import { app, dialog, BrowserWindow } from 'electron'; import { autoUpdater, UpdateInfo } from 'electron-updater'; import { APP_TITLE, REPOSITORY } from '../constants'; import TEST_RELEASE from './testrelease.json'; autoUpdater.autoDownload = false; // Set to 'true' if you want to test update behavior. Requires a recompile. const shouldMockUpdate = false && process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'; const shouldMockUpdateError = false && process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'; let hasRunUpdater = false; let hasStartedUpdating = false; enum AutoUpdaterEvents { CHECKING_FOR_UPDATE = 'checking-for-update', UPDATE_AVAILABLE = 'update-available', DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS = 'download-progress', UPDATE_DOWNLOADED = 'update-downloaded', ERROR = 'error' } export default function(mainWindow: BrowserWindow) { if (hasRunUpdater) { return; } hasRunUpdater = true; autoUpdater.on(AutoUpdaterEvents.UPDATE_AVAILABLE, (info: UpdateInfo) => { dialog.showMessageBox( { type: 'question', buttons: ['Yes, start downloading', 'Maybe later'], title: `An Update is Available (v${info.version})`, message: `An Update is Available (v${info.version})`, detail: 'A new version has been released. Would you like to start downloading the update? You will be notified when the download is finished.' }, response => { if (response === 0) { if (shouldMockUpdate) { mockDownload(); } else { autoUpdater.downloadUpdate(); } } } ); hasStartedUpdating = true; }); autoUpdater.on(AutoUpdaterEvents.DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS, (progress: any) => { mainWindow.setTitle(`${APP_TITLE} (Downloading update... ${Math.round(progress.percent)}%)`); mainWindow.setProgressBar(progress.percent / 100); }); autoUpdater.on(AutoUpdaterEvents.UPDATE_DOWNLOADED, () => { resetWindowFromUpdates(mainWindow); dialog.showMessageBox( { type: 'question', buttons: ['Yes, restart now', 'Maybe later'], title: 'Update Has Been Downloaded', message: 'Download complete!', detail: `The new version of ${APP_TITLE} has finished downloading. Would you like to restart to complete the installation?` }, response => { if (response === 0) { if (shouldMockUpdate) { app.quit(); } else { autoUpdater.quitAndInstall(); } } } ); }); autoUpdater.on(AutoUpdaterEvents.ERROR, (err: Error) => { console.error('Update failed with an error'); console.error(err); // If they haven't started updating yet, just fail silently if (!hasStartedUpdating) { return; } resetWindowFromUpdates(mainWindow); dialog.showErrorBox( 'Downloading Update has Failed', `The update could not be downloaded. Restart the app and try again later, or manually install the new update at ${REPOSITORY}/releases\n\n(${ }: ${err.message})` ); }); // Kick off the check autoUpdater.checkForUpdatesAndNotify(); // Simulate a test release if (shouldMockUpdate) { mockUpdateCheck(); } } function resetWindowFromUpdates(window: BrowserWindow) { window.setTitle('Status'); window.setProgressBar(-1); // Clears progress bar } // Mock functions for dev testing function mockUpdateCheck() { autoUpdater.emit(AutoUpdaterEvents.CHECKING_FOR_UPDATE); setTimeout(() => { autoUpdater.emit(AutoUpdaterEvents.UPDATE_AVAILABLE, TEST_RELEASE); }, 3000); } function mockDownload() { for (let i = 0; i < 11; i++) { setTimeout(() => { if (i >= 5 && shouldMockUpdateError) { if (i === 5) { autoUpdater.emit( AutoUpdaterEvents.ERROR, new Error('Test error, nothing actually failed') ); } return; } const total = 150000000; autoUpdater.emit(AutoUpdaterEvents.DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS, { bytesPerSecond: Math.round(Math.random() * 100000000), percent: i * 10, transferred: total / i, total }); if (i === 10) { autoUpdater.emit(AutoUpdaterEvents.UPDATE_DOWNLOADED); } }, 500 * i); } }