import React from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { exists, SuccessConfig, FailConfig } from 'mycrypto-eth-exists'; import translate, { translateRaw } from 'translations'; import { CustomNetworkConfig } from 'types/network'; import { CustomNodeConfig } from 'types/node'; import { AppState } from 'features/reducers'; import { getCustomNetworkConfigs, getStaticNetworkConfigs, getCustomNodeConfigs, AddCustomNodeAction, TAddCustomNetwork, addCustomNetwork } from 'features/config'; import { Input, Dropdown } from 'components/ui'; import Modal, { IButton } from 'components/ui/Modal'; import './CustomNodeModal.scss'; const CUSTOM = { label: 'Custom', value: 'custom' }; interface OwnProps { isOpen: boolean; addCustomNode(payload: AddCustomNodeAction['payload']): void; handleClose(): void; } interface DispatchProps { addCustomNetwork: TAddCustomNetwork; } interface StateProps { customNodes: AppState['config']['nodes']['customNodes']; customNetworks: AppState['config']['networks']['customNetworks']; staticNetworks: AppState['config']['networks']['staticNetworks']; } interface State { name: string; url: string; network: string; customNetworkId: string; customNetworkUnit: string; customNetworkChainId: string; hasAuth: boolean; username: string; password: string; defaultNodes: ((SuccessConfig | FailConfig) & { display: string; index: number })[]; } type Props = OwnProps & StateProps & DispatchProps; class CustomNodeModal extends React.Component { public INITIAL_STATE: State = { name: '', url: '', network: Object.keys(this.props.staticNetworks)[0], customNetworkId: '', customNetworkUnit: '', customNetworkChainId: '', hasAuth: false, username: '', password: '', defaultNodes: [] }; public state: State = this.INITIAL_STATE; private timer: number | null; constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.pollForDefaultNodes(); } public componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) { // Reset state when modal opens if (!prevProps.isOpen && prevProps.isOpen !== this.props.isOpen) { this.setState(this.INITIAL_STATE); } } public componentWillUnmount() { if (this.timer) { window.clearInterval(this.timer); } this.timer = null; } public render() { const { customNetworks, handleClose, staticNetworks, isOpen } = this.props; const { network, customNetworkChainId } = this.state; const isHttps = window.location.protocol.includes('https'); const invalids = this.getInvalids(); const buttons: IButton[] = [ { type: 'primary', text: translate('NODE_CTA'), onClick: this.saveAndAdd, disabled: !!Object.keys(invalids).length }, { type: 'default', text: translate('ACTION_2'), onClick: handleClose } ]; const nameConflictNode = this.getNameConflictNode(); const chainidConflictNetwork = network === CUSTOM.value && this.getChainIdCollisionNetwork(customNetworkChainId); const staticNetwrks = Object.keys(staticNetworks).map(net => { return { label: net, value: net }; }); const customNetwrks = Object.entries(customNetworks).map(([id, net]) => { return { label: + ' (Custom)', value: id }; }); const options = [...staticNetwrks, ...customNetwrks, CUSTOM]; return ( {isHttps &&
} {nameConflictNode && (
{translate('CUSTOM_NODE_NAME_CONFLICT', { $node: })}
)} {this.renderDefaultNodeDropdown()}
{network === CUSTOM.value && (
)} {chainidConflictNetwork && (
{translate('CUSTOM_NODE_CHAINID_CONFLICT', { $network: })}
)} {this.state.hasAuth && (
); } private pollForDefaultNodes() { return null; // @ts-ignore const pollingInterval = 3000; // console.warning in production to explain to users why we are making a call to localhost console.warn( "Don't panic! MyCrypto is going to start a poll for default nodes on port 8545. If you don't like this feature, send us a ping at and we'll walk you through disabling it." ); this.timer = window.setInterval(async () => { const results = await exists( [ // tslint:disable-next-line:no-http-string { type: 'http', addr: 'http://localhost', port: 8545, timeout: 3000 } ], { includeDefaults: false } ); if (!this.timer) { return; } this.setState({ defaultNodes: results.filter(r => r.success).map((r, index) => ({ ...r, display: `${r.addr}:${r.port}`, index })) }); }, pollingInterval); } private renderDefaultNodeDropdown() { const { defaultNodes } = this.state; if (!defaultNodes.length) { return null; } return ( ); } private getInvalids(): { [key: string]: boolean } { const { url, hasAuth, username, password, network, customNetworkId, customNetworkUnit, customNetworkChainId } = this.state; const required: (keyof State)[] = ['name', 'url', 'network']; const invalids: { [key: string]: boolean } = {}; // Required fields required.forEach(field => { if (!this.state[field]) { invalids[field] = true; } }); // Parse the URL, and make sure what they typed isn't parsed as relative. // Not a perfect regex, just checks for protocol + any char if (!/^https?:\/\/.+/i.test(url)) { invalids.url = true; } // If they have auth, make sure it's provided if (hasAuth) { if (!username) { invalids.username = true; } if (!password) { invalids.password = true; } } // If they have a custom network, make sure info is provided if (network === CUSTOM.value) { if (!customNetworkId) { invalids.customNetworkId = true; } if (!customNetworkUnit) { invalids.customNetworkUnit = true; } // Numeric chain ID if (this.getChainIdCollisionNetwork(customNetworkChainId)) { invalids.customNetworkChainId = true; } else { const iChainId = parseInt(customNetworkChainId, 10); if (!customNetworkChainId || !iChainId || iChainId < 0) { invalids.customNetworkChainId = true; } } } return invalids; } private getChainIdCollisionNetwork(chainId: string) { if (!chainId) { return false; } const chainIdInt = parseInt(chainId, 10); const allNetworks = [ ...Object.values(this.props.staticNetworks), ...Object.values(this.props.customNetworks) ]; return allNetworks.reduce( (collision, network) => (network.chainId === chainIdInt ? network : collision), null ); } private makeCustomNetworkConfigFromState(): CustomNetworkConfig { const similarNetworkConfig = Object.values(this.props.staticNetworks).find( n => n.chainId === +this.state.customNetworkChainId ); const dPathFormats = similarNetworkConfig ? similarNetworkConfig.dPathFormats : null; return { isCustom: true, id: this.state.customNetworkChainId, name: this.state.customNetworkId, unit: this.state.customNetworkUnit, chainId: parseInt(this.state.customNetworkChainId, 10), dPathFormats }; } private makeCustomNodeConfigFromState(): CustomNodeConfig { const { network, url, name, username, password } = this.state; const networkId = network === CUSTOM.value ? this.makeCustomNetworkId(this.makeCustomNetworkConfigFromState()) : network; return { isCustom: true, service: 'your custom node', id: url, name: name.trim(), url, network: networkId, ...(this.state.hasAuth ? { auth: { username, password } } : {}) }; } private getNameConflictNode(): CustomNodeConfig | undefined { const { customNodes } = this.props; const config = this.makeCustomNodeConfigFromState(); return customNodes[]; } private saveAndAdd = () => { const node = this.makeCustomNodeConfigFromState(); if ( === CUSTOM.value) { const network = this.makeCustomNetworkConfigFromState(); this.props.addCustomNetwork(network); } this.props.addCustomNode(node); }; private makeCustomNetworkId(config: CustomNetworkConfig): string { return config.chainId.toString(); } } const mapStateToProps = (state: AppState): StateProps => ({ customNetworks: getCustomNetworkConfigs(state), customNodes: getCustomNodeConfigs(state), staticNetworks: getStaticNetworkConfigs(state) }); const mapDispatchToProps: DispatchProps = { addCustomNetwork }; export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(CustomNodeModal);