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synced 2025-02-05 07:43:30 +00:00
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
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<title>Group 3</title>
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After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.8 KiB |
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ export const GenerateTransaction: React.SFC<{}> = () => (
withProps={({ disabled, isWeb3Wallet, onClick }) => (
<button disabled={disabled} className="btn btn-info btn-block" onClick={onClick}>
{isWeb3Wallet ? translate('Send to MetaMask / Mist') : translate('DEP_signtx')}
{isWeb3Wallet ? translate('SEND_generate') : translate('DEP_signtx')}
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ import {
} from 'config';
import { isWeb3NodeAvailable } from 'libs/nodes/web3';
import CipherIcon from 'assets/images/wallets/cipher.svg';
import LedgerIcon from 'assets/images/wallets/ledger.svg';
import MetamaskIcon from 'assets/images/wallets/metamask.svg';
import MistIcon from 'assets/images/wallets/mist.svg';
@ -105,6 +106,10 @@ export interface InsecureWalletInfo extends BaseWalletInfo {
interface MiscWalletInfo extends InsecureWalletInfo {}
const WEB3_TYPES = {
CipherProvider: {
lid: 'x_Cipher',
icon: CipherIcon
MetamaskInpageProvider: {
lid: 'x_MetaMask',
icon: MetamaskIcon
@ -132,8 +137,8 @@ export class WalletDecrypt extends Component<Props, State> {
// index signature should become [key: Wallets] (from config) once typescript bug is fixed
public WALLETS: Wallets = {
[SecureWalletName.WEB3]: {
lid: WEB3_TYPE ? WEB3_TYPES[WEB3_TYPE].lid : 'x_Web3',
icon: WEB3_TYPE && WEB3_TYPES[WEB3_TYPE].icon,
lid: WEB3_TYPE && WEB3_TYPES ? WEB3_TYPES[WEB3_TYPE].lid : 'x_Web3',
icon: WEB3_TYPE && WEB3_TYPES && WEB3_TYPES[WEB3_TYPE].icon,
description: 'ADD_Web3Desc',
component: Web3Decrypt,
initialParams: {},
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import { getValues } from '../utils/helpers';
export const languages = require('./languages.json');
// Displays in the footer
export const VERSION = '0.3.0 (BETA)';
export const VERSION = '0.3.1 (BETA)';
export const N_FACTOR = 8192;
// Displays at the top of the site, make message empty string to remove.
@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
"x_AddessDesc": "Your Address can also be known as you `Account #` or your `Public Key`. It is what you share with people so they can send you Ether or Tokens. Find the colorful address icon. Make sure it matches your paper wallet & whenever you enter your address somewhere.",
"x_Address": "Your Address ",
"x_Cancel": "Cancel ",
"x_Cipher": "Cipher Browser",
"x_CSV": "CSV file (unencrypted) ",
"x_Download": "Download ",
"x_Json": "JSON File (unencrypted) ",
@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
"x_AddessDesc": "Dies ist deine \"Kontonummer\" oder dein \"Öffentlicher Schlüssel\". Du benötigst diese Adresse, wenn dir jemand Ether oder Tokens senden möchte. Das Icon ist eine einfache Möglichkeit, die Adresse zu überprüfen ",
"x_Address": "Deine Adresse ",
"x_Cancel": "Abbrechen ",
"x_Cipher": "Cipher Browser",
"x_CSV": "CSV-Datei (unverschlüsselt) ",
"x_Download": "Herunterladen ",
"x_Json": "JSON-Datei (unverschlüsselt) ",
@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
"x_AddessDesc": "Η διεύθυνσή σας είναι επίσης γνωστή ως `αριθμός λογαριασμού` σας ή `δημόσιο κλειδί` σας. Είναι αυτό που κοινοποιείτε σε άλλους ανθρώπους ώστε να μπορούν να σας στείλουν αιθέρα ή μάρκες. Βρείτε το χρωματιστό εικονίδιο διεύθυνσης. Σιγουρευτείτε ότι ταιριάζει με το χάρτινο πορτοφόλι σας και όταν εισάγετε τη διεύθυνσή σας κάπου.",
"x_Address": "Η διεύθυνσή σας ",
"x_Cancel": "Ακύρωση ",
"x_Cipher": "Cipher Browser",
"x_CSV": "Αρχείο CSV (μη κρυπτογραφημένο) ",
"x_Download": "Λήψη ",
"x_Json": "Αρχείο JSON (μη κρυπτογραφημένο) ",
@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
"x_AddessDesc": "Your Address can also be known as you `Account #` or your `Public Key`. It is what you share with people so they can send you Ether or Tokens. Find the colorful address icon. Make sure it matches your paper wallet & whenever you enter your address somewhere.",
"x_Address": "Your Address ",
"x_Cancel": "Cancel ",
"x_Cipher": "Cipher Browser",
"x_CSV": "CSV file (unencrypted) ",
"x_Download": "Download ",
"x_Json": "JSON File (unencrypted) ",
@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
"x_AddessDesc": "Your Address can also be known as you `Account #` or your `Public Key`. It is what you share with people so they can send you Ether or Tokens. Find the colorful address icon. Make sure it matches your paper wallet & whenever you enter your address somewhere. Puedes pensar en esto como tu \"número de cuenta\" o tu \"clave pública\". Es lo que le das a la gente para que te puedan enviar ether. Ese icono es una forma fácil de reconocer tu dirección. ",
"x_Address": "Tu dirección ",
"x_Cancel": "Cancelar ",
"x_Cipher": "Cipher Browser",
"x_CSV": "Archivo CSV (sin encriptar) ",
"x_Download": "Descargar ",
"x_Json": "Archivo JSON (sin encriptar) ",
@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
"x_AddessDesc": "Your Address can also be known as you `Account #` or your `Public Key`. It is what you share with people so they can send you Ether or Tokens. Find the colorful address icon. Make sure it matches your paper wallet & whenever you enter your address somewhere. Saatat tuntea tämän \"Tilinumeronasi\" tai \"Julkisena Salausavaimenasi\". Tämä on se jonka jaat ihmisille, jotta he voivat lähettää sinulle ETHiä. Tuo kuvake on helppo tapa tunnistaa sinun osoitteesi. ",
"x_Address": "Sinun osoitteesi ",
"x_Cancel": "Peruuta ",
"x_Cipher": "Cipher Browser",
"x_CSV": "CSV tiedosto (salaamaton) ",
"x_Download": "Lataa ",
"x_Json": "JSON Tiedosto (salaamaton) ",
@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
"x_AddessDesc": "Aussi appelé `numéro de compte` ou `clé publique`. C'est ce que vous donnez aux gens pour qu'ils puissent vous envoyer des Ethers ou des Tokens. Prenez note de l'icône colorée. Cette icône doit être identique quand vous entrez votre adresse quelque part.",
"x_Address": "Votre adresse ",
"x_Cancel": "Annuler ",
"x_Cipher": "Cipher Browser",
"x_CSV": "Fichier CSV (non-chiffré) ",
"x_Download": "Télécharger ",
"x_Json": "Fichier JSON (non-chiffré) ",
@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
"x_AddessDesc": "Your Address can also be known as you `Account #` or your `Public Key`. It is what you share with people so they can send you Ether or Tokens. Find the colorful address icon. Make sure it matches your paper wallet & whenever you enter your address somewhere. You may know this as your \"Account #\" or your \"Public Key\". It is what you send people so they can send you ether. That icon is an easy way to recognize your address. ",
"x_Address": "Your Address ",
"x_Cancel": "Cancel ",
"x_Cipher": "Cipher Browser",
"x_CSV": "CSV file (unencrypted) ",
"x_Download": "Download ",
"x_Json": "JSON File (unencrypted) ",
@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
"x_AddessDesc": "Your Address can also be known as you `Account #` or your `Public Key`. It is what you share with people so they can send you Ether or Tokens. Find the colorful address icon. Make sure it matches your paper wallet & whenever you enter your address somewhere. Úgy is ismerheted ezt, mint \"Számlaszám\" vagy \"Publikus Kulcs\". Ez az amit a partnereidnek küldesz, hogy tudjanak ETH-et küldeni neked. Az oldalsó ikon egyszerű módja a saját címed felismerésének. ",
"x_Address": "A Te címed ",
"x_Cancel": "Mégse ",
"x_Cipher": "Cipher Browser",
"x_CSV": "CSV fájl (titkosítatlan) ",
"x_Download": "Letöltés ",
"x_Json": "JSON Fájl (titkosítatlan) ",
@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
"x_AddessDesc": "Your Address can also be known as you `Account #` or your `Public Key`. It is what you share with people so they can send you Ether or Tokens. Find the colorful address icon. Make sure it matches your paper wallet & whenever you enter your address somewhere. Biasa dikenal dengan \"Account #\" atau \"Public Key\". Berikan alamat ini kepada yang ingin mengirim ether ke Anda. Icon yang ditampilkan di sampingnya memudahkan mengenal alamat Anda. ",
"x_Address": "Alamat Anda ",
"x_Cancel": "Batal ",
"x_Cipher": "Cipher Browser",
"x_CSV": "File CSV (tidak ter-enkripsi) ",
"x_Download": "Unduh ",
"x_Json": "File JSON (tidak ter-enkripsi) ",
@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
"x_AddessDesc": "Il tuo indirizzo può anche essere chiamato `Numero di conto` o `Chiave pubblica`. È ciò che condividi con chi ti vuole inviare degli ether o dei token. Individua l'icona colorata dell'indirizzo. Assicurati che corrisponda al tuo portafoglio cartaceo e controllala ogni volta che inserisci il tuo indirizzo da qualche parte.",
"x_Address": "Il tuo indirizzo ",
"x_Cancel": "Annulla ",
"x_Cipher": "Cipher Browser",
"x_CSV": "File CSV (non crittografato) ",
"x_Download": "Download ",
"x_Json": "File JSON (non crittografato) ",
@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
"x_AddessDesc": "Your Address can also be known as you `Account #` or your `Public Key`. It is what you share with people so they can send you Ether or Tokens. Find the colorful address icon. Make sure it matches your paper wallet & whenever you enter your address somewhere. これは自分のアカウント番号と公開鍵になります。ETHを送信するために必要な情報です。アイコンは自分のアドレスを識別するものです。 ",
"x_Address": "自分のアドレス ",
"x_Cancel": "取り消す ",
"x_Cipher": "Cipher Browser",
"x_CSV": "CSV ファイル (未暗号化) ",
"x_Download": "ダウンロード ",
"x_Json": "JSON ファイル (未暗号化) ",
@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
"x_AddessDesc": "Your Address can also be known as you `Account #` or your `Public Key`. It is what you share with people so they can send you Ether or Tokens. Find the colorful address icon. Make sure it matches your paper wallet & whenever you enter your address somewhere. 이것은 자신의 계좌 번호와 공개 키입니다. ETH를 전송하기 위해 필요한 정보입니다. 아이콘은 자신의 주소를 식별합니다. ",
"x_Address": "내 주소 ",
"x_Cancel": "취소 ",
"x_Cipher": "Cipher Browser",
"x_CSV": "CSV 파일 (암호화되지 않음) ",
"x_Download": "다운로드 ",
"x_Json": "JSON 파일 (암호화되지 않음) ",
@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
"x_AddessDesc": "Je Adres wordt ook wel je `Account #` of je Publieke Sleutel (\"Public Key\") genoemd. Dit is wat je deelt met anderen zodat ze je Ether of Tokens kunnen toesturen. Zie ook je kleurrijke adres icoon. Zorg ervoor dat het matched met je paper wallet & waar dan ook wanneer je je adres ergens invoerd. Dit icoon is een makkelijke manier om je adres te herkennen. ",
"x_Address": "Je Adres ",
"x_Cancel": "Annuleren ",
"x_Cipher": "Cipher Browser",
"x_CSV": "CSV bestand (onversleuteld) ",
"x_Download": "Download ",
"x_Json": "JSON Bestand (onversleuteld) ",
@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
"x_AddessDesc": "Din `adresse` kalles også for `kontonummer` eller `offentlig nøkkel`. Det er denne du sender til folk så de kan sende deg Ether eller Tokens. Find det fargerike adresse-ikonet. Forsikre deg om at det er likt med ikonet på papir-lommeboken din og ellers hver gang du oppgir adressen din. ",
"x_Address": "Din adresse ",
"x_Cancel": "x_Annuler ",
"x_Cipher": "Cipher Browser",
"x_CSV": "CSV-fil (ukryptert) ",
"x_Download": "Last ned ",
"x_Json": "JSON-fil (ukryptert) ",
@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
"x_AddessDesc": "Your Address can also be known as you `Account #` or your `Public Key`. It is what you share with people so they can send you Ether or Tokens. Find the colorful address icon. Make sure it matches your paper wallet & whenever you enter your address somewhere. Inaczej \"Numer konta\" lub \"Klucz publiczny\". Wysyłasz go innym aby mogli Ci wysłać ether. Ikona umożliwia łatwe rozpoznanie Twojego adresu. ",
"x_Address": "Twój Adres ",
"x_Cancel": "Anuluj ",
"x_Cipher": "Cipher Browser",
"x_CSV": "Plik CSV (nieszyfrowany) ",
"x_Download": "Pobierz ",
"x_Json": "Plik JSON (nieszyfrowany) ",
@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
"x_AddessDesc": "Your Address can also be known as you `Account #` or your `Public Key`. It is what you share with people so they can send you Ether or Tokens. Find the colorful address icon. Make sure it matches your paper wallet & whenever you enter your address somewhere. Você deve saber sua \"Conta #\" ou sua \"Chave Pública\". É o que você enviar para que as pessoas possam enviar-lhe ether. Esse ícone é uma maneira fácil de reconhecer o seu endereço. ",
"x_Address": "Seu Endereço ",
"x_Cancel": "Cancelar ",
"x_Cipher": "Cipher Browser",
"x_CSV": "Arquivo CSV (não criptografado) ",
"x_Download": "Download ",
"x_Json": "Arquivo JSON (não criptografada) ",
@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
"x_AddessDesc": "Your Address can also be known as you `Account #` or your `Public Key`. It is what you share with people so they can send you Ether or Tokens. Find the colorful address icon. Make sure it matches your paper wallet & whenever you enter your address somewhere. Это можно назвать \"номер Вашего счёта\" или \"Ваш открытый ключ\". Вы сообщаете этот адрес людям, чтобы они могли отправлять Вам эфир (ether). Картинка позволяет легко опознать Ваш адрес среди других адресов. ",
"x_Address": "Ваш адрес ",
"x_Cancel": "Отменить ",
"x_Cipher": "Cipher Browser",
"x_CSV": "Файл CSV (не зашифрован) ",
"x_Download": "Скачать ",
"x_Json": "Файл JSON (не зашифрован) ",
@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
"x_AddessDesc": "Your Address can also be known as you `Account #` or your `Public Key`. It is what you share with people so they can send you Ether or Tokens. Find the colorful address icon. Make sure it matches your paper wallet & whenever you enter your address somewhere. Možno to poznate ako vaše \"Konto #\" alebo váš \"Verejný Kľúč\". Adresa je to, čo pošlete ľudom, aby vám mohli poslať ETH. Táto ikona vám pomôže rozpoznať vašu adresu. ",
"x_Address": "Vaša Adresa ",
"x_Cancel": "Zrušiť ",
"x_Cipher": "Cipher Browser",
"x_CSV": "CSV súbor (nezašifrovaný) ",
"x_Download": "Stiahnuť ",
"x_Json": "JSON Súbor (nezašifrovaný) ",
@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
"x_AddessDesc": "Your Address can also be known as you `Account #` or your `Public Key`. It is what you share with people so they can send you Ether or Tokens. Find the colorful address icon. Make sure it matches your paper wallet & whenever you enter your address somewhere. To je vaš \"Naslov #\" oziroma vaš \"Osebni Ključ\". Ta naslov lahko pošljete drugim, zato da vedo kam vam poslati ether. Ta ikona je unikatna, je grafični prikaz številke vašega naslova in vam ga pomaga lažje prepoznati. ",
"x_Address": "Vaš Naslov ",
"x_Cancel": "Prekliči ",
"x_Cipher": "Cipher Browser",
"x_CSV": "CSV datoteka (nekriptirana) ",
"x_Download": "Prenesi ",
"x_Json": "JSON Datoteka (nekriptirana) ",
@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
"x_AddessDesc": "Your Address can also be known as you `Account #` or your `Public Key`. It is what you share with people so they can send you Ether or Tokens. Find the colorful address icon. Make sure it matches your paper wallet & whenever you enter your address somewhere. Det här är vad som ibland kallas \"Publik Nyckel\", \"Adress\" eller \"Konto nr\". Det är vad du ger människor så att de kan skicka dig ether. Den här ikonen är ett enkelt sätt att känna igen din adress. ",
"x_Address": "Din Adress ",
"x_Cancel": "Avbryt ",
"x_Cipher": "Cipher Browser",
"x_CSV": "CSV fil (okrypterad) ",
"x_Download": "Ladda Ner ",
"x_Json": "JSON Fil (okrypterad) ",
@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
"x_AddessDesc": "Your Address can also be known as you `Account #` or your `Public Key`. It is what you share with people so they can send you Ether or Tokens. Find the colorful address icon. Make sure it matches your paper wallet & whenever you enter your address somewhere. Bu \"hesap numarası\" veya \"genel anahtar\" dir. Birisi ether göndermek istiyorsa bu adresi kullanmasi gerekir. Ikon adresini kontrol etmek kolay bir yoldur ",
"x_Address": "Adresin ",
"x_Cancel": "Iptal et ",
"x_Cipher": "Cipher Browser",
"x_CSV": "CSV dosya (şifrelenmemis) ",
"x_Download": "Indir ",
"x_Json": "JSON dosya (şifrelenmemis) ",
@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
"x_AddessDesc": "Your Address can also be known as you `Account #` or your `Public Key`. It is what you share with people so they can send you Ether or Tokens. Find the colorful address icon. Make sure it matches your paper wallet & whenever you enter your address somewhere. Bạn có thể xem đây là Địa chỉ ví cá nhân của bạn. Bạn có thể gửi \"Địa chỉ ví\" này đến người mà bạn muốn nhận ETH từ họ. Biểu tượng bên cạnh giúp việc nhận dạng \"Địa chỉ ví\" của bạn dễ dàng hơn. ",
"x_Address": "Địa Chỉ Của Bạn ",
"x_Cancel": "Huỷ ",
"x_Cipher": "Cipher Browser",
"x_CSV": "Định Dạng CSV (Không mã hoá) ",
"x_Download": "Tải Về Máy ",
"x_Json": "Định Dạng JSON (Không mã hoá) ",
@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
"x_AddessDesc": "Your Address can also be known as you `Account #` or your `Public Key`. It is what you share with people so they can send you Ether or Tokens. Find the colorful address icon. Make sure it matches your paper wallet & whenever you enter your address somewhere. 你可以把地址理解为你的“账户”或者“公钥”。你将地址告诉别人,他们就可以向你发送以太币。那个图标有助于判别你的地址。 ",
"x_Address": "你的地址 ",
"x_Cancel": "拒绝 ",
"x_Cipher": "Cipher Browser",
"x_CSV": "CSV文件(未加密) ",
"x_Download": "下载 ",
"x_Json": "JSON文件(未加密) ",
@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
"x_AddessDesc": "Your Address can also be known as you `Account #` or your `Public Key`. It is what you share with people so they can send you Ether or Tokens. Find the colorful address icon. Make sure it matches your paper wallet & whenever you enter your address somewhere. 你可以把地址當作是你的\"帳號\"或者\"公鑰\"。將地址告訴他人,他人就能發送乙太幣給你。這個圖標能幫助你判別地址。 ",
"x_Address": "你的地址 ",
"x_Cancel": "取消 ",
"x_Cipher": "Cipher Browser",
"x_CSV": "CSV 檔 (未加密) ",
"x_Download": "下載 ",
"x_Json": "JSON 檔 (未加密) ",
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"name": "MyCrypto",
"author": "MyCryptoHQ",
"version": "0.3.0",
"version": "0.3.1",
"main": "main.js",
"description": "MyCrypto web and electron app",
"repository": "https://github.com/MyCryptoHQ/MyCrypto",
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