* Add better password checking, confirm password, feedback, and up the minimum to 12.
* Move wallet generation off to a web worker, and bump up the n value to 8192. Refactor workers a wee bit.
* tscheck cleanup
* Make keystore password a form. Replace text with spinner on load.
* Center align again.
* Hard code n factor of test wallet, fix some misspelled type definitions for IV3Wallet.
* Basic webpack build started.
* Get build working with electron-packager. Not fully satisfied, might investigate electron-builder.
* Custom title bar
* Rewrite all webpack configs to use common function. Organize webpack utils. Split into multiple dist folders.
* Replace electron build with electron-builder. Leave around packager for a bit.
* Check in progress on updater.
* Update modal flow.
* Fix tscheck.
* Adjust publish info.
* Arbitrary version bump.
* Bump version again.
* 5.0.2 bump fix autodownload.
* 5.0.2 bump again, readd dmg
* 5.0.3 bump
* Turn auto update back off. Log errors. Revert versions.
* Add os-specific builds. Improve update failure.
* Open external links in browser in electron.
* Remove custom title bar temporarily.
* Add info about the update download to the modal.
* Turn off development changes.
* Take the postBuild sorting script and move it into a webpack config.
* Initial conversion to typescript and electron-webpack.
* Switch from electron-webpack back to custom config, clean up unused code, typify electron bridge.
* Better typing for bridge.
* Remove unnecessary file.
* Reminify.
* Add shared folder resolving to jest config.
* Add enum to electron events
* Increases Modal's width to better fit in the content.
* Restore the image side behavior so that images are sometimes on the left, not always on the right
* Allows modal to dynamically size its height.
* This reduces some awkward whitespace, and makes it so you can't just jam on the "Next" button since it moves a bit, should slow some people down to at least catch the headlines.
* Restore the alert style on the opening modal
* Provide a mobile-friendly progress stepper.
* This module's markup kind of sucks, so the restyling code is heinous. Sorry.
* Scrolls the user to the top after hitting "Next" or "Previous"
* On mobile, you would stay scrolled at the bottom. Much nicer feeling now.
* Tons of text and content spacing / color / size adjustments.
* Check offline status immediately.
* If they start the page offline, show a less severe error message.
* Get rid of offline aware header. Disable wallet options when offline.
* Add online indicator to the header.
* Prevent some components from render, some requests from firing when offline.
* Allow for array of elements with typing.
* Dont show dollars in fee summary when offline.
* Fix up saga tests.
* Fix sidebar component offline styles.
* Remove force offline.
* Dont request rates if offline.
* Nonce in advanced, show even of online.
* Show invalid advanced props.
* Fix up offline poll tests.