import { getWeb3Tx, getSignedTx, getTransactionStatus } from 'selectors/transaction'; import { select, call, put } from 'redux-saga/effects'; import { broadcastTransactionFailed, broadcastTransactionSucceeded, broadcastTransactionQueued, resetTransactionRequested } from 'actions/transaction'; import { bufferToHex } from 'ethereumjs-util'; import { showNotification } from 'actions/notifications'; import React from 'react'; import { getNetworkConfig } from 'selectors/config'; import TransactionSucceeded from 'components/ExtendedNotifications/TransactionSucceeded'; import { computeIndexingHash } from 'libs/transaction'; import { cloneableGenerator } from 'redux-saga/utils'; /* tslint:disable */ import 'actions/transaction'; import 'selectors/transaction'; //throws if not imported /* tslint:enable */ import { broadcastTransactionWrapper, getSerializedTxAndIndexingHash, shouldBroadcastTransaction } from 'sagas/transaction/broadcast/helpers'; import { isSchedulingEnabled } from 'selectors/schedule/fields'; describe('broadcastTransactionWrapper*', () => { const indexingHash = 'indexingHash'; const serializedTransaction = new Buffer('serializedTransaction'); const shouldBroadcast = true; const stringTx = 'stringTx'; const broadcastedHash: any = 'broadcastedHash'; const network: any = { blockExplorer: 'blockExplorer' }; let random: () => number; const func: any = () => undefined; const action: any = {}; const gens: any = {}; gens.gen = cloneableGenerator(broadcastTransactionWrapper(func))(action); beforeAll(() => { random = Math.random; Math.random = () => 0.001; }); afterAll(() => { Math.random = random; }); it('should call getSerializedTxAndIndexingHash with action', () => { expect(, action)); }); it('should call shouldBroadcastTransaction with indexingHash', () => { expect({ indexingHash, serializedTransaction }).value ).toEqual(call(shouldBroadcastTransaction, indexingHash)); }); it('should handle exceptions', () => { gens.clone1 = gens.gen.clone(); const error = { message: 'message' }; expect(gens.clone1.throw(error).value).toEqual( put(broadcastTransactionFailed({ indexingHash })) ); expect('danger', error.message))); expect(; }); it('should put showNotification & reset if !shouldBroadcast', () => { gens.clone2 = gens.gen.clone(); expect( put( showNotification( 'warning', 'TxHash identical: This transaction has already been broadcasted or is broadcasting' ) ) ); expect(; expect(!shouldBroadcast).done).toEqual(true); }); it('should put broadcastTransactionQueued', () => { expect( put( broadcastTransactionQueued({ indexingHash, serializedTransaction }) ) ); }); it('should call bufferToHex with serializedTransactioin', () => { expect(, serializedTransaction)); }); it('should call func with stringTx', () => { expect(, stringTx)); }); it('should put broadcastTransactionSucceeded', () => { expect( put( broadcastTransactionSucceeded({ indexingHash, broadcastedHash }) ) ); }); it('select getNetworkConfig', () => { expect(; }); it('select isSchedulingEnabled', () => { expect(; }); it('should put showNotification', () => { expect( put( showNotification( 'success', , Infinity ) ) ); }); it('should be done', () => { expect(; }); }); describe('shouldBroadCastTransaction*', () => { const indexingHash = 'indexingHash'; const existingTxIsBroadcasting: any = { isBroadcasting: true }; const existingTxBroadcastSuccessful: any = { broadcastSuccessful: true }; const existingTxFalse: any = false; const gens: any = {}; gens.gen = cloneableGenerator(shouldBroadcastTransaction)(indexingHash); it('should select getTransactionStats with indexingHash', () => { expect(, indexingHash)); }); it('should return false when isBroadcasting', () => { gens.clone1 = gens.gen.clone(); expect(; }); it('should return false when broadcastSuccessful', () => { gens.clone2 = gens.gen.clone(); expect(; }); it('should return true when there is no existingTx', () => { gens.gen = gens.gen.clone(); expect(; }); it('should be done', () => { expect(; }); }); describe('getSerializedTxAndIndexingHash*', () => { const web3Req: any = { type: 'BROADCAST_WEB3_TRANSACTION_REQUESTED' }; const notWeb3Req: any = { type: 'NOT_WEB3_TRANSACTION_REQUEST' }; const serializedTransaction: any = true; const indexingHash = 'indexingHash'; const gens: any = {}; gens.gen1 = cloneableGenerator(getSerializedTxAndIndexingHash)(web3Req); const gen2 = getSerializedTxAndIndexingHash(notWeb3Req); it('should select getWeb3Tx', () => { expect(; }); it('should select getSignedTx', () => { expect(; }); it('should throw error if !serializedTransaction', () => { gens.clone1 = gens.gen1.clone(); expect(() =>!serializedTransaction)).toThrowError( 'Can not broadcast: tx does not exist' ); }); it('should call computeIndexingHash', () => { expect( call(computeIndexingHash, serializedTransaction) ); }); it('should return correctly', () => { expect({ serializedTransaction, indexingHash }); }); it('should be done', () => { expect(; }); });