import { apply, put, select } from 'redux-saga/effects'; import { sendEverythingFailed, setValueField, setTokenValue, sendEverythingSucceeded } from 'actions/transaction'; import { showNotification } from 'actions/notifications'; import { isEtherTransaction, getTransaction, getDecimal } from 'selectors/transaction'; import { getEtherBalance, getCurrentBalance } from 'selectors/wallet'; import { fromTokenBase, fromWei, Wei } from 'libs/units'; import { handleSendEverything } from 'sagas/transaction/sendEverything'; import { cloneableGenerator } from 'redux-saga/utils'; describe('handleSendEverything*', () => { let random; beforeAll(() => { random = Math.random; Math.random = () => 0.001; }); afterAll(() => { Math.random = random; }); const sharedStart = (gen, transactionObj, currentBalance) => { it('should select getTransaction', () => { expect(; }); it('should select getCurrentBalance', () => { expect(; }); it('should select getEtherBalance', () => { expect(; }); }; describe('!etherBalance', () => { const transactionObj = { transaction: 'transaction' }; const currentBalance = Wei('100'); const etherBalance = null; const gen = handleSendEverything(); sharedStart(gen, transactionObj, currentBalance); it('should put sendEverythingFailed', () => { expect(; }); }); describe('!currentBalance', () => { const transactionObj = { transaction: 'transaction' }; const currentBalance = null; const etherBalance = Wei('100'); const gen = handleSendEverything(); sharedStart(gen, transactionObj, currentBalance); it('should put sendEverythingFailed', () => { expect(; }); }); describe('etherBalance && currentBalance', () => { const transaction = { getUpfrontCost: jest.fn() }; const transactionObj = { transaction }; const currentBalance = Wei('100'); const etherBalance = Wei('100'); const etherTransaction = true; const gens: any = {}; gens.gen = cloneableGenerator(handleSendEverything)(); gens.clone1 = {}; gens.clone2 = {}; sharedStart(gens.gen, transactionObj, currentBalance); it('should select isEtherTransaction', () => { expect(; }); it('should apply transaction.getUpfrontCost', () => { gens.clone2 = gens.gen.clone(); expect( apply(transaction, transaction.getUpfrontCost) ); gens.clone1 = gens.gen.clone(); }); describe('if totalCost > etherBalance', () => { const totalCost = Wei('1000'); it('should put showNotification', () => { expect( put( showNotification( 'warning', `The cost of gas is higher than your balance: Total cost: ${totalCost} > Your Ether balance: ${etherBalance}` ) ) ); }); it('should put sendEverythingFailed', () => { expect(; }); it('should put setValueField', () => { expect({ raw: '0', value: null }))); }); it('should be done', () => { expect(; }); }); describe('if etherTransaction', () => { const totalCost = Wei('10'); const remainder = currentBalance.sub(totalCost); const rawVersion = fromWei(remainder, 'ether'); it('should put setValueField', () => { expect( put( setValueField({ raw: rawVersion, value: remainder }) ) ); }); it('should put sendEverythingSucceeded', () => { expect(; }); it('should be done', () => { expect(; }); }); describe('if !etherTransaction (a token tx)', () => { const totalCostLocal = Wei('1'); const etherTransactionLocal = false; const decimal = 3; const rawVersion = fromTokenBase(currentBalance, decimal); it('should apply transaction.getUpfrontCost', () => { expect( apply(transaction, transaction.getUpfrontCost) ); }); it('should select getDecimal', () => { expect(; }); it('should put setTokenValue', () => { expect( put(setTokenValue({ raw: rawVersion, value: currentBalance })) ); }); it('should put sendEverythingSucceeded', () => { expect(; }); it('should be done', () => { expect(; }); }); }); });