import { SagaIterator } from 'redux-saga'; import { all, apply, fork, put, select, takeEvery, takeLatest } from 'redux-saga/effects'; import { publicToAddress } from 'ethereumjs-util'; import HDKey from 'hdkey'; import { translateRaw } from 'translations'; import { INode } from 'libs/nodes/INode'; import { TokenValue } from 'libs/units'; import { Token } from 'types/network'; import * as derivedSelectors from 'features/selectors'; import { configSelectors, configNodesSelectors } from 'features/config'; import { notificationsActions } from 'features/notifications'; import * as types from './types'; import * as actions from './actions'; import * as selectors from './selectors'; export function* getDeterministicWalletsSaga( action: types.GetDeterministicWalletsAction ): SagaIterator { const { seed, dPath, publicKey, chainCode, limit, offset } = action.payload; let pathBase; let hdk; // if seed present, treat as mnemonic // if pubKey & chainCode present, treat as HW wallet if (seed) { hdk = HDKey.fromMasterSeed(new Buffer(seed, 'hex')); pathBase = dPath; } else if (publicKey && chainCode) { hdk = new HDKey(); hdk.publicKey = new Buffer(publicKey, 'hex'); hdk.chainCode = new Buffer(chainCode, 'hex'); pathBase = 'm'; } else { return; } const wallets: types.DeterministicWalletData[] = []; const toChecksumAddress: ReturnType = yield select( configSelectors.getChecksumAddressFn ); for (let i = 0; i < limit; i++) { const index = i + offset; const dkey = hdk.derive(`${pathBase}/${index}`); const address = publicToAddress(dkey.publicKey, true).toString('hex'); wallets.push({ index, address: toChecksumAddress(address), tokenValues: {} }); } yield put(actions.setDeterministicWallets(wallets)); yield fork(updateWalletValues); yield fork(updateWalletTokenValues); } // Grab each wallet's main network token, and update it with it export function* updateWalletValues(): SagaIterator { const node: INode = yield select(configNodesSelectors.getNodeLib); const wallets: types.DeterministicWalletData[] = yield select(selectors.getWallets); try { const calls = => apply(node, node.getBalance, [w.address])); const balances = yield all(calls); for (let i = 0; i < wallets.length; i++) { yield put( actions.updateDeterministicWallet({ ...wallets[i], value: balances[i] }) ); } } catch (err) { console.log(err); yield put(notificationsActions.showNotification('danger', translateRaw('ERROR_32'))); } } // Grab the current desired token, and update the wallet with it export function* updateWalletTokenValues(): SagaIterator { const desiredToken: string = yield select(selectors.getDesiredToken); if (!desiredToken) { return; } const tokens: Token[] = yield select(derivedSelectors.getTokens); const token = tokens.find(t => t.symbol === desiredToken); if (!token) { return; } const node: INode = yield select(configNodesSelectors.getNodeLib); const wallets: types.DeterministicWalletData[] = yield select(selectors.getWallets); try { const calls = => { return apply(node, node.getTokenBalance, [w.address, token]); }); const tokenBalances: { balance: TokenValue; error: string | null }[] = yield all(calls); for (let i = 0; i < wallets.length; i++) { if (!tokenBalances[i].error) { yield put( actions.updateDeterministicWallet({ ...wallets[i], tokenValues: { ...wallets[i].tokenValues, [desiredToken]: { value: tokenBalances[i].balance, decimal: token.decimal } } }) ); } } } catch (err) { console.log(err); yield put(notificationsActions.showNotification('danger', translateRaw('ERROR_32'))); } } export function* deterministicWalletsSaga(): SagaIterator { yield takeLatest('DETERMINISTIC_WALLETS_GET_WALLETS', getDeterministicWalletsSaga); yield takeEvery('DETERMINISTIC_WALLETS_UPDATE_WALLET', updateWalletTokenValues); }