William O'Beirne
Trezor Unlock + Deterministic Wallet Groundwork ( #137 )
* Basic reducer / action / saga setup, rendering wallets.
* Better address rows, with values.
* Styling + back and next buttons.
* Formatting, dpath changing.
* Derived -> Deterministic
* Set wallet on confirm.
* Flesh out Trezor wallet, add transaction signing.
* Custom dpath, better handling of canceled switches and over-rendering / prop calling.
* Token empty string value.
* Move DPaths to config file.
* Clarifying comments.
2017-08-28 12:43:57 -05:00
Daniel Ternyak
Derivation Checker ( #134 )
2017-08-24 18:41:47 +02:00
Use async in download wallet ( #127 )
* convert keystore gen to async
* add & use type UtcKeystore
* add types, refactor
* remove unneeded prop checking
2017-08-24 10:34:08 +02:00
Keystore & Private Key Wallet Decrypts ( #116 )
* wire up keystore decrypt & build UI
* add support for encrypted private keys
* add check for key length
* rename keystore wallet file
* rename encrypted priv key wallet file
* add support for presale, v1, & v2 JSON keystores
* clean up TODO messages, add class files
* add v3 references
* add flow type
* fix event bug
* update privkey validators to accept whole privkey
* refactor pkey/pass validation to function
* move pass req detection to function, remove unnecessary state
* add tests for decrypt & keystore libs
2017-08-20 22:28:47 +02:00
William O'Beirne
WIP: Generating transaction on Send tab (Pt 1) ( #100 )
* Generating transaction ,placing into read only textareas.
* Fix async wallet getAddress cases.
* Chain id from network
* remove leftover console log
* Check balance before generating transaction.
* Translate error msgs, check for invalid address.
* Errors for gas limit and gas price issues.
2017-08-11 22:54:10 +01:00
KeystoreWallet Class & Decrypt ( #111 )
* add keystore decrypt functionality
* add flow types
* add KeystoreWallet class
* only support keystore as string
2017-08-09 07:04:32 -05:00
Fix flow errors ( #110 )
* simplify getAddress method
* refactor to handle async wallet getAddress
* fix bug on BaseWallet
* remove unnecessary catch
2017-08-09 07:01:34 -05:00
William O'Beirne
Estimate gas (WIP) ( #102 )
* relayout rpc code, start contract helper
* Dont ask for estimate if theres no value
* Split out conversion of ether to wei hex into lib function.
* big.js -> bignumber.js
2017-08-07 22:45:08 -05:00
Add Promises & Signing to Wallet Classes ( #105 )
* add validation for raw tx
* add node module, add signing lib
* add tx & message signing, promise everything
* remove unnecessary returns
* move isValidRawTx to for loop
* add & use new type RawTx
* implement cleaner promises, reject instead of throw
2017-08-07 22:25:23 -05:00
Daniel Ternyak
Complete Generate/Create Wallet Flow ( #38 )
* GenerateWallet: Download real UTC file.
* Paper wallet (#45 )
* Working paper wallet (#52 )
* Reset Generate Wallet state when component will unmount
2017-07-16 16:02:13 -05:00
balance fetching ( #41 )
* balance fetching
* fix tests
* bump deps
* validate custom token form
* equiv values
* fix rates saga naming
* address review comments
2017-07-13 16:02:39 -05:00
Daniel Ternyak
merge develop into 'swap_part_3'
2017-07-03 22:21:19 -05:00
unlock wip
2017-06-30 03:03:11 +04:00