import BN from 'bn.js'; import { SagaIterator } from 'redux-saga'; import { call, select, put, take, apply } from 'redux-saga/effects'; import { cloneableGenerator, SagaIteratorClone } from 'redux-saga/utils'; import { Address, toTokenBase, Wei, fromTokenBase, fromWei } from 'libs/units'; import { isValidENSAddress, getIsValidAddressFunction } from 'libs/validators'; import configuredStore from 'features/store'; import { ICurrentValue } from 'features/types'; import * as derivedSelectors from 'features/selectors'; import * as configSelectors from 'features/config/selectors'; import { ensTypes, ensActions, ensSelectors } from 'features/ens'; import { walletSelectors } from 'features/wallet'; import { notificationsActions } from 'features/notifications'; import { transactionFieldsActions } from './fields'; import { transactionMetaActions, transactionMetaSelectors } from './meta'; import * as actions from './actions'; import * as sagas from './sagas'; import * as helpers from './helpers'; configuredStore.getState(); describe('transaction: Sagas', () => { describe('Current', () => { const itShouldBeDone = (gen: SagaIterator) => { it('should be done', () => { expect(; }); }; describe('setCurrentTo*', () => { const isValidAddress = getIsValidAddressFunction(1); const data = {} as any; describe('with valid Ethereum address', () => { const raw = '0xa'; const ethAddrPayload = { raw, value: Address(raw) }; const ethAddrAction: any = { payload: raw }; data.validEthGen = sagas.setCurrentToSaga(ethAddrAction); it('should select getIsValidAddressFn', () => { expect( select(configSelectors.getIsValidAddressFn) ); }); it('should call isValidAddress', () => { expect(, raw)); }); it('should call isValidENSAddress', () => { expect(, raw)); }); it('should call setField', () => { expect(, ethAddrPayload)); }); }); describe('with invalid Ethereum address, valid ENS address', () => { const raw = 'testing.eth'; const resolvedAddress = '0xa'; const [domain] = raw.split('.'); const ensAddrPayload = { raw, value: null }; const ensAddrAction: any = { payload: raw }; data.validEnsGen = sagas.setCurrentToSaga(ensAddrAction); it('should select getIsValidAddressFn', () => { expect( select(configSelectors.getIsValidAddressFn) ); }); it('should call isValidAddress', () => { expect(, raw)); }); it('should call isValidENSAddress', () => { expect(, raw)); }); it('should call setField', () => { expect(, ensAddrPayload)); }); it('should put resolveDomainRequested', () => { expect( put(ensActions.resolveDomainRequested(domain)) ); }); it('should take ENS type keys', () => { expect( take([ ensTypes.ENSActions.RESOLVE_DOMAIN_FAILED, ensTypes.ENSActions.RESOLVE_DOMAIN_SUCCEEDED, ensTypes.ENSActions.RESOLVE_DOMAIN_CACHED ]) ); }); it('should select getResolvedAddress', () => { expect( select(ensSelectors.getResolvedAddress, true) ); }); it('should call setField', () => { expect( call(sagas.setField, { raw, value: Address(resolvedAddress) }) ); }); }); }); describe('setField', () => { const raw = '0xa'; const payload = { raw, value: Address(raw) }; const etherTransaction = cloneableGenerator(sagas.setField)(payload); it('should select etherTransaction', () => { expect(; }); it('should put setTokenTo field if its a token transaction ', () => { const tokenTransaction = etherTransaction.clone(); expect( put(transactionMetaActions.setTokenTo(payload)) ); expect(; }); it('should put setToField if its an etherTransaction', () => { expect( put(transactionFieldsActions.setToField(payload)) ); expect(; }); }); describe('valueHandler', () => { const action: any = { payload: '5.1' }; const zeroAction: any = { payload: '0' }; const setter = transactionFieldsActions.setValueField; const decimal = 1; const gen: { [key: string]: SagaIteratorClone } = {}; const failCases = { invalidDecimal: 0, invalidNumber: { decimal: 1, action: { payload: 'x' } }, invalidZeroToken: { unit: 'GNT', isEth: false, setter: transactionMetaActions.setTokenValue } }; gen.pass = cloneableGenerator(sagas.valueHandler)(action, setter); gen.zeroPass = cloneableGenerator(sagas.valueHandler)(zeroAction, setter); gen.invalidNumber = cloneableGenerator(sagas.valueHandler)( failCases.invalidNumber.action as any, setter ); gen.invalidZeroToken = cloneableGenerator(sagas.valueHandler)( zeroAction, transactionMetaActions.setTokenValue ); const value = toTokenBase(action.payload, decimal); const zeroValue = toTokenBase(zeroAction.payload, decimal); const unit = 'eth'; const isEth = true; it('should select getDecimal', () => { expect(; expect(; expect(; expect( select(transactionMetaSelectors.getDecimal) ); }); it('should select getUnit', () => { gen.invalidDecimal = gen.pass.clone(); expect(; expect(; expect(; expect( select(derivedSelectors.getUnit) ); expect(; }); it('should select isEtherTransaction', () => { expect(; expect(; expect( select(derivedSelectors.isEtherTransaction) ); expect( select(derivedSelectors.isEtherTransaction) ); expect( select(derivedSelectors.isEtherTransaction) ); }); it('should fail on invalid number or decimal and put null as value', () => { expect( put(setter({ raw: failCases.invalidNumber.action.payload, value: null })) ); expect( put(setter({ raw: action.payload, value: null })) ); }); it('should fail if token is given zero value and put null as value', () => { expect( put(failCases.invalidZeroToken.setter({ raw: zeroAction.payload, value: null })) ); }); it('should call isValid', () => { expect(, value, unit)); expect( call(helpers.validateInput, zeroValue, unit) ); }); it('should put setter', () => { expect({ raw: action.payload, value }))); expect( put( setter({ raw: zeroAction.payload, value: zeroValue }) ) ); }); it('handles floats without lead zero', () => { const leadZeroValue = { decimal: 18, action: { payload: '.1' } }; const g = cloneableGenerator(sagas.valueHandler)(leadZeroValue.action as any, setter); expect(; expect(; expect(; expect( put(setter({ raw: leadZeroValue.action.payload, value: null })) ); }); itShouldBeDone(gen.pass); itShouldBeDone(gen.zeroPass); }); describe('setCurrentValue*', () => { const action: any = { payload: '5' }; const gen = sagas.setCurrentValueSaga(action); it('should select isEtherTransaction', () => { expect(; }); it('should call valueHandler', () => { expect( call(sagas.valueHandler, action, transactionFieldsActions.setValueField) ); }); itShouldBeDone(gen); }); describe('revalidateCurrentValue*', () => { const sharedLogic = ( gen: SagaIterator, etherTransaction: boolean, currVal: any, reparsedValue: boolean ) => { it('should select isEtherTransaction', () => { expect(; }); it('should select getCurrentValue', () => { expect( select(derivedSelectors.getCurrentValue) ); }); it('should call reparseCurrentValue', () => { expect(, currVal)); }); it('should select getUnit', () => { expect(; }); }; describe('when !reparsedValue', () => { const etherTransaction = false; const currVal = { raw: 'raw1' }; const reparsedValue = false; const gen = sagas.revalidateCurrentValue(); sharedLogic(gen, etherTransaction, currVal, reparsedValue); it('should put with setTokenValue', () => { expect( put( transactionMetaActions.setTokenValue({ raw: currVal.raw, value: null }) ) ); }); itShouldBeDone(gen); }); describe('when reparsedValue', () => { const etherTransaction = true; const currVal = { raw: 'raw1' }; const reparsedValue: any = { value: 'value', raw: 'raw' }; const unit = 'unit'; const isValid = true; const gen = sagas.revalidateCurrentValue(); sharedLogic(gen, etherTransaction, currVal, reparsedValue); it('should call validateInput', () => { expect( call(helpers.validateInput, reparsedValue.value, unit) ); }); it('should put setValueField', () => { expect( put( transactionFieldsActions.setValueField({ raw: reparsedValue.raw, value: reparsedValue.value } as any) ) ); }); itShouldBeDone(gen); }); }); describe('isValueDifferent', () => { it('should be truthy when raw differs', () => { const curVal: ICurrentValue = { raw: 'a', value: new BN(0) }; const newVal: ICurrentValue = { raw: 'b', value: new BN(0) }; expect(sagas.isValueDifferent(curVal, newVal)).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should be falsy when value is the same BN', () => { const curVal: ICurrentValue = { raw: '', value: new BN(1) }; const newVal: ICurrentValue = { raw: '', value: new BN(1) }; expect(sagas.isValueDifferent(curVal, newVal)).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should be truthy when value is a different BN', () => { const curVal: ICurrentValue = { raw: '', value: new BN(1) }; const newVal: ICurrentValue = { raw: '', value: new BN(2) }; expect(sagas.isValueDifferent(curVal, newVal)).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should be truthy when value is not the same and not both BNs', () => { const curVal: ICurrentValue = { raw: '', value: new BN(1) }; const newVal: ICurrentValue = { raw: '', value: null }; expect(sagas.isValueDifferent(curVal, newVal)).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe('reparseCurrentValue*', () => { const decimal = 5; const sharedLogic = (gen: SagaIterator, isEth: boolean) => { it('should select isEtherTransaction', () => { expect(; }); it('should select getDecimal', () => { expect(; }); }; describe('when eth tx value is positive number and valid decimal', () => { const value: any = { raw: '100.0000' }; const gen = sagas.reparseCurrentValue(value); sharedLogic(gen, true); it('should return correctly', () => { expect({ raw: value.raw, value: toTokenBase(value.raw, decimal) }); }); itShouldBeDone(gen); }); describe('when eth tx value is zero and decimal is valid', () => { const value: any = { raw: '0' }; const gen = sagas.reparseCurrentValue(value); sharedLogic(gen, true); it('should return correctly', () => { expect({ raw: value.raw, value: toTokenBase(value.raw, decimal) }); }); itShouldBeDone(gen); }); describe('when eth tx value is invalid', () => { const value: any = { raw: 'invalidNumber' }; const gen = sagas.reparseCurrentValue(value); sharedLogic(gen, true); it('should return null', () => { expect(; }); itShouldBeDone(gen); }); describe('when non-eth tx value is zero and valid decimal', () => { const value: any = { raw: '0' }; const gen = sagas.reparseCurrentValue(value); sharedLogic(gen, false); it('should return null', () => { expect(; }); itShouldBeDone(gen); }); }); }); describe('Reset', () => { describe('resetTransactionState*', () => { const gen = sagas.resetTransactionState(); it('should check if this is a contract interaction tab', () => { expect(; }); it('should put resetActionCreator', () => { expect( put(transactionFieldsActions.resetTransactionSuccessful({ isContractInteraction: false })) ); }); it('should be done', () => { expect(; }); }); }); describe('Send Everything', () => { describe('handleSendEverything*', () => { let random: () => number; beforeAll(() => { random = Math.random; Math.random = () => 0.001; }); afterAll(() => { Math.random = random; }); const sharedStart = (gen: SagaIterator, transactionObj: any, currentBalance: BN | null) => { it('should select getTransaction', () => { expect(; }); it('should select getCurrentBalance', () => { expect( select(derivedSelectors.getCurrentBalance) ); }); it('should select getEtherBalance', () => { expect(; }); }; describe('!etherBalance', () => { const transactionObj = { transaction: 'transaction' }; const currentBalance = Wei('100'); const etherBalance = null; const gen = sagas.handleSendEverything(); sharedStart(gen, transactionObj, currentBalance); it('should put sendEverythingFailed', () => { expect(; }); }); describe('!currentBalance', () => { const transactionObj = { transaction: 'transaction' }; const currentBalance = null; const etherBalance = Wei('100'); const gen = sagas.handleSendEverything(); sharedStart(gen, transactionObj, currentBalance); it('should put sendEverythingFailed', () => { expect(; }); }); describe('etherBalance && currentBalance', () => { const transaction = { getUpfrontCost: jest.fn() }; const transactionObj = { transaction }; const currentBalance = Wei('100'); const etherBalance = Wei('100'); const etherTransaction = true; const gens: any = {}; gens.gen = cloneableGenerator(sagas.handleSendEverything)(); gens.clone1 = {}; gens.clone2 = {}; sharedStart(gens.gen, transactionObj, currentBalance); it('should select isEtherTransaction', () => { expect( select(derivedSelectors.isEtherTransaction) ); }); it('should apply transaction.getUpfrontCost', () => { gens.clone2 = gens.gen.clone(); expect( apply(transaction, transaction.getUpfrontCost) ); gens.clone1 = gens.gen.clone(); }); describe('if totalCost > etherBalance', () => { const totalCost = Wei('1000'); it('should put showNotification', () => { expect( put( notificationsActions.showNotification( 'warning', `The cost of gas is higher than your balance. Total cost: ${totalCost} > Your Ether balance: ${etherBalance}` ) ) ); }); it('should put sendEverythingFailed', () => { expect(; }); it('should put setValueField', () => { expect( put(transactionFieldsActions.setValueField({ raw: '0', value: null })) ); }); it('should be done', () => { expect(; }); }); describe('if etherTransaction', () => { const totalCost = Wei('10'); const remainder = currentBalance.sub(totalCost); const rawVersion = fromWei(remainder, 'ether'); it('should put setValueField', () => { expect( put( transactionFieldsActions.setValueField({ raw: rawVersion, value: remainder }) ) ); }); it('should put sendEverythingSucceeded', () => { expect(; }); it('should be done', () => { expect(; }); }); describe('if !etherTransaction (a token tx)', () => { const totalCostLocal = Wei('1'); const etherTransactionLocal = false; const decimal = 3; const rawVersion = fromTokenBase(currentBalance, decimal); it('should apply transaction.getUpfrontCost', () => { expect( apply(transaction, transaction.getUpfrontCost) ); }); it('should select getDecimal', () => { expect( select(transactionMetaSelectors.getDecimal) ); }); it('should put setTokenValue', () => { expect( put(transactionMetaActions.setTokenValue({ raw: rawVersion, value: currentBalance })) ); }); it('should put sendEverythingSucceeded', () => { expect(; }); it('should be done', () => { expect(; }); }); }); }); }); });