && data.blockHash) { try { receipt = yield apply(node, node.getTransactionReceipt, [txhash]); } catch (err) { console.warn('Failed to fetch transaction receipt', err); receipt = null; } } yield put(actions.setTransactionData({ txhash, data, receipt, error })); } export function* saveBroadcastedTx( action: transactionBroadcastTypes.BroadcastTransactionQueuedAction ) { const { serializedTransaction: txBuffer, indexingHash: txIdx } = action.payload; const res: | transactionBroadcastTypes.BroadcastTransactionSucceededAction | transactionBroadcastTypes.BroadcastTransactionFailedAction = yield take([ transactionBroadcastTypes.TransactionBroadcastActions.TRANSACTION_SUCCEEDED, transactionBroadcastTypes.TransactionBroadcastActions.TRANSACTION_FAILED ]); // If our TX succeeded, save it and update the store. if ( res.type === transactionBroadcastTypes.TransactionBroadcastActions.TRANSACTION_SUCCEEDED && res.payload.indexingHash === txIdx ) { const tx = new EthTx(txBuffer); const savableTx: SavedTransaction = yield call( getSaveableTransaction, tx, res.payload.broadcastedHash ); yield put(actions.addRecentTransaction(savableTx)); } } // Given a serialized transaction, return a transaction we could save in LS export function* getSaveableTransaction(tx: EthTx, hash: string): SagaIterator { const fields = getTransactionFields(tx); let from: string = ''; let chainId: number = 0; try { // Signed transactions have these fields from = hexEncodeData(tx.getSenderAddress()); chainId = fields.chainId; } catch (err) { // Unsigned transactions (e.g. web3) don't, so grab them from current state const wallet: AppState['wallet']['inst'] = yield select(walletSelectors.getWalletInst); const network: NetworkConfig = yield select(configSelectors.getNetworkConfig); chainId = network.chainId; if (wallet) { from = wallet.getAddressString(); } } const toChecksumAddress = yield select(getChecksumAddressFn); const savableTx: SavedTransaction = { hash, from, chainId, to: toChecksumAddress(, value: fields.value, time: }; return savableTx; } export function* resetTxData() { yield put(actions.resetTransactionData()); } export function* transactionsSaga(): SagaIterator { yield takeEvery(types.TransactionsActions.FETCH_TRANSACTION_DATA, fetchTxData); yield takeEvery( transactionBroadcastTypes.TransactionBroadcastActions.TRANSACTION_SUCCEEDED, saveBroadcastedTx ); yield takeEvery(types.TransactionsActions.RESET_TRANSACTION_DATA, resetTxData); }