* Banner announcement cuts off mailchimp on mobile
* Hide site version on mobile. Added version to footer as well in case someone _really_ needs to check it.
* Shrink pre-footer font size on mobile.
* Fix column breakpoint for force offline send (Was stacking, now remains side-by-side.)
* Reduce header dropdown sizes at mobile. Force gas dropdown to the left side so its not offscreen.
* Columnify contracts for better mobile behavior and less code.
* Remove leftover string interpolation
* Better mobile header / nav sizing.
* offline-send mvp
* cleanup unneeded imports
* - create pollOfflineStatus action, action creator, interface
* expand UnlockHeader when collapse-button is clicked, instead of div
* kick-off pollOfflineStatus upon SendTransaction mount.
* Create sagas for polling offline status
* remove comment
* - create CONFIG_FORCE_OFFLINE action, action creator, interface
* Adjust OfflineToggle terms to "Force Online/Offline", and understand when forced offline and when really offline.
* - Assume offline in SendTransaction when either offline or forcedOffline
* - handle forceOffline action in reducer
- adjust state type / provide default state for forceOffline in config reducer
* adjust test to pass with different key name
* fix incorrect import
* - allow size to be specified in offline toggle
* - Decode and display nonce in confirmation modal
* - set default nonces when forced offline and have online connectivity based on transaction count
- pass nonce to generateCompleteTransaction
- refactor componentDidUpdate
* Allow optional nonce to be passed to generateCompleteTransaction
* - create stripHexPrefix function
* - cleanup sagas
* move getParam into helper util
* update address on component update
* - show spinner while transaction is being signed
- reset state when wallet instance changes (new wallet instantiated via UnlockHeader)
* center-align offline message
* Adjust force offline/online button text
* - validate nonces when offline
- only estimate gas when online
- don't show send tx button when offline
* - break generateCompleteTransactionFromRawTransaction into multiple functions.
- support offline generation in generateCompleteTransaction (and generateCompleteTransactionFromRawTransaction). Balance checking is now only done when not offline to support offline generation.
* Create Help component (to be used as a tooltip)
* Disable hardware wallets when offline.
* Hide Send Entire Balance when balance is falsy
* Show help icon in nonce field.
* - show helper instructions on how to broadcast when user is offline after generating a tx
- hardcoded gas limits when offline
- refactors
* create isPositiveInteger helper function
* fix nonce validation
* really fix nonce validation (specifically the input highlighting)
* remove stray // @flow's
* remove offline tab nav
* remove unused action arg
* address PR comments