import * as React from 'react'; import BN from 'bn.js'; import translate from 'translations'; import { State } from 'reducers/rates'; import { rateSymbols, TFetchCCRates } from 'actions/rates'; import { TokenBalance } from 'selectors/wallet'; import { Balance } from 'libs/wallet'; import { NetworkConfig } from 'config/data'; import { ETH_DECIMAL, convertTokenBase } from 'libs/units'; import Spinner from 'components/ui/Spinner'; import UnitDisplay from 'components/ui/UnitDisplay'; import './EquivalentValues.scss'; const ALL_OPTION = 'All'; interface Props { balance?: Balance; tokenBalances?: TokenBalance[]; rates: State['rates']; ratesError?: State['ratesError']; fetchCCRates: TFetchCCRates; network: NetworkConfig; isOffline: boolean; } interface CmpState { currency: string; } export default class EquivalentValues extends React.Component { public state = { currency: ALL_OPTION }; private balanceLookup: { [key: string]: Balance['wei'] | undefined } = {}; private decimalLookup: { [key: string]: number } = {}; private requestedCurrencies: string[] | null = null; public constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.makeBalanceLookup(props); if (props.balance && props.tokenBalances) { this.fetchRates(props); } } public componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps: Props) { const { balance, tokenBalances, isOffline } = this.props; if ( nextProps.balance !== balance || nextProps.tokenBalances !== tokenBalances || nextProps.isOffline !== isOffline ) { this.makeBalanceLookup(nextProps); this.fetchRates(nextProps); } } public render() { const { balance, tokenBalances, rates, ratesError, isOffline, network } = this.props; const { currency } = this.state; // There are a bunch of reasons why the incorrect balances might be rendered // while we have incomplete data that's being fetched. const isFetching = !balance || balance.isPending || !tokenBalances || Object.keys(rates).length === 0; // Currency exists in rates or the all option is selected const rateExistsOrAll = rates[currency] || currency === ALL_OPTION; let valuesEl; if (!isFetching && rateExistsOrAll && !network.isTestnet) { const values = this.getEquivalentValues(currency); valuesEl = => { if (!values[key] || key === currency) { return null; } return (
  • {key}:{' '}
  • ); }); } else if (network.isTestnet) { valuesEl = (
    On test network, equivalent values will not be displayed.
    ); } else if (ratesError) { valuesEl =
    ; } else if (tokenBalances && tokenBalances.length === 0) { valuesEl =
    No tokens found!
    ; } else { valuesEl = (
    ); } return (
    {translate('sidebar_Equiv')} for{' '}
    {isOffline ? (
    Equivalent values are unavailable offline
    ) : ( )}
    ); } private changeCurrency = (ev: React.FormEvent) => { const currency = ev.currentTarget.value; this.setState({ currency }); }; private makeBalanceLookup(props: Props) { const tokenBalances = props.tokenBalances || []; this.balanceLookup = tokenBalances.reduce( (prev, tk) => { // Piggy-back off of this reduce to add to decimal lookup this.decimalLookup[tk.symbol] = tk.decimal; prev[tk.symbol] = tk.balance; return prev; }, { ETH: props.balance && props.balance.wei } ); } private fetchRates(props: Props) { // Duck out if we haven't gotten balances yet, or we're not going to if (!props.balance || !props.tokenBalances || props.isOffline) { return; } // First determine which currencies we're asking for const currencies = props.tokenBalances .filter(tk => !tk.balance.isZero()) .map(tk => tk.symbol) .sort(); // If it's the same currencies as we have, skip it if (this.requestedCurrencies && currencies.join() === this.requestedCurrencies.join()) { return; } // Fire off the request and save the currencies requested this.props.fetchCCRates(currencies); this.requestedCurrencies = currencies; } private getEquivalentValues( currency: string ): { [key: string]: BN | undefined; } { // Recursively call on all currencies if (currency === ALL_OPTION) { return ['ETH'].concat(this.requestedCurrencies || []).reduce( (prev, curr) => { const currValues = this.getEquivalentValues(curr); rateSymbols.forEach(sym => (prev[sym] = prev[sym].add(currValues[sym] || new BN(0)))); return prev; }, rateSymbols.reduce((prev, sym) => { prev[sym] = new BN(0); return prev; }, {}) ); } // Calculate rates for a single currency const { rates } = this.props; const balance = this.balanceLookup[currency]; if (!balance || !rates[currency]) { return {}; } // Tokens with non-ether like decimals need to be adjusted to match const decimal = this.decimalLookup[currency] === undefined ? ETH_DECIMAL : this.decimalLookup[currency]; const adjustedBalance = convertTokenBase(balance, decimal, ETH_DECIMAL); return rateSymbols.reduce((prev, sym) => { prev[sym] = adjustedBalance.muln(rates[currency][sym]); return prev; }, {}); } }