import difference from 'lodash/difference'; import { InsecureWalletName, SecureWalletName, WalletName, walletNames } from 'config'; import { SHAPESHIFT_TOKEN_WHITELIST } from 'api/shapeshift'; import { stripWeb3Network, isAutoNodeConfig } from 'libs/nodes'; import { getIsValidAddressFunction } from 'libs/validators'; import { CustomNodeConfig, StaticNodeConfig, StaticNodeId, NodeConfig } from 'types/node'; import { CustomNetworkConfig, StaticNetworkConfig, StaticNetworkIds, NetworkContract, Token } from 'types/network'; import { getChecksumAddressFunction } from 'utils/formatters'; import { AppState } from 'features/reducers'; import { getNetworks } from './networks/selectors'; import { getCustomNetworkConfigs } from './networks/custom/selectors'; import { getStaticNetworkConfigs, isStaticNetworkId } from './networks/static/selectors'; import { getNodeConfig } from './nodes/selectors'; import { getCustomNodeConfigs } from './nodes/custom/selectors'; import { getStaticNodes, getStaticNodeConfigs } from './nodes/static/selectors'; import { DPathFormat } from './types'; export interface NodeOption { isCustom: false; value: string; label: { network: string; service: string }; color?: string; hidden?: boolean; } export interface CustomNodeOption { isCustom: true; id: string; value: string; label: { network: string; nodeName: string; }; color?: string; hidden?: boolean; } export const getConfig = (state: AppState) => state.config; //#region Network export const getSelectedNetwork = (state: AppState) => stripWeb3Network(getNodeConfig(state).network); export const getNetworkConfig = (state: AppState): StaticNetworkConfig | CustomNetworkConfig => { const config = getStaticNetworkConfig(state) || getCustomNetworkConfig(state); if (!config) { const selectedNetwork = getSelectedNetwork(state); throw Error( `No network config found for ${selectedNetwork} in either static or custom networks` ); } return config; }; export const getStaticNetworkConfig = (state: AppState): StaticNetworkConfig | undefined => { const selectedNetwork = getSelectedNetwork(state); const { staticNetworks } = getNetworks(state); const defaultNetwork = isStaticNetworkId(state, selectedNetwork) ? staticNetworks[selectedNetwork] : undefined; return defaultNetwork; }; export const getCustomNetworkConfig = (state: AppState): CustomNetworkConfig | undefined => { const selectedNetwork = getSelectedNetwork(state); const { customNetworks } = getNetworks(state); const customNetwork = customNetworks[selectedNetwork]; return customNetwork; }; export const getNetworkUnit = (state: AppState): string => { return getNetworkConfig(state).unit; }; export const getNetworkChainId = (state: AppState) => { return getNetworkConfig(state).chainId; }; export const getIsValidAddressFn = (state: AppState) => { const chainId = getNetworkChainId(state); return getIsValidAddressFunction(chainId); }; export const getChecksumAddressFn = (state: AppState) => { const chainId = getNetworkChainId(state); return getChecksumAddressFunction(chainId); }; export const getNetworkContracts = (state: AppState): NetworkContract[] | null => { const network = getStaticNetworkConfig(state); return network ? network.contracts : []; }; export function getSingleDPath(state: AppState, format: DPathFormat): DPath | undefined { const network = getStaticNetworkConfig(state); if (!network) { throw Error('No static network config loaded'); } const dPathFormats = network.dPathFormats; return dPathFormats[format]; } export const isNetworkUnit = (state: AppState, unit: string) => { return unit === getNetworkUnit(state); }; export function getNetworkTokens(state: AppState): Token[] { const network = getStaticNetworkConfig(state); return network ? network.tokens : []; } export function getAllTokens(state: AppState): Token[] { const networkTokens = getNetworkTokens(state); return networkTokens.concat(state.customTokens); } export function tokenExists(state: AppState, token: string): boolean { const existInWhitelist = SHAPESHIFT_TOKEN_WHITELIST.includes(token); const existsInNetwork = !!getAllTokens(state).find(t => t.symbol === token); return existsInNetwork || existInWhitelist; } export function isSupportedUnit(state: AppState, unit: string) { const isToken: boolean = tokenExists(state, unit); const isEther: boolean = isNetworkUnit(state, unit); if (!isToken && !isEther) { return false; } return true; } export function isANetworkUnit(state: AppState, unit: string) { const currentNetwork = getStaticNetworkConfig(state); //TODO: logic check if (!currentNetwork) { return false; } const networks = getStaticNetworkConfigs(state); const validNetworks = Object.values(networks).filter((n: StaticNetworkConfig) => n.unit === unit); return validNetworks.includes(currentNetwork); } export function isWalletFormatSupportedOnNetwork(state: AppState, format: WalletName): boolean { const network = getStaticNetworkConfig(state); const chainId = network ? network.chainId : 0; const CHECK_FORMATS: DPathFormat[] = [ SecureWalletName.LEDGER_NANO_S, SecureWalletName.TREZOR, SecureWalletName.SAFE_T, InsecureWalletName.MNEMONIC_PHRASE ]; const isHDFormat = (f: string): f is DPathFormat => CHECK_FORMATS.includes(f as DPathFormat); // Ensure DPath's are found if (isHDFormat(format)) { if (!network) { return false; } const dPath = network.dPathFormats && network.dPathFormats[format]; return !!dPath; } // Parity signer on RSK if (chainId === 30 || (chainId === 31 && format === SecureWalletName.PARITY_SIGNER)) { return false; } // All other wallet formats are supported return true; } export function unSupportedWalletFormatsOnNetwork(state: AppState): WalletName[] { const supportedFormats = walletNames.filter((walletName: WalletName) => isWalletFormatSupportedOnNetwork(state, walletName) ); return difference(walletNames, supportedFormats); } export const getAllNetworkConfigs = (state: AppState) => ({ ...getStaticNetworkConfigs(state), ...getCustomNetworkConfigs(state) }); //#endregion Networks //#region Nodes export const getStaticNodeFromId = (state: AppState, nodeId: StaticNodeId) => getStaticNodeConfigs(state)[nodeId]; export function getStaticNodeOptions(state: AppState): NodeOption[] { const staticNetworkConfigs = getStaticNetworkConfigs(state); return Object.entries(getStaticNodes(state)).map(([nodeId, node]: [string, StaticNodeConfig]) => { const associatedNetwork = staticNetworkConfigs[stripWeb3Network( as StaticNetworkIds]; const opt: NodeOption = { isCustom: node.isCustom, value: nodeId, label: { network: stripWeb3Network(, service: node.service }, color: associatedNetwork.color, hidden: node.hidden }; return opt; }); } export function getCustomNodeOptions(state: AppState): CustomNodeOption[] { const staticNetworkConfigs = getStaticNetworkConfigs(state); const customNetworkConfigs = getCustomNetworkConfigs(state); return Object.entries(getCustomNodeConfigs(state)).map( ([_, node]: [string, CustomNodeConfig]) => { const chainId =; const associatedNetwork = isStaticNetworkId(state, chainId) ? staticNetworkConfigs[chainId] : customNetworkConfigs[chainId]; const opt: CustomNodeOption = { isCustom: node.isCustom, value:, label: { network: associatedNetwork.unit, nodeName: }, color: associatedNetwork.isCustom ? undefined : associatedNetwork.color, hidden: false, id: }; return opt; } ); } export function getNodeOptions(state: AppState) { return [...getStaticNodeOptions(state), ...getCustomNodeOptions(state)]; } export function getAllNodes(state: AppState): { [key: string]: NodeConfig } { return { ...getStaticNodes(state), ...getCustomNodeConfigs(state) }; } export interface INodeLabel { network: string; info: string; } export function getSelectedNodeLabel(state: AppState): INodeLabel { const allNodes = getAllNodes(state); const node = getNodeConfig(state); const network = getNetworkConfig(state); let info; if (node.isCustom) { // Custom nodes have names info =; } else if (node.isAuto) { // Auto nodes should show the count of all nodes it uses. If only one, // show the service name of the node. const networkNodes = Object.values(allNodes).filter( n => !isAutoNodeConfig(n) && === ); if (networkNodes.length > 1) { info = 'AUTO'; } else { info = networkNodes[0].service; } } else { info = node.service; } return { network:, info }; } //#endregion Nodes