William O'Beirne
v3 Style Import ( #151 )
* Convert bootstrap to sass instead of checked in and less
* Darken body, adjust header.
* First pass at tab styles, each tab will need a lot of individual love tho.
* Update footer to main site content, improve responsiveness.
* Missing key added.
* Fix dropdowns.
* Convert GenerateWallet HTML over, still needs styling.
* Send form.
* Current rates styled.
* CurrencySwap form styles.
* SwapInfoHeader styled.
* Finish up swap restyling, minor usability improvements for mobile.
* Fix up notifications / alert customizations
* Import v3 variables.
* Fix notification spacing.
* Align input height base with buttons.
* Revert height base, add additional bootstrap overrides.
* Grid overrides.
* Move overrides to their own folder. Adjust naming.
* Fix inconsistencies.
* Style generate wallet pt 1.
* Style generate wallet pt 2
* Style generate wallet pt 3
* Fix swap
* Added some missing overries, fixed the fallout.
* Remove header text, indicate alpha version.
* Fix radio / checkbox weights.
* Bind => arrow
* Convert simpledropdown to proper form select, instead of weirdly implemented nonfuncitoning dropdown.
* Fix token balances buttons, footr icons.
2017-09-05 14:52:01 -05:00
Daniel Ternyak
Finalize send (broadcast signedTx, loading indicators, error handling, form validation) ( #141 )
* hide buttons during send loading state
* fix transaction succeeded not clickable; provide error in action
* move BroadcastStatusTransaction into 'libs/transaction'
* use more succint Array.prototype.find
* rename resetState -> resetTransaction
* refactor and component componentDidUpdate logic
* rename disabled -> generateDisabled; comment componentDidUpdate
* add size to Spinner, use in ConfirmationModal; disable instead of hide buttons in Modal
* fix flow not understanding that an object wouldn't be null in this case anyway. silly flow
* various refactors; send entire balance working
2017-08-30 21:00:31 -07:00
William O'Beirne
Trezor Unlock + Deterministic Wallet Groundwork ( #137 )
* Basic reducer / action / saga setup, rendering wallets.
* Better address rows, with values.
* Styling + back and next buttons.
* Formatting, dpath changing.
* Derived -> Deterministic
* Set wallet on confirm.
* Flesh out Trezor wallet, add transaction signing.
* Custom dpath, better handling of canceled switches and over-rendering / prop calling.
* Token empty string value.
* Move DPaths to config file.
* Clarifying comments.
2017-08-28 12:43:57 -05:00
William O'Beirne
Visual Alpha Prep ( #135 )
* Added alpha banner to top of site.
* Grey out non functioning nav items. Redirect help to groovehq.
* Disable view wallet while it's just a stub.
* Disable non-implemented wallets.
2017-08-25 09:37:36 +02:00
Keystore & Private Key Wallet Decrypts ( #116 )
* wire up keystore decrypt & build UI
* add support for encrypted private keys
* add check for key length
* rename keystore wallet file
* rename encrypted priv key wallet file
* add support for presale, v1, & v2 JSON keystores
* clean up TODO messages, add class files
* add v3 references
* add flow type
* fix event bug
* update privkey validators to accept whole privkey
* refactor pkey/pass validation to function
* move pass req detection to function, remove unnecessary state
* add tests for decrypt & keystore libs
2017-08-20 22:28:47 +02:00
Daniel Ternyak
merge develop into 'swap_part_3'
2017-07-03 22:21:19 -05:00
unlock wip
2017-06-30 03:03:11 +04:00