
56 lines
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2017-08-24 18:41:47 +02:00
import PrivKeyWallet from './libs/wallet/privkey';
import assert from 'assert';
const { exec } = require('child_process');
const ProgressBar = require('progress');
// FIXME pick a less magic number
const derivationRounds = 100;
const dockerImage = 'dternyak/eth-priv-to-addr';
const dockerTag = 'latest';
const bar = new ProgressBar(':percent :bar', { total: derivationRounds });
function promiseFromChildProcess(command) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
return exec(command, (err, stdout) => {
err ? reject(err) : resolve(stdout);
async function privToAddrViaDocker(privKeyWallet) {
const command = `docker run -e key=${privKeyWallet.getPrivateKey()} ${dockerImage}:${dockerTag}`;
const dockerOutput = await promiseFromChildProcess(command);
const newlineStrippedDockerOutput = dockerOutput.replace(
return newlineStrippedDockerOutput;
async function testDerivation() {
const privKeyWallet = PrivKeyWallet.generate();
const privKeyWalletAddress = await privKeyWallet.getAddress();
const dockerAddr = await privToAddrViaDocker(privKeyWallet);
// strip the checksum
const lowerCasedPrivKeyWalletAddress = privKeyWalletAddress.toLowerCase();
// ensure that pyethereum privToAddr derivation matches our (js based) derivation
assert.strictEqual(dockerAddr, lowerCasedPrivKeyWalletAddress);
async function testDerivationNTimes(n = derivationRounds) {
let totalRounds = 0;
while (totalRounds < n) {
await testDerivation();
totalRounds += 1;
console.log('Starting testing...');
testDerivationNTimes().then(() => {
console.log(`Succeeded testing derivation ${derivationRounds} times :)`);