* Revamp app status to be event listener based
* Update lockfile
* Update snapshot
* Show invalid only if .has-blurred
* revert yarn.lock changes
* Clean up input classes and types (#1925)
* Show invalid for Nonce Field when empty (#1930)
* Initial work on refactoring node definitions to reduce number of places theyre defined, amount of copy pasting.
* Use makeAutoNodeNAme instead of manually appending _auto
* Add getNetVersion to list of unsupported methods
* PR feedback
* Rework web template node selector to be a network selector. Refactor some types to help with that. Better handle removing custom nodes.
* Remove color dropdown.
* Fix selecting custom networks. Show notification if change network intent fails.
* Use selectors for current node / network instead of intuiting from nodeSelection
* Add id key to all networks, simplify add and remove custom node and network functions.
* Fix a lot of uses of network.name to use network.id instead.
* Dont allow network chainid conflicts
* Fix web3 network by chainid
* Add testnet badge to network selector
* Change nomenclature from change(Node|Network)(Intent)? to change(Node|Network)(Requested|Succeeded)
* tscheck
* Better code for chainid collision
* Remove console logs
* Fix tests
* Network selector becomes self contained component used both by web header and electron nav.
* Dont select node again
* Additional title text
* tscheck
* Custom node behavior in Electron
* Close panel too
* Convert node label data into selector function
* tscheck
* Parens & space
* Add a new route for AddressBook
* Further templating of the AddressBook view
* Add initial functionality to handle a table of existing address labels
* Make the linter happy
* Adjust paths
* Factor out TableRow and add common functionality
* Add initial Redux boilerplate for addressBook | fix minor linting issues
* Swap out terminology and types
* Connect up to Redux
* Connect data for AddressBookTable to Redux
* Use temporary fields for addition
* Remove alignment and index column
* Stopping point
* Adjust the sizing of rows to be consistent
* Initial implementation of a dropdown for the address field
* Minor styling to dropdown
* Stopping point
* Apply a focus concept onto the factory
* Add keyboard controls for the address field dropdown
* Adjust label of address field when it matches an addressBook entry
* Properly handle attempting to blur a non-existent component
* Minor styling changes on dropdown box
* Standardize address casing, add accessibility to dropdown
* Create an addressLabel component
* Pass refs correctly and fix some typings
* Exact version
* Add module name mapping for shared/keycodes
* addressBook reducer tests
* Add functionality to DeterministicModal
* Minor changes / Add test for addressBook selectors
* Move out AddressBookTable to a component
* Typing, translation and restructuring
* More typing and translation fixes
* More linting fixes
* More type changes
* Variable name for dropdown background
* Fix TS type errors, lint errors, remove unused props
* Used a different selector and removed method: AddressBookTable
* Linter was mad
* Linter mad again :(
* Add a translation and adjust styling of AddressBookTable
* Move the onBlur to a class method
* Prevent the default behavior of up/down/enter for dropdown
* Let's do it this way instead
* Adjust the styling on DeterministicWalletModal labels
* Change `AddressBookTable` into a pseudo-table using section and div
* Use readable keys vs. keycodes
* Put the dropdown in InputFactory and position it correctly
* Sanitation of label adding and changing
* Prevent duplicate labels in AddressBook and Row
* Add a box shadow and use `invalid` class insted of custom
* Use emphasis vs strong for address in dropdown
* Display the label undernearth the input vs. changing it
* Isolate AccountAddress into its own component
* Introduce interactivity to AccountAddress
* Fully incorporate with Redux
* Validation for AccountAddress
* Add validation notifications for address field on AddressBookTable
* Minor formatting
* Adjust wrappage for optimal flexboxxing
* Make AddressBookTable responsive
* Show an invalid input in "real time" instead of only on submit
* Real time input validation for AddressBookTableRow
* Responsive-ize the To address dropdown
* Hide identicons instead at small enough screen sizes
* Fix repsonsiveness of dropdown further
* Fix responsiveness of table rows and inputs
* Truncate account info and switch identicons to the right for consistency
* Use classnames instead of targetting element directly for DWM
* Display a notice if the entered query doesnt match a label and isnt an addr
* Don't show an error on the To address if its a label entry
* Display an error under AddressBookTableRow in real time
* Display errors in real time for AddressBookTable temp inputs
* Add realtime validation to AccountAddress
* Ensure toChecksumAddress is used when entering labels to address manager
* Show errors even after blurring.
* Only show errors on address/label entry if they have been blurred
* On certain inputs, show an invalid input immediately
* Add displayed errors for labels with 0x and labels containing ens
* Move ENS checking validation out
* Add a saga for addLabelForAddress
* Completely revamp the redux side of Address Manager and test it all
* Adjust components to use new redux addressBook
* Incorporate new redux into AddressBookTableRow and clean up for linter
* Make linter and tests happy
* Another reduxy overhaul
* Still fixing it
* More redux updates
* Finalize redux stuff.
* Incorporate new reduxy way into AddressBookTable & Row
* Incorporate redux changes into Account Address
* Small tests fix
* Add and fix some selector tests
* Addressing Will's comments
* Shortened visibility class for line length reasons.
* Change gas price validation to be string input based
* Change sanitization to use Nunber
* Have validators use Number over parseFloat
* Fix css validation class
* Add valid css to address field
* Add data field validation
* Remove unused import
* Fix button being hidden on inputs
* Dead code removal
* Unify textarea and input class validation
* Adjust validity styling to only apply after a value has been inputted
* Do not pass custom props to DOM
* Fix#1569
* Use common component for handling "to" address
* If to address becomes invalid, hide contract interact explorer
* Add IS_CONTRACT_INTERACTION mode - fix bugs related to contract interact
* Bump shepherd version to fix bugs related to metamask + network switches
* Update mycrypto link downloads
* Update facebook link
* Remove console log from checktx
* Fix dollar sign on contract address in conf modal
* Fix unchecksummed address for metamask signing
* Cleanup unused classname
* Update generate keystore file description to be correct
* Add space to create new wallet banner
* Remove extra variable
* Do checksumming in library function instead of component
* Clear state on address change
* Only do node checks when node change isnt pending
* bump mycrypto-shepherd version
* Use shepherds selectors
* Use shepherd pending state for checking for offline
* Fix tsc error
* mycrypto-shepherd -> myc-shepherd
* set mycrypto-shepherd
* Parity Signer Squashed
* ParitySigner to be a container
* Parity Signer: style and polish
* target blank on appstore links
* PR fixes
* Move QrSignerModal to SendTransaction container
* Rework redux, use signing saga
* Cleanup
* Use new logo, change helpLink
* Rework finalize actions and types a bit
* Webcam info + wiki link on unlock screen
* Make the Parity QR Signer its own component, that has error messaging and ismore robust about adding / removing cameras.
* Unneded l10n
* Initial attempt at webpack 4 upgrade, still not working.
* Remove unused modules, update some more packages.
* Wrangle types due to webpack weirdness.
* Undefined function
* Package updates.
* Replace extract text plugin. Re-add unusable code, but comment it out.
* Fix uglification
* Remove custom uglify, disable concatenateModules
* Upgrade and reenable favicons. Get rid of CSS warning.
* Fix up tscheck
* Add webpack modes to freezer, electron.
* Uodate webpack dev middleware
* Save transactions to local storage.
* Checksum more things + reset hash on network change.
* Fix IHexTransaction type, grab from from tx object directly.
* Refactor storage of recent transactions to use redux storage and loading.
* Refactor types to a transactions types file.
* Initial crack at recent transactions tab on account
* Punctuation.
* Transaction Status responsive behavior.
* Refactor transaction helper function out to remove circular dependency.
* Fix typings
* Collapse subtabs to select list when too small.
* s/wallet/address
* Type select onChange
* Get fields from current state if web3 tx
* Allow zero number
* Fail when request payment is zero value, or if you try to send token with zero value.
* Parseint instead of addition casting to catch empty string.
* Clear serialized transaction on any change to transaction state
* Fix tsc errors
* remove console error
* Remove property mutations
* dont reset network unit when unit property isnt being reset
* Set default unit to 'ETH' instead of 'ether'
* Use 'isEtherUnit()' everywhere
* Set default unit to empty string
* Update isEthUnit to isNetworkUnit
* Fix unit conversion for non-ethereum networks
* Set default network unit properly
* Fix tests
* fix typos
* Update isNetworkUnit selector
* Update isNetworkUnit
* Fix validationhelpers tests
* Add mock state to tests & Move isNetworkUnit to selectors
* Fix validation helper spec
* fix unit swap spec
* Configure sagas and components to react to network switch.
* tscheck
* Update tests with new behavior.
* tscheck
* Log out of wallet on network change.
* Fix up test.
* Refactor swaps:
* Remove references to bity fallback, it aint happening
* Consolidate sagas to single orchestrator function like other sagas
* Grab rates once, dont continuously poll
* tscheck
* Re-instate the auto-fetching behavior. This time, only notify the first time.
* Make CurrentRates responsible for redux actions. Fix up some typings.
* Remove commented code.
* Update snapshot.
* Give each network the ability to specify default estimates, and whether or not they should fetch estimates from API. Convert gas slider to always use estimates.
* Fix gas cache invalidation, invalid too high / low logic.
* Fix up tests.
* tscheck
* Setup api / reducers / actions for gas.
* Implement gas price saga, fetch from component, and loading states. Blocked on CORS.
* Implement caching mechanism.
* Add tests for gas saga and reducer.
* More testing.
* Indicate that gas price is recommended when fetched from API.
* Hide track while loading.
* Fix tscheck.
* Check gas estimate before assuming its ok.
* Check for correct logical order of gas prices.
* Tscheck fixes.
* Component layer and routing for transaction status.
* Initial start on redux for transactions.
* Initial crack at reducer / actions / saga for transactions.
* Finish off check transaction saga, reducer, component, and page.
* Start splitting networks into their own reducers
* Split out nodes and networks into their own reducers
* Cleanup file structure
* Make selectors for new state
* Change custom network typing
* re-type repo
* Fix up components to use selectors, work on fixing sagas
* Provide consistency in naming, fix more sagas
* Get non web3 node switching working
* Split config rehydration off into a different file for store
* Inline auth for custom nodes
* Include typing for app state
* moar selectors
* Get web3 working + cleanup sagas
* Cleanup tsc errors
* Use forof loop instead of foreach for clearing pruning custom networks
* Add reducer tests for new redux state
* Export needed variables
* Add console error
* Remove old comment
* Work on saga tests
* Get passing existing saga tests
* Fix more tests
* Remove irrlevant tests
* add console error
* Get rest of tests passing
* Fix merge errors
* Remove random text
* Fix store saving
* Fix selector lib only grabbing from static nodes
* Fix custom node removal crashing app
* Infer selected network via node
* Prune custom networks properly on node removal
* Infer network name from chainid from selecting state
* Cleanup tsc errors
* Remove MEW nodes for main and testnet
* Restyled, recopied, and did some component refactoring for ENS.
* Awkward copy fix.
* Update snapshot.
* Overflow table handling.
* Re-enable on error.
* Use shapeshift for all swaps.
* Replace existing redux-promise-middleware based CCRequest action with saga based action.
* Remove module from package.json, store middleware, webpack_config.
* fix snapshot
* Add return typing
* Add test for saga
* Refactor BaseNode to be an interface INode
* Initial contract commit
* Remove redundant fallback ABI function
* First working iteration of Contract generator to be used in ENS branch
* Hide abi to clean up logging output
* Strip 0x prefix from output decode
* Handle unnamed output params
* Implement ability to supply output mappings to ABI functions
* Fix null case in outputMapping
* Add flow typing
* Add .call method to functions
* Partial commit for type refactor
* Temp contract type fix -- waiting for NPM modularization
* Remove empty files
* Cleanup contract
* Add call request to node interface
* Fix output mapping types
* Revert destructuring overboard
* Add sendCallRequest to rpcNode class and add typing
* Use enum for selecting ABI methods
* Add transaction capability to contracts
* Cleanup privaite/public members
* Remove broadcasting step from a contract transaction
* Cleanup uneeded types
* Refactor ens-base to typescript and add typings for ENS smart contracts
* Migrate ens-name-search to TS
* Add IResolveDomainRequest
* Fix rest of TSC errors
* Add definition file for bn.js
* Remove types-bn
* Fix some typings
* make isBN a static property
* progress commit -- swap out bignumber.js for bn.js
* Swap out bignumber for bn in vendor
* Change modn to number return
* Start to strip out units lib for a string manipulation based lib
* Convert codebase to only base units
* Get rid of useless component
* Handle only wei in values
* Use unit conversion in sidebar
* Automatically strip hex prefix, and handle decimal edge case
* Handle base 16 wei in transactions
* Make a render callback component for dealing with unit conversion
* Switch contracts to use bn.js, and get transaction values from signedTx instead of state
* Get send transaction working with bn.js
* Remove redundant hex stripping, return base value of tokens
* Cleanup unit file
* Re-implement toFixed for strings
* Use formatNumber in codebase
* Cleanup code
* Undo package test changes
* Update snapshot and remove console logs
* Use TokenValue / Wei more consistently where applicable
* Add typing to deterministicWallets, fix confirmation modal, make UnitDisplay more flexible
* Split different ENS modes into their own components
* Fix Abi typedef
* Remove redundant moment type package
* Add Aux helper component
* Split out resolve components
* Make 'to' parameter optional
* Change import type
* Change typing to be base domain request
* Split handling of resolving into object handler
* Fix countdown component
* Adjust element spacing
* Implement reveal search functionality
* Add unit display for highest bidder
* Fill out forbidden/NYA modes
* ENS wallet component skeleton
* Clean up prop handling in UnitDisplay
* Change instanceof to typeof check, change boolean of displayBalance
* Add ENS wallet component
* Cleanup spacing
* Convert ConfModal for bidding in ENS
* Make ui component for placing bids
* Fix destructure in placeBid
* Pass through entire wallet
* Remove text center
* Display inline notification ENS isValid & add some ENS tests
* Add export of Aux
* Reformat with prettier
* progress...
* Add ENSUnlockLayout
* Add RevealBid component
* organize NameResolve components
* Merge ENS with transaction-refactor changes
* Fix address resolution
* Update styles
* convert ens name to lowercase before checking
* Add overflow-y:scroll to table
* update ens snapshots & tests
* cast 'undefined' state argument as any for testing
* clean up components
* Connect unitconverter to redux state
* remove unnecessary type assertion
* fix spinner size
* remove old bidmodal
* validate bidmask before opening modal
* progress...
* Update styles
* Add saga / actions for placing a bid
* Update types & clean up dead code
* Delete old test
* Dispatch PlaceBidRequested acitons
* Progress commit -- get ENS bidding ready for tx generation via sagas
* Seperate ENS action creators and types
* Add reducer & actions for ENS fields
* Add preliminary sagas for bid mask and bid value
* Fix ts errors
* Get bidding fields connected with some validation
* Clean up generate bid
* Hook up generate bid to redux state
* Get bid data generation working
* Add support for bidding on already open auctions
* Move bid generation states to redux, improve default field values
* Remove generate bid component
* Throttle bid generation
* Progress commit -- Bid Modal
* Hook bidmodal component up to bidding component
* Update template modal to handle custom confirm behavior
* Remove old redux bidding actions, add new one for downloaded bids
* Save downloaded bids to local storage
* Finish bidding modal
* Fix gas estimation bug
* Fix typing
* Remove bidding related functionality
* Get passing unit tests
* Make previous test more comprehensive
* Fix ts errors
* Remove commented code
* Fix invalid return
* Remove implementation of revealing bid
* Update snapshot
* Fix tests
* Delegate bidding to V3
* Make generic modal
* Allow generic modals to be injected into send button component
* Refactor generate transaction, cleanup transaction sagas, simplify signing process
* Get passing unit tests
* Make previous test more comprehensive
* Fix ts errors
* Move address messages to config folder, add some other messages for common pitfalls.
* Fix checksum vs lowercase issues.
* Use gas limit if an address message specified one. Allow messages to have a custom severity. Add a function for getting message to reduce complexity.
* Handle address message gas limit on all actions, make separate saga fn.
* Apparently I used the wrong takeEvery?
* PureComponent a ton of non-connected components.
* Debounce gas price slider. Keep gas price in state to reflect changes immediately.
* PureComponent balance sidebar and swap unconnected components.
* Import correct component.
* Move debouncing of gas slider to sagas via gasPriceInputIntent action.
* Remove console log.
* Remove leftover file from merge.