import React from 'react'; import translate from 'translations'; import Modal, { IButton } from 'components/ui/Modal'; export interface Props { networkName: string; network: string; service: string; action: string; handleBroadcastTx(): void; onClose(): void; } export type TTxModal = typeof TxModal; export const TxModal = (props: Props) => { const { networkName, network, service, handleBroadcastTx, onClose, action } = props; const buttons: IButton[] = [ { text: translate('SENDModal_Yes', true) as string, type: 'primary', onClick: handleBroadcastTx }, { text: translate('SENDModal_No', true) as string, type: 'default', onClick: onClose } ]; return (


You are about to {action} on the{' '} {networkName} chain.

The {network} node you are sending through is provided by {service}.


); };